GROW model case principle of smart goals

GROW model case principle of smart goals

This is an assignment that focuses on the first and second stage of the GROW model. The paper also provides feedback and assumptions.

The first and second stage of the GROW model

Goals: First stage of the GROW model
In this first stage, the object is to identify the behavior you want to change, and then state this behavior as a goal.  Use the principles of SMART goals at this stage (see Module 1 under coaching skills and this module’s SLP).
Reality: Second stage of the GROW model
The object of this stage is to establish the present reality of the coachee and the situation.  Ask questions that invite self-assessment and provide honest non-judgmental feedback.

1.  Self-assessment: Firstly, the purpose is to determine what the problem is, what is behind it, what the coachee can resolve, if this is an accurate picture of reality.
o   Asking “What do you think is going on?” frames the problem in the coachee’s terms – not your interpretation of the problem.
o   Asking “How often does this happen?” “Under what circumstances does this happen?” or simply “When does this happen?” will encourage detailed description.
o   Asking “What other problems are there?” may reveal broader patterns.
o   Also, avoid “How” and “Why” questions (you only want the facts).
o   Keep the conversation on track. (Do not allow the coachee to go off on tangents about things that cannot be changed.)
o   Pay attention  and use active listening skills.  (see Module 1)

The first and second stage of the GROW model

2.    Offer specific feedback: Secondly, be positive and emphasize what can be done to improve the situation.  Support your feedback with specific examples.
o   Reinforce desired behaviors.
o   Be objective and also describe unwanted behavior. However, do not evaluate it or use critical or negative language.
o   Base your feedback on what you personally observe – not hearsay. For example, a 360-degree review might say, “Susan is not a very good supervisor.” That is an impression. The coach wants to identify behaviors that contribute to poor supervision.  For example:  “Susan doesn’t hold regular staff meetings with her direct reports to keep them apprised of departmental plans and procedures.”  Under this scenario, the coach can focus on changing actual behaviors that will result in improved supervisory performance.

3.    Avoid assumptions: Thirdly, make sure you are being impartial and accurately assessing the coachee’s skills, experience, and motivation.  So, do not let any personal biases regarding the coachee’s age, gender, ethnicity, personality, or style influence your assessment.
o   By the same token, help identify assumptions the coachee makes about you or others. Additionally, help the coachee see that assumptions can impede his ability to work effectively with others.
o   The surest way to reduce the effects of assumptions is to ask questions that challenge them. However, if you find yourself assuming your coachee is inexperienced, ask about job history and prior assignments. If you are inclined to assume the coachee does not like a certain aspect of the job, ask.

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