Implementation of constructive guidance strategies

Implementation of constructive guidance strategies

HDEC 103 CONSTRUCTIVE GUIDANCE STRATEGIES. You are encouraged to start this assignment as you begin practising your guiding and caring. If after you have recorded one example of your “best” practice, there is a new example that better reflects your practice, you can delete the previous example of your “best” practice and update it with a more current example!


Firstly, You are encouraged to start this assignment as you begin practising your guiding and caring. If after you have recorded one example of your “best” practice, there is a new example that better reflects your practice, you can delete the previous example of your “best” practice and update it with a more current example!

Secondly, OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate implementation of constructive guidance strategies.

Thirdly, For the 30 strategies listed, date and concisely record one specific example of your best practice.

Further, Include your name and the type of program in which you are practicing your guiding and caring in the space provided.

Moreover, Use initials for child(ren)’s names; include each child’s gender and age in years (T-f-4 yrs., J-m-9 yrs.)

Additionally, Concisely record the context of the interaction as needed for clarity. Quote your words and the child(ren)’s words to provide as accurate a record as possible.

Lastly, Describe how the child(ren) responded to your guidance. You can type into this document; the sections for each strategy will expand as you type.


Firstly, Do not record/copy examples in this checklist that you dated/recorded in Assignments 1 or 2, as you have already received feedback on them.

Secondly, You now have the opportunity to receive feedback on new examples for strategies you have been practising, and feedback on practice of other strategies as opportunities to practice those strategies arise.

Thirdly,  Be sure to record examples that will provide evidence of your growing skills and examples that you are eager to receive feedback on.

Fourthly, One guidance interaction may include several strategies. In this case, record the initial strategy in an interaction, for example #8 (Be Alert) and end the example with saying “Continued in #9” or “Continued from” and so on consecutively, until you have recorded all of the strategies used in the interaction.


The numbers enclosed in parentheses represent the Lessons which describe the guidance strategy.

For example, (L2) means “Refer to Lesson 2.” NLC Student: Type of Program:

Firstly, Use description [of what you and the child can perceive through your senses] (L2) Date/Example:


Secondly, Use narration [of what children are doing as they do it] (L2) Date/Example:


Thirdly, Use self-talk (L2) Date/Example:


Fourthly,  Provide supplementary information [on the child’s topic of conversation or what the child is doing] (L2) Date/Example:


Fifthly, Paraphrase [in totally different words] (L2) Date/Example:


Sixth,  Provide parallel personal comment [opinions and experiences that coincide with the child’s] (L2) Date/Example:


Further, Ask a leading question [on the child’s topic of conversation or what s/he is doing] (L2) Date/Example:


Moreover, Be alert/scan [Describe your position. Record a specific outcome] (L2) Date/Example:


Furthermore, Gain/give attention in a respectful way (L2) Date/Example: 3


Additionally, Provide a verbal cue (L2) Date/Example:


Besides, Nonverbal cue [Provide an example of one of the following: hand gesture, proximity, touch] (L2) Date/Example:


12.Guide problem-solving [ABC problem-solving] (L3, L6) Date/Example:

13.Give unconditional attention [not related to recognising appropriate behaviour] (L3) Date/Example:

14.Offer straight forward explanation for expectations (L3) Date/Example:

15.Acknowledge children’s feelings – Provide emotion coaching (L3) Date/Example:

16.Coach or model play entry strategies (L3) Date/Example:

17.Allow time for children to respond to expectations [not a group transition] (L3) Date/Example:

18.Give verbal recognition rather than praise (L4) Date/Example:

19.Give Non-Verbal Recognition for valued behaviours (L4) Date/Example: 4

20.Give true choices (L4) Date/Example:

21.Ignore minor incidents (L5) Date/Example:

22.Be a helpful, caring resource (L5) Date/Example:

23.Encourage children to be a helpful, caring resources for each other (L5) Date/Example:

24.Redirect or divert [only when appropriate] (L5) Date/Example:

25.Model appropriate behaviour (L6) Date/Example:

26. Moreover, Use an I-message –[I feel___when___because___] (L6) Date/Example:

27.Also, Inject humour (L6) Date/Example:

28. In conclusion, State or allow a natural consequence (L7) Date/Example:

29. Finally, Apply a related/logical consequence (L7) Date/Example: 5 This checklist may be used after the course is finished for continued self-assessment. Worth: 30 marks Due: End of Week 10

30.Lastly, Provide opportunity to make amends (L7) Date/Example:

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