Marketing course assessment no 3 in business administration

This is a paper that is focusing on the marketing course assessment no 3 in business administration. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assessment paper.

Marketing course assessment no 3 in business administration

1. Introduction
Welcome to your assessment No. 3 Marketing Course in the Master of Business Administration Program. This assessment aim is to ensure that the students can create advanced problem-solving skills to analyse highly complex issues with incomplete data and develop innovative solutions and proposals relevant to marketing.

In performing your analysis, carefully read the case and questions that are presented in the final part of this task. Make sure you comprehend every question. Refer each question to one or more specific topics presented in the classes that are in your opinion, relevant to providing a response. Provide your reply using the specific concepts and knowledge acquired on every topic that best addresses each question.

Marketing course assessment no. 3 in business administration

2. Course Learning Outcomes:

In this assessment, you should be able to:

CLO1: Firstly, critically appraise a detailed body of knowledge of recent developments in relation to Marketing (P1, P3, P4, KN4, SK2, AR3, SD1).
CLO 3: Secondly, critically apply advanced skills required in research, analysis, evaluation of complex ideas, information, concepts and/or activities related to marketing (PLO 1, PLO 2. PLO4, KN1, SK4, AR3, RC1,)

CLO 4: Thirdly, synthesize advanced problem-solving skills to analyze highly complex issues with incomplete data and develop innovative solutions and proposals relevant to marketing. (PLO 2, PLO 4, PLO 5KN2, SK3 AR2, RC2, SD3)

3. Program Learning Outcomes:

The Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) indicated above are map to your overall (MBA) Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). This assessment tests your achievement in the program with reference to the following PLOs:

PLO1: Firstly, critically evaluate opportunities in variety of contexts using innovative approaches to create value for stakeholders and society.

PLO2: Secondly, demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values and social awareness.

PLO3: Thirdly, experiment with multiple theories and functional perspectives for the interpretation of comprehensive challenges to the business environment.

PLO4: Fourthly, select appropriate research instruments to address domestic factors and drivers in the global context.

PLO 5: Lastly, combine relevant theoretical advances with functional business skills to construct timely and informed decisions

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