Prepare a report on the market for organic foods in the United States

Prepare a report on the market for organic foods in the United States. The paper is to be a report on the market for organics, using the determinants of demand, determinants of supply, and how supply and demand determine price.

Prepare a report on the market for organic foods in the United States

Firstly, prepare a report on the market for organic foods in the United States. Secondly, the paper is to be a report on the market for organics, using the determinants of demand, determinants of supply, and how supply and demand determine price. Thirdly, the focus of the paper should not be on the health benefits of generic goods, but on the demand, supply and price dynamics of the market for generic foods.

Your paper should have an introduction, body and conclusion.
There should be at least five (5) references at the end of the paper, using APA format.
The paper should be no fewer than three, but no more than five pages.
Use one inch margins and the paper should be double spaced.
Remember this is not just a report on organic food, but an economic analysis of the market for organic foods.  The paper should discuss the demand for organic foods, the supply of organic foods, and then the resulting price of organics.

More details;

U.S. annual organic food sales near $48 billion
The U.S. organic market grew 6.3% to $52.5 billion as non-food sales increased nearly 11% to reach $4.6 billion. Sales of organic fruits and vegetables made up 36% of all organic food sales in 2018, rising 5.6% to $17.4 billion.
What percent of US food is organic?
Of all the food sold in the United States, 5.7% is now organic. Fruits and vegetables remain the stars of the organic food market. They account for 36.3% of all organic food sales. They also make up 14.6% of all produce sold in the U.S., nearly twice the rate of 10 years ago.


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