Litigation and Corporations
ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – REPORT Accessing and drawing upon professional journals, popular media (including printed or online), court press releases or personal knowledge and experience in a professional capacity, identify and briefly analyse a recent (ie within the last 2 or 3 years) case involving a corporation dealing with topical and interesting legal issues. In your analysis discuss the following: o In what capacity was the corporation involved?
o What were the triggers and circumstances that led to the litigation? o What remedies were being sought? o What was the outcome? o Could the case have been avoided? o Were there any aspects of the case which may have been dealt with differently if, instead of being a corporation, the party was a natural person? What do you think the medium and long term consequences of the case may be, either generally or to the individual corporation(s) specifically involved?
The report must be based on Australian litigation.
Referencing Law assessments must be referenced in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC). WORD LIMIT To encourage clear, concise and efficient writing, assessments will be subject to a word limit. Unless instructed otherwise the following apply: the word count must be accurately stated on the cover sheet; the specific word limit requirements for each unit of study are mandatory and there is no 10% leeway policy. to ensure fairness to all students a unit assessor has the discretion to either refuse to mark the words that exceed the word limit or to impose a penalty if the word limit is exceeded; footnotes that contain only citations or bibliographic information are not included in the word court.
However, where footnotes include text and commentary, the additional words may be counted. As a general rule, the length of your footnotes should never exceed 10% of the prescribed length of the assignment; the bibliography is not included in the word count; all other text including headings and quotations are included in the word c
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