Explain the importance of collaboration in the identification of grant opportunities.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria: •Competency 1: Analyze the grants process and the role of a nurse leader within it. ◦Discuss differing educational and organizational perspectives considered in identifying grant topics. ◦Explain the importance of collaboration in the identification of grant opportunities.
•Competency 2: Align nursing education needs assessments to grant opportunities. ◦Explain how grant funding opportunities for selected topics were identified and evaluated. ◦Justify the selection of potential topics for grants based on educational and programmatic needs and access to funding.
•Competency 5: Communicate effectively through professional and scholarly writing. ◦Communicate effectively through professional and scholarly writing. Assignment Instructions In preparation for this assignment, you interviewed one administrative colleague and at least one faculty member regarding their thoughts on the course scenario and possible ideas for your grant request. (Please provide the interview and the 3 questions asked to each member above) To complete this assignment, review your notes from the interviews you conducted. Reflect on your leadership role and your interviewees’ responses and rank the topics for grants to identify the top three.
In a 3–4-page paper:
•Discuss your interviewees’ responses within the context of generating and evaluating potential topics for grants. Consider both the educational perspective of the faculty members and the organizational perspective of your administrative colleague in your discussion.
•Identify the three highest ranked ideas you want to investigate further. ◦Explain how you evaluated the grants funding opportunities for the topics. ◦Justify your selections based on the criticality of the educational or programmatic need each would address and your assessment of potential access to funding. How would each of your three highest ranked topics contribute to educational or organizational success?
•Explain, in a couple of paragraphs, the importance of collaboration in this initial stage of the grant writing process. Additional Requirements Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•Number of resources: Resources are not required for this assignment.
•Length of paper: 3–4 double-spaced pages (not including the cover page).
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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