Research article review and analysis of a recent article

Research article review and analysis of a recent article

This is a paper that focuses on an research article review analysis of one done recently. The paper should not be more than three years old.

Research article review and analysis of a recent article

Review a recent, refereed journal article that is research based and critique it. Below are instructions on how to complete the assignment.

1. Locate and read a recent (no more than 3 years old) refereed journal article relating to an instructional strategy or innovation of interest to you.

2. The article needs to be a research article (with either quantitative or qualitative data, or both kinds of data) about an instructional strategy or innovation in education or training where researchers collected data, analyzed it, and present it to the reader.

3. Once you have located your article, read and write a critique using Microsoft Word and the latest APA style. The length of your article review must be at least 4 full double-spaced pages (not including the title page and references section) but should not exceed 5 pages. Include at least one other ref‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍erence.

Within your review, include the following elements and headings: 1. A title page 2. A summary of the main issues presented in the article 3. A discussion of issues in the article that you found intriguing, thought were worthwhile, or in some way stimulated your thinking 4. A short discussion (in a paragraph) of how the information presented in the article impacts the strategy/innovation within your setting (teaching, work/job, degree program). 5. Agreement/Disagreement: Discuss whether or not the authors’ findings make sense and whether you agree with them. Not only give us your opinion but provide a rationale based on what you have read by now. 6. Include at least one other article, book, etc., to support your view(s). 7. References: Conclude the review with the citation of the article you reviewed and all other citations you include in APA style‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

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