Identify and research an organizational change method that has been used effectively

In preparation for this assignment, you must identify and research an organizational change method that has been used effectively in industry.

Identify and research an organizational change method that has been used effectively

In preparation for this assignment, you must identify and research an organizational change method that has been used effectively in industry.

Write a 600–800-word thread including current developments and best practices in the selected organizational change methodology [lean six sigma] . Relating the significance of the methodology to practice in general. Also, describing what kinds of organizational issues/problems might be resolved through successful implementation of the change methodology selected.

Support your assertions with a text and at least 4 scholarly resources that have been published in the last 3 years.

Your thread must be in current APA format and must include a reference list.

More details;

8 Methods Of Implementing Change In an Organization – Discussed!

Several methods of implementing change in organisations are discussed below:

Today’s business environment is very dynamic and changes are the order of the day. Some changes originate within the organisation, but many come from the external environment.

For instance, new laws are legislated by the government which the organisations must comply, new developments in technology arise, competitors introduce new products / services, customer’s likes and dislikes change, life styles change. There are pressures from customers, labour unions, communities and competitors which force change on organisations.

(i) By transformational leaderships:

Transformational leaders are managers who initiate bold strategic changes to position the organisation for its future. They articulate a vision and sell it vigorously. Also, they stimulate employees to action and charismatically model the desired behaviours. Further, they attempt to create learning individuals and learning organisations that will be better prepared for the unknown future challenges. Three important elements of transformational leadership are:

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