The professional development as an English language teacher

This is a paper that focuses on exploring the professional development as an English language teacher. The paper also requires writing of a development plan and reflective account.

The professional development as an English language teacher

Reflective Account Brief
This assessment is a written Reflective Account of 4,200 words and a Professional Development Plan. You will critically explore your own professional development as an English language teacher.

In the Reflective Account, you will take a critical view of your learning as an English language teacher. You will describe and critically evaluate ways that you have developed and learned as a teacher, drawing on examples of prior learning and /or learning that you have experienced on this and other modules, for example:

observations (live and recorded)
microteaching / teaching practice
module sessions (e.g. lesson planning, evaluation of language learning materials)
module assessments (e.g. work on your poster)
feedback from peers, tutors, learners

You will use your reading to analyse and critically discuss your selected examples of learning.

You will be reflecting on and writing about yourself in this assessment task so it is appropriate for you to write in the first person (i.e. ‘I think…I believe’) to distinguish your experiences and also opinions form other types of evidence. You may wish to divide your work into sections and use sub-headings.

The professional development (PD) plan

You will use the reflection in your Reflective Account to identify areas for your continuing development and plan how you can achieve this in the future (e.g. in a future working context).
You should also draw up an action plan related to your reflective account which is focused on improving your skills in ELT teaching. Typically this will be in the form of a table which maps your development goals, the actions required, the evidence which will show these actions have been achieved, and a realistic date by which these actions will be completed. Development goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-based. You may choose to put your PD plan I an appendix.

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