Limited thesis from the perspective of one of our critical lenses

Develop an original and effectively limited thesis from the perspective of one of our critical lenses (biographical, historical, psychological, Marxist, gender, queer).

Limited thesis from the perspective of one of our critical lenses


Firstly, Develop an original and effectively limited thesis from the perspective of one of our critical lenses (biographical, historical, psychological, Marxist, gender, queer).

Secondly, Provide four or more body paragraphs of thoughtful support for your thesis.

Thirdly, Incorporate researched sources using MLA style.

Fourthly, Demonstrate audience awareness, specifically in introduction and conclusion.

Lastly, Use the steps of the writing process.


You’ve been introduced to six different critical lenses that explore literature in different ways. Single out one theory and use that theory to provide an analysis of Oryx and Crake.  Your theory should focus your analysis on given portions or elements of the text that are pertinent to your chosen critical theory.

For example, a queer theory analysis might limit your discussion to an exploration of pornography before the “flood” and the implications of the “ideal” humans who exist after the flood.  Jimmy’s parents, pigoons, the dynamics of the corporate compounds as opposed to the pleeblands probably wouldn’t show up in your discussion.


Additionally, Analyze selected elements of Oryx and Crake from the perspective of a single critical lens biographical/historical/gender/queer/sociological-Marxist/psychological).


The essay should:

support a thoughtfully worded thesis, (In your essay, do not write that the authors or the texts “use historical criticism,” for example.  You are using historical criticism – the authors just wrote their stories)
utilize formal academic language (no slang or second-person “YOU”)
make use of and smoothly integrate direct quotations from Oryx and Crake.
demonstrate appropriate essay structure, utilizing an introduction, a minimum of four discrete body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph,
use MLA formatting to cite quotes from outside sources (no more than three)
include an appropriately formatted MLA Works Cited page.

Use of Research:

Additionally, in your analysis, you may need to do some research to provide appropriate depth or context.  For example, biographical critics will need to know something about the author and her life.  Historical critics will need to explore specific elements of the time in which the novel was written or published.  All lenses may benefit from including some guiding quotes or theorizing from prominent critics or theorists in the field.  Providing three quotes from different Marxist critics or theorists, for example, might help guide the direction of each body paragraph.

Warning:  While researched information can help your essay, be careful about the kind of research that gets in the way of your own efforts.  This novel has plenty of professional essays and reviews that might replicate the thinking I’m asking of you.  Steer clear of researching literary criticism on the individual works.  I’m expecting you to do the critical thinking, not to report on others’ critical thinking about the fiction you read.  Plagiarism is not only stealing others’ words; it’s also stealing others’ ideas.  Be sure you know the difference.

Due Dates:
Zero Draft:                                                                  Due Monday.
Zero Draft Workshop:                                                Due Wednesday.
Developed Draft:                                                        Due Monday.
Developed Draft Workshop:                                      Due Wednesday .
Final Drafts Uploaded to Canvas                               Monday.

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