New or interesting information that surprises us or opens our eyes

While researching, we may find new or interesting information that surprises us or opens our eyes to something that we did not understand previously. These moments of learning are what makes research so enjoyable or fascinating.

New or interesting information that surprises us or opens our eyes

While researching, we may find new or interesting information that surprises us or opens our eyes to something that we did not understand previously. These moments of learning are what makes research so enjoyable or fascinating.

As you continue to work on your present research project (which is technically project #2, the lengthiest project this semester—it will conclude around March 27th), please take a break to write a short informative essay. Your goal is to convey to your readers something new or surprising that you’ve discovered during your research project.

For project #3, you will shed light on something new for your readers. You must use a source or piece of information from your current research project to inform a select group of readers. These readers will find your informative essay…informative.

Informative writing, for the most part, is objectively written. You may have an opinion, yes. But leave the strong argumentative writing for the end of this semester. Later this semester, you will write a complex essay—using several sources—intended to persuade readers. This informative project, however, will require you to report on something factual or interesting that you’ve found. It could be a historical fact. Also,  It may be someone else’s argument. Additionally, It may even be indirectly related to your current research topic.

Consider my own thesis as an example:

“The term Asperger’s is still sometimes use d to this day, but because the U.S. medical community’s understanding of autism has evolve d so rapidly over the past 10 years, neurologists and other medical professionals, I’ve discover ed, no longer use this term.”

I’ve been researching this semester autism and ABA therapy (with the goal of finding out how ABA therapy helps young children with autism grow despite the limitations that come with autism spectrum disorder). However, during my research I found an interesting point about Asperger’s and the U.S. medical community. Therefore, I used this new tidbit of information to write my informative essay titled “Is Asperger’s Syndrome an Appropriate Title?” I hope to inform my readers why the term Asperger’s is a problem so that, hopefully, the term itself will no longer be used. My informative essay details Dr. Hans Asperger.

Asperger syndrome is not something that I envision ed researching initially. But when I came across a New York Times article on the topic, I was compel led to read further. The article is so concise and well written, so I wanted to document it as one of my sources. So although Asperger’s syndrome is tangential to my own research this semester, I thought it would be interesting to package this new information that I’ve found to my readers.

In order to earn the highest grade possible on your informative essay, your essay must meet the following criteria:

Your essay will have a clearly written thesis that you and your readers may point to. Paragraphs and supporting points will be use d to explicate your thesis.

At least one source will be cite d in your essay, and a corresponding hyperlink or Works Cite d listing will be provide d so that your audience may look up the source if they wish to.
Your writing for this essay should be conversational (as opposed to formal or academic). The language used in your essay should pull readers along and create a certain interest in your writing.

You will construct your essay using WordPress. Your essay will be digital and must include at least one picture and one hyperlink. Pictures and hyperlinks often enhance digital writing to make it more engaging or interactive.
Your essay will be submit ted by the due date.

Have fun with this essay! Chances are that if you were surprise d by a piece of information or if you finds something very interesting, then your readers will be surprise d or inform ed too. I’m looking forward to reading up on lots of new things through these essays.

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