How are digital platforms disrupting traditional business models in Australian media and communications and what are the consequences

To create an infographic. The infographic will answer the question, ‘How are digital platforms disrupting traditional business models in Australian media and communications and what are the consequences?’ Expectations You are expected to accurately draw on a maximum of 3-5 sources in creating your infographic, including the ACCC’s 2018 Digital Platforms Inquiry Preliminary Report. (Links to an external site.) You are expected to explain at least one type of disruption, and its consequences, using targeted and appealing visual communication. You are expected to find/create and correctly attribute your images and words. Do not take an existing infographic or snapshot and re-present this in a different style. Alignment with learning outcomes Students will be able to demonstrate disciplinary literacy in media political economy. Students will be able to explain ways digital platforms are disrupting traditional business models and their consequences. Learning support It is not necessary to subscribe to an infographic/design site in order to complete this assignment. Basic desktop publishing (MS publisher) and presentation (ppt, keynote) software are more than adequate. However, there are some infographic sites that offer basic templates for free, for example, (Links to an external site.). This site, Daily Infographic (Links to an external site.), is worth exploring for ideas on style and layout. The journal article, Amit-Danhi, E., & Shifman, L. (2018). Digital political infographics: A rhetorical palette of an emergent genre. New Media & Society, 20(10), 3540–3559, contained in the Additional Readings section of the Ereserve list has examples provides a good overview of the infographic genre.

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