HRIS Comparison

HRIS Comparison

You are tasked with finding a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for an imaginary organization of your choice, with approximately 200 employees. Compare three HR Information Systems. These systems can be proprietary, open source, or a combination of both. Create a Table of Information to display the topics each of the chosen HRIS systems addresses. Select one of the three HRIS and provide an analysis that addresses the topics from the Human Resources/Talent management list below. Following your analysis, provide recommendations how you would modify the HRIS for use by the organization. Support your recommendation with literature. The modified system can be proprietary, open source, or a combination of both.

For a list of proprietary systems please refer to the section titled “Vendor Software” on pages 580-581 in your text. For open source systems refer to The Top 12 Free and Open Source HR Software Systems or the Best Open Source HRM and ERP Solutions. Human Resources/Talent Management Recruiting Employee Information Training and Development Performance Termination/Retention Payroll and Taxes Holiday, Sickness, Vacation, Absenteeism Compensation Health Insurance Direct Deposit Job Postings Employee Assistance Programs Job Descriptions The HRIS Comparison paper: Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center Must include a separate title page with the following:

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