Three stages of prenatal development

Three stages of prenatal development

1.  Explain the three stages of prenatal development. 2.  Name and explain the three levels and six stages of Kohlberg’s Stage Theory. 3.  Name and explain the five psychosexual stages

  Explain the three stages of prenatal development

You will answer the following questions in your own words.

Firstly, explain the three stages of prenatal development.

Secondly, name and explain the three levels and six stages of Kohlberg’s Stage Theory.

Thirdly,   Name and explain the five psychosexual stages

Finally, explain what the five-factor model of personality is.

-At least 4 pages including: 1 title page 2 full pages answering the prompts 1 reference page

-No errors in formatting and written in full paragraph form with full sentences—no bullets points

-APA format (6thEdition)  Title Page HeadersReferences 12 pt font Times New Roman Double spaced

-Responses include effortful responses that contribute to learning. Successfully complete the prompt.

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Stages of Prenatal Development

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