Feedback Mechanisms-Respond to this discussion below

This paper focuses on Feedback Mechanisms-Respond to this discussion below. You can critique, agree or disagree but explain why. It is a discussion response format to this writing below from a classmate.

Feedback Mechanisms-Respond to this discussion below


Respond to this discussion below. You can critique, agree or disagree but explain why. It is a discussion response format to this writing below from a classmate. Any response is valid as long as it is constructive and relating to this subject matter below.

Homeostasis can be defined as the maintenance of relative constancy of the internal environment which is maintained mostly by the mechanisms of the negative feedback. The nervous and endocrine systems are responsible for maintaining our internal homeostasis, they work together to maintain internal ranges around a normal set point.

Negative feedback loops work when a change in a specific factor of the internal environment is detect by a sensor that relays this information to an integrating centre which directs an effector to produce a change in the opposite direction, to reverse the initial deviation from set point. Negative feedback loops are continuously occurring processes that are always working to maintain our internal homeostasis. In positive feedback, effectors work to amplify those changes that were reverse in the negative feedback loop. By increasing action of effectors, changes that stimulated the effectors are amplified as opposed to reset around a set point.


More details;

Most of our body’s physiological processes are maintain by negative feedback. Positive feedback is helpful when a starting stimulus needs to be amplified in order for a process to reach completion.

An important example of a positive feedback mechanism occurs when a woman is in labour. The process is initiate d by increase d oestrogen. The hormone oestrogen is release d by the ovaries in order to bring about contractions. When oestrogen is release d from the ovaries, it induces oxytocin receptors on the uterus.
Oxytocin works by positive feedback, it stimulates the placenta to make prostaglandins which stimulate more contractions of the uterus.

Before ovulation, small amounts of estrogen are secret ed by the ovaries which stimulates the release of the hormone GnRH which then stimulates the release of another hormone LH, which causes the release of even more oestrogen in the positive feedback cycle. Positive feedback is important for labour because during labour, the increased level of oestrogen inhibits the release of progesterone which would otherwise prevent uterine contractions needed for labour. Contractions are continued by action of the hormone oxytocin which acts in response to a stimulus through positive feedback mechanism, increasing the effector action.

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