Leadership in Organizations


1. Read Chapter 11 & 14 of the textbook (Yukl’s) 2. Read: – Bass, B. M., Avolio, B. J., & Atwater, L. (1996). The transformational and transactional leadership of men and women. Applied psychology, 45(1), 5-34. – Park, S., Jeong, S., Jang, S., Yoon, S. W., & Lim, D. H. (2018). Critical review of global leadership literature: Toward an integrative global leadership framework. Human Resource Development Review, 17(1), 95-120. – Chen, C. C., & Van Velsor, E. (1996). New directions for research and practice in diversity leadership. The leadership quarterly, 7(2), 285-302. Complete a reflection report: (Please add the page number with in-text citation) All writing assignments should follow the APA 6th style. Reflection report should consist of two sections: 1) what interests you the most (key learning points), and 2) why? I underlined ‘why’ because it should reflect your own, unique experiences and perspectives. In each learning point, please make sure to identify which assigned article/book chapter you indicate using APA formatting (please include at least three of the assigned readings– can be either book chapter or article). Each report should be at least one page in length and single-spaced (don’t forget to insert your name and submission date on the top of the report). Information about me: I served in the U.S. Army for 23 years as a Human Resources Specialist, Manager, and Senior Human Resources Manager. I’m retired from the military and currently work as a Workforce Development Specialist for the State of Louisiana. My role is to conduct outreach to employers and engage in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans and encourage the hiring of veterans. I conduct presentations that include employers, Human Resource (HR) professionals, Hiring Managers and Supervisors on recruitment, hiring and retention strategies for qualified veterans and disabled veterans. My motivation for this field of study is to develop the knowledge and expertise of identifying performance gaps and developing procedures of streamlining processes to help my organization to effectively manage and improve daily operations. I’m aspiring to become the Executive Director of the Office of Workforce Development at the Louisiana Workforce Commission within the next five years. The knowledge obtain through this program has equipped me with the necessary skills to accomplish my goals

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