Independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination
This is a paper that is focusing on independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.
Independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination
Assignment No 1. Individual Written Essay
Due Date:
Length: MAXIMUM 1500 words (excluding references)
Value: 20 marks (individual mark).
This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. It is to give you an opportunity to earn marks during the earlier part of the trimester. You are asked to write and also submit a short, scholarly essay, using an academic essay format, on the following topic:
“Compare and contrast the following three forms of entrepreneurship: independent entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship. Include in your discussion an examination of the similarities and differences of each form of entrepreneurship along the key dimensions of environment, person, process and also outcome. Illustrate your discussion with examples.”
The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain a deeper understanding of the complex world of entrepreneurship in its various settings.
You are to draw on a minimum of SIX (6) peer reviewed or respected journal articles to underpin your arguments presented in this essay. Consequently, you will need to find and draw upon academic articles relevant to the topic beyond the text and readings in this course.
The output of this assignment is the production of a written essay in academic style that fully addresses the topic. It is important that you adhere to academic conventions of citation and referencing.
The structure of your essay is to be as follows:
1. Firstly, a brief abstract (or overview) of your key arguments and conclusions (50 words)
2. Secondly, introduction to the topic of your essay and what the essay will cover.
3. Body of essay
Outline the concepts of independent entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship
Outline and discuss a model of the four key dimensions of entrepreneurship: Environment, person, process and outcome
Compare and also contrast the three forms of entrepreneurship along the key dimensions of environment, person, process and outcome from the above model, with a view to highlighting the similarities and differences between each form of entrepreneurship
Discuss an example of each form of entrepreneurship that illustrates the similarities and also differences of each form identified above
4. Conclusion.
5. References (at least 6 scholarly references).
The forms containing the criteria used to mark this assessment and the marking rubric are set out below.
Independent intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship examination
Some additional points to note for this essay:
· Remember that it is necessary to explain and/or justify the points that you make, and that unsubstantiated assertions provide no credibility to your discussion or analysis.
· You are expected to consult academic journals and texts for material to support your discussion in this essay. At least six (6) sources must be in your discussion and cited correctly within your essay and also in the References List. Your References List must only include sources you actually cite in your essay. Please see the NBS Student Manual for the correct form of citation.
· Lastly, dot points should be used very, very sparingly, if at all. Dot points are a communication tool for presenting summary information and rarely progress discussion or argument. Your assessment requires integrated discussion and/or argument, not presentation of summary information.
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