Community health nursing concepts and principles

Community health nursing concepts and principles

This is an assignment that focuses on the importance of community health nursing concepts and principles. The paper also discusses the impact of social determinants of health.

Importance of community health nursing concepts and principles

The aim of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of important community health nursing concepts and principles, including: analysing community data, the impact of social determinants of health, identifying vulnerable community groups, identifying health problems/needs and relevant evidence-based health promotion interventions/programs to address those needs.
This written assignment addresses all three of the course learning outcomes.
There are two parts to this assessment item: Part A and Part B.

Part A: (150 words)
Firstly, create and populate a table (Use the Appendix A: Assignment /Table 1 guide provided below): a) Analyse Appendix B: Community Data for Analysis table. Consider the social determinants of health and note any differences between the Inala data compared to state and national data. b) Based on your analysis, choose three (3) data categories and identify one (1) row of data for each (Choose data that are known determinants of health and that are often associated with each other). c) In Column a) name the category and the row of data chosen, e.g. ‘People’, ‘male’

d) In Column b) provide a summary statement that compares the Inala data to state and national data, including percentages/median where relevant e) In Column c) based on your understanding of social determinants of health, provide a brief statement (inference) as to how these differences might suggest health problems in the community.

Importance of community health nursing concepts and principles

Part B: (1050 words)
Secondly, write an essay in which you address the following points: 1. Briefly introduce the community and outline topics covered in the essay (75 words) 2. Based on the data you selected for Table 1 in Part A, discuss how each of these three social determinants impact health. (300 words) 3. Based on your response to dot point 2, link these 3 social determinants to identify a vulnerable sub- group in the community that is likely to have health issues/unmet health needs. (50 words) e.g. Males, aged over 75 years, living alone 4. With reference to relevant literature identify and also discuss one important health problem/need relevant to this vulnerable cohort. (250 words) 5. With reference to relevant literature:

a) identify and describe one existing evidence-based community health promotion intervention/program designed to address this health problem/need in the vulnerable group, b) describe the intervention/program components (content of the program) and delivery method (when, where, how, who delivered it), and c) explain how the intervention/program effectiveness was evaluated. (300 words for section 5) 6. Briefly summarise topics covered in the essay and also conclude. (75 words)
Important tips:
In Part A, try to choose 3 social determinants that relate to each other. In Part B, make clear links with the data selected and discussed in Part A. Ensure that all your answers relate specifically to this community/vulnerable group, and the data provided

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