Words help you determine the difference between genders

Words help you determine the difference between genders

Two words can help you determine the difference between genders, age and maturity related to exercise assessments and/or prescription: absolute and relative.

Two words can help you determine the difference between genders

Words can help you determine the difference between genders, age and maturity related to exercise assessments and/or prescription: absolute and relative. How do absolute and relative measurements of strength and cardiovascular fitness stack up when comparing men to women? Adult vs. older adults? Adults vs children and adolescents? Which would you use to compare the variety of individuals in the exact same exercise at the exact same workload (absolute or relative)? Why?

What are the key factors that are associated with the changes in VO2, strength, ability and body composition from birth to adulthood to older, aging adults? How does aerobic, resistance and anaerobic training affect these factors in children and adolescents and older adults?

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Physical Activity and Physical Education: Relationship to Growth, Development, and Health

Key Messages

Regular physical activity promotes growth and development and has multiple benefits for physical, mental, and psychosocial health that undoubtedly contribute to learning.
Specifically, physical activity reduces the risk for heart disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. Further, improves various other aspects of health and fitness, including aerobic capacity, muscle. Additionally, bone strength, flexibility, insulin sensitivity, and lipid profiles; and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.
Physical activity can improve mental health by decreasing. Furthermore, preventing conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as improving mood and other aspects of well-being.
Physical activity programming specifically designed to do so can improve psychosocial outcomes such as self-concept, social behaviors, goal orientation, and most notably self-efficacy. These attributes in turn are important determinants of current, also, future participation in physical activity.

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