Market Research Plan-Carphone Warehouse

Carphone Warehouse – Founded in 1989 The Carphone Warehouse Ltd. is a British mobile phone retailer, with over 2,400 stores across Europe. It trades as Carphone Warehouse in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and as Phone House elsewhere. Recently, the business has had to close stores as it battles with changing consumer habits and rising costs. New CEO Alex Baldock, said: “Though there’s plenty to fix, it’s all fixable.” Using your knowledge of research, identify what research is needed, and undertake a pilot study with a sample and method(s) of your choice, to advise Carphone Warehouse on how to stay competitive in this market, or a plan for the future of the business. Research Report – 4,500 words The research report should include: 1. An introduction to the research topic area and the organisation. A critical analysis of the market, to include multiple sources of academic and practitioner research secondary research. This will also include an analysis of your organisations competitive position, and consumer profile. (20%) 2. A detailed account of your research objectives – giving justifications. (20%) 3. Your primary research methodology, including links to how they will solve your identified research objectives and an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the proposed methods. (20%) 4. The results of a pilot study undertaken to address the research objectives (20%) Executive Summary – 1,200 WCE This report should also be summarised within an executive summary sub-document, to include; 5. An executive summary of the proposal, including an introduction, results of secondary analysis, the research objectives, methods, results, the proposed next stages of the research plan, ethical considerations, costs and conclusions. This should also include visual data representations such as graphs, word clouds and/or infographics. This should be an edited and succinct version, that could be read by senior level people within the organisation to understand your research proposal and pilot study. (20%) You should do this by clearly explaining the main theoretical concepts regarding market research, and methodological considerations.

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