Individual customer service

Individual customer service manual report for a tourism or hospitality company summarizing the key points from all the chapters that were taught.

20% Report – Customer Service Manual Customer Service Report, November 25th, 2019 – Worth 20% For this assignment I am requiring every student to write an individual customer service manual report for a tourism or hospitality company summarizing the key points from all the chapters that were taught.

You will also be required to have an introduction, include which customer service workers this manual is for, creating good customer service standards, elements of a good customer training program, communications between workers and customers, customer service tips, do’s and don’ts, how well do you know your clients, what happens when there is a complaint and how to rectify the problem and a conclusion.

As a potential Manager, you are creating a Manual for your employees therefore, use proper words and professional language. All these key points will be used to train the new employees of the business and needs to be submitted by -Word document -A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 pages (This includes your cover page and reference page) -Times New Roman 12 Font -Double Spacing -Page Numbers in footer

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