Theory of International Financial Regulation

Theory of International Financial Regulation

Theory of International Financial Word limit: 3500 words 1. ‘The creation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) in 2014 and the consequent conferral of supervisory responsibilities on the ECB led to significant changes to its role and function’ Critically discuss this statement Hint: The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) comprises the ECB and the national competent authorities (NCAs) of participating Member States. ●The SSM’s three main objectives are to: ●ensure the safety and soundness of the European banking system; ●increase financial integration and stability; and ●ensure consistent supervision. The Role of ECB: As an independent EU institution, the ECB oversees banking supervision from a European perspective by: ➢establishing a common approach to day-to-day supervision ➢taking harmonised supervisory actions and corrective measures ➢ensuring the consistent application of regulations and supervisory policies End of Question. *Directions (1): The essay should be analyzed from Law analysis not economic analysis, as this module is a law subject. – from legal database, – Use most Updated sources. – Do not raise a question in the essay. But make an arguments. – Compare and contrast different views to make a good argument. – Writing, footnotes and bibliography should be under OSCOLA form. – Use Primary and Secondary sources. – Primary sources are (cases – case law and Acts and international legal treaties). – Secondary sources are (Journal articles, Books and Websites) – Add a good amount of cases as a (Case law Source) Use a lot of JOURNALS ARTICLES -There should be a perfect presentation of presentation . As a conclusion should be included. (The arguments should be summarised in the conclusion) and (The introduction should show all the sub titles that will be covered in the paper) End of Paper Directions(2): .A good essay, will, (as a minimum), have the following characteristics, sometimes referred to as IRAC or CLEO: a) ISSUE/CLAIM: (knowledge, understanding and relevance) Provide evidence of a clear understanding of the relevant issues and materials. Your essay should contain no irrelevant or extraneous material or information as this demonstrates a lack of understanding. b) RULE/LAW: (scholarship, research, sources and referencing) Your conclusions must be supported throughout the text of your essay by reference to relevant legal authority. This should include evidence of good scholarship – substantial research beyond the material given to you in the course outline. Ideally you should aim to include references to a variety of legal sources (primary sources), including both primary and secondary legislation, case law, European Union law and sources of international law such as the European Convention on Human Rights 1951, as appropriate. you should also refer to a range of secondary sources – articles and books, both online and in hard copy. You need to include careful and precise citation of all sources, using the OSCOLA system of referencing, supported by the use of footnotes and a bibliography. c) APPLY/EVALUATE: (analysis, independent and critical thinking) Your essay should provide evidence of critical thinking – a coherent argument or set of arguments, including comparisons and contrasts between academic commentators and/or practitioners, who take different views on particular issues. Each issue or argument must always be related back to the specific question. The best answers will address EVERY key word in the essay title, or EVERY fact in a problem question, thereby covering the full scope of the question or assessment set. d) CONCLUDE/OUTCOME: (organization/structure/synthesis) Each new “issue” or “claim” requires a new paragraph. The first sentence should “signpost” the subject matter of the paragraph in question and link to the paragraph before it. Every paragraph should be structured along the lines of IRAC/CLEO, which means that every paragraph should contain some legal or supporting authority and draw a conclusion related back to the question at the end. Your WRITING STYLE is also important in helping you to “showcase” all of the above. Therefore your answer should be perfectly legible – i.e. word processed, with no typographical or spelling errors. ————— CRITERIA: adapted from generic grading criteria, (directly below), to this specific assessment. An EXCEPTIONAL Essay should show: A) Understanding-work of exceptionally high quality, where appropriate, commensurate with publication or dissemination in an appropriate public domain; an advanced, critical and comprehensive understanding of the legal issue(s)/ topic areas, with no errors or key omissions; displays an excellent grasp of detail (evidenced by the choice of relevant examples which are well integrated into the answer’s structure). B) Analysis/Independent/Critical Thinking-clear evidence of exceptional ability to analyse & synthesise; evidence of originality & independence of thought; identifies points rarely seen by others. C) Structure – demonstrates exceptional ability to develop a highly systematic and logical or insightful argument, solution to or evaluation of the legal problem. D) Writing Style – shows an exceptionally high level of clarity, focus and cogency in communication of complex topics.(syntax and spelling are accurate) E) Scholarship-evidence of wider reading & exceptional ability in the appropriate use of academic commentary, legislative sources, case law, etc.

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