LO1 Examine critically the overall concept of Supply Chain Management
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 Examine critically the overall concept of Supply Chain Management. LO2 Critically evaluate and analyse the supply chain.
LO1 Examine critically the overall concept of Supply Chain Management
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 Examine critically the overall concept of Supply Chain Management. LO2 Critically evaluate and analyse the supply chain. LO3 Analyse and explore the role of organisational strategy within supply chain development. LO4 Identify and reflect on the influence which supply chain management has on the achievement of competitive advantage.
Type of Assessment: The assignment for this module consists of a 3,000 word (+/- 10%) report to the Manager of a Logistics/SCM within the student’s organisation. You will select an appropriate SC problem within their organisation which is affecting competitive advantage and, through the application of appropriate academic models and theory, together with associated critical analysis develop and justify possible solutions. A report including a prepared PPT of around 10 slides (to support the recommendations) will be produced for the manager of logistics/SCM which recommends ways in which these areas could be developed to cope with future global, strategic challenges.
Length of Assessment: 3000 words (10 slides). Assessment Weighting: 100% Due Date: To be confirm with the module tutor.
Additional Assessment Information:
Identify and analyse a suitable SC within your organisation and identify at least 2 areas of the associated operation which have a significant impact on overall end value. Having done this, and with reference to current academic thinking, tools and techniques, produce a report for the Head of logistics/SCM which recommends ways in which these areas could be developed to cope with future strategic challenges. You should include sufficient background information, supporting data and analysis to underpin your views and to [SSCM] [BUS3154M] 24.
Demonstrate achievement of the modular Learning Outcomes as set out in this Student Guide.
You will find that the notes that you were advised to make as you completed the earlier tasks associated at the end of the individual academic topics will now help as you develop your final submission. So be sure to refer to these at this stage and go back and revisit the topics as/when required.
In support you should also produce a 20 minute Power Point presentation for your organisation’s Executive Board which sets out the selected SC, issues and suggested solutions. Please note you will not be expect ed to deliver the presentation but to just prepare it for delivery. Be sure to underpin all analysis and suggested developments with appropriate, relevant and topical academic source material. This presentation should be include d as an Annex to the final report. Given the time limit for the presentation, we would suggest a maximum of 10 power point slides. Would also expect you to include notes on your slides. Hence the final Annex should take the form of Power Point Notes pages.
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