Understanding and Improving Customer Satisfaction

This is a paper that focuses on the Understanding and Improving Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty toward Cegin. The paper also addresses the objectives on marketing recommendations.

Understanding and Improving Customer Satisfaction

Note: this report should be written in a style and format suitable for a reader who is a manager of the retailer/outlet (Cegin)
Note: the data to be analysed is the aggregated data combining all the data collected by the class.
Aim: Understanding and Improving Customer (Bangor University undergraduate students) Satisfaction and Loyalty toward Cegin. You will need to analyze the combined (all class members’) data to address the objectives posed and make suitable marketing recommendations in order to write up and submit your individual final report.

1.      Firstly, the word count excludes the table of contents, the executive summary, tables, charts, figures, references and appendices. Tables, charts, figures, references and appendices must be used with care, must be appropriate and must be referred to within the main body of the report. In particular, tables, charts, figures and appendices must NOT be to circumvent the word count. The correct word count must appear on the front sheet of the report.

2.      Secondly, the focus of this coursework is on your ability to properly and fully address the marketing research aim and objectives posed and to make justified, insightful and actionable recommendations to the managers of the retail business (Cegin) under examination. You are to also present the results and findings arising from your statistical analyses in a manner that would provide clear and meaningful information to your intended reader (managers). You are also to reflect on the whole marketing research project and state any limitations of the research undertaken as well as reservations regarding the recommendations offered to the reader. Suggestions (with justifications) on key additional marketing research activities will be of value.

Understanding and Improving Customer Satisfaction

3.      Note: Thirdly, include all relevant SPSS output as appendices and reference them clearly in the main body of the report. You should create your own tables (using the Word table tool) for the main body, extracting only the pertinent information from the SPSS output. I would strongly advise you NOT to just copy/paste SPSS output directly into the main body of your report. Additionally, make sure you copy/paste SPSS output as an (JPEG) image into your appendices.

4.   Fourthly, use third person reporting and formal language (not txt words/phrases, not colloquial terms, no inappropriate/rude or offensive words). A structure for your Individual Final Report (beyond cover/front sheets) is below:  Executive summary; Table of contents; Introduction/Background; The research problem [covering formal statement of the research problem, aim(s), objectives and research questions (if specified)] Methodology [research approach, data collection method, and data analyses undertaken – all linked to your research objectives/questions] Results and (interpreted) Findings; Recommendations, Limitations and also Conclusions References/Bibliography; Appendices.

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