Product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy
Use the product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy paper. Your Phase 2 paper should be 3 or more pages in length, 12-point font, double-spaced, APA formatted, and include the below sections with subheadings to identify each section:
Product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy
Firstly, use the product you selected in Week 1 to construct a product strategy paper. Your Phase 2 paper should be 3 or more pages in length, 12-point font, double-spaced, APA formatted, and include the below sections with subheadings to identify each section:
Product Classification – Choose the Product Classification that defines this product (choose between Convenience Product, Heterogeneous Shopping Product, Homogeneous Shopping Product, Specialty Product, or Unsought Product). Further, Explain your rationale.
Branding – Firstly, describe the Branding used for this product.
Family or Individual – Secondly, does this product use family and/or individual branding? Also, Explain your rationale.
Brand Name & Mark – Thirdly, describe the brand name and brand mark and include the history and reason for the brand mark. Include image (s) of current branding as well as any brand variation they’ve used over the years
Packaging – Fourthly, describe the Packaging for this product.
Packaging Use – LASTLY, Explain how the package is used for each of the following (if one or more of the below items is not used for this function, explain why not):
Containing and Protecting the Product
Promoting the Product
Facilitating Storage, Use, and Convenience
Facilitating Recycling and Reducing Environmental Damage
Labelling – Explain the type of labelling used for this product (persuasive or informational). Provide your reasoning.
Product Life Cycle – What stage in the Product Life Cycle does this product category fall into? Choose only one stage, and explain your rationale.
Identify the product category before determining the stage in the product life cycle.
For each section above, provide detailed information to convey your understanding of the concepts applied. Use subheadings to separate each item listed above, be specific with your analysis and provide thorough rationale. In addition to the information above, pay close attention to the rubric.
Phase 2 Formatting Details:
Your Phase paper must include all listed sections, in the same order they are list ed above.
Use titles and subtitles to clearly identify each section.
If one of the outline sections is not relevant to your product and should not be covered, do NOT omit it. Instead, you must include the section and provide a statement of why the topic is not relevant to your organization, providing rationale and support for why it does not apply.
Every section above must be included and address ed.
For each phase, a cover page and reference page is require d.
Each paper must be written in third-person (no “I” or “me” or “In my opinion” or “we” etc., instead, opting for “company and managers will” or “the organization will”).
PHASE 2: Product Strategy Rubric Points Available.
Product Classification: Clearly and specifically defined the product classification, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.
Branding: Clearly and specifically defined all three areas of branding for the product, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.
Family or Individual (7 points)
Brand Name, Mark, History, Reason, Images (15 points total, 3 points each)
Packaging: Clearly and specifically defined all listed areas of packaging for the product, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.
Packaging Use
Containing and Protecting the Product (3 points)
Promoting the Product (3 points)
Facilitating Storage, Use, and Convenience (3 points)
Facilitating Recycling and Reducing Environmental Damage (3 points)
Labelling (8 points)
Product Life Cycle: Clearly and specifically defined the product life cycle stage for the product, including an explanation of the rationale for all conclusions.
References: Paper includes at least two outside references, cited using APA formatting.
Mechanics: Followed APA style formatting, paper was free of grammatical, spelling and/or typographical errors, verb tense remained consistent throughout the entire paper, paper contained subheadings and followed assignment order, paper met length minimum of 3 pages.
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