Nussbaum on Anger argument analysis on the differences of anger

This is a paper that focuses on the Nussbaum on Anger argument analysis on the differences of anger. The paper also discusses the view on the retributive anger.

Nussbaum on Anger argument analysis on the differences of anger

Final Paper Topic: Nussbaum on Anger
Answer BOTH of the following questions in your paper:

1.       Fistly, what is Nussbaum’s definition of anger? What is the difference between retributive anger and ‘transition-anger’? Also, what is Nussbaum’s argument that retributivist anger is always unjustified and politically toxic? Clearly explain her reasons for her view.
a.       Do you agree with Nussbaum’s view about retributive anger? Why or why not? Provide reasons to support your view:
·   If you agree with Nussbaum, provide your own additional reasons to support her conclusion. (Do not just repeat what she already says. Provide a new reason of your own as support.)
·   If you disagree with her, provide your own reasons to show where you think her argument goes wrong. (Do not just say you disagree. Look closely at the reasons she offers for her view, and respond with your own reasons for why you think she’s mistaken.)

2.       Secondly, what is Nussbaum’s argument that anger should always be “without payback”? How does she use the example of Martin Luther King to support this claim?
a.       Do you agree with her conclusion? Why or why not? As before, provide your own reasons to support your view:
·   If you agree, provide your own additional reasons as support: do not just repeat Nussbaum’s arguments.
·   If you disagree, provide your own reasons to show where you think her argument fails.
Give argument summaries and evaluations.
Ensure that the paper is at least four pages long excluding the cover page and the reference page. Additionally, ensure that the paper contains references from the sources that you will use in the assignment following the APA format guidelines.

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