Employee Performance and Performance Measurement

Question 1 “Employee Performance” Please respond to the following: Go to SAS’s Website and review the benefits offered by this company by scrolling down to the middle of the web page and clicking the “Benefits” tab. Next, determine whether or not these types of benefits would motivate you as an employee for a long-term commitment. Support your reasoning. Determine whether or not these benefits you reviewed could create more of a balance between family and work. Provide at least two examples to support your reasoning. Question 2 “Performance Measurement” Please respond to the following: Imagine you are working at an ice cream shop. It is the middle of summer, the shop’s busiest season, and the electricity goes out during a storm. Rank the actions that you should take in order of importance, as your performance will be measured regarding your immediate actions. Assess the advantages and / or disadvantages of having more than one source of performance measurement within a company. Support your position with examples. Of the performance measurement sources you provided, select one that you believe your current or previous company could benefit from and explain why. Please answer each question in question form, along with detailed examples and complete full sentences.

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