Mobile Commerce (M-Commerse)

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerse)

These are the steps blow for the paper. I want you to write about Amazon using E- commerce via the phone and how it system runs in terms of innovation,and using this technology . Also it’s sister companies like I want you to focus on the usage in Saudi Arabia from both I.T, and business perspective. I repeat please show significant role that the M-Commerce brings to the table. Also use Google scholar and try to use big names like Harvard, Washington post, or any big will known names that pop up. 0. Abstract page. 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review (Research Background) 3. Conceptual Model (Theoretical Base, Theoretical Framework) 4. Methodology (Research Onion/Saunders et al.) 5. Results (Descriptive) + One or two sessions for SEMs using SPSS and AMOS (Out of assessment) 6. Discussion 6.1. Theoretical and Practical Implications 6.2 Limitations and Future Research Recommendations 7. Conclusion References (APA Style + Alphabetically)

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