Electric Vehicle Supply Chain in the United Kingdom


This is the feedback I got from my lecturer ( We have some issues in the draft which creates a disconnect as a whole. These must be fixed to make the work as a whole make sense. In the rationale you state this is a quantitative correlational study. The correlational aspect is clear but no where do you mention the statistics you will analyse and how, in order to qualify the use of quantitative. This must be fixed. You also need to make it more explicit how this topic is relevant to business management. In the LR you mention a hypothesis and again based on statistical analysis. The hypothesis needs to appear under the section where you talk about deductive research and not in the LR. Also as stated before, you provide no detail of the statistics you will use and how? In the methodology, the section discussing research philosophy is repetitive and does not flow. Restructure. You define primary and secondary but do not state that you are doing secondary. Similarly, you define quant, qual and mixed methods but do not state that due to doung secondary research, you will not be using these. You have a good variety of definitions of case studies but again do not clearly describe your approach, especially the use of statistics and how you will prove correlation. What are your data sets? In general, when referencing, 3 or more authors you only mention the first author and then et al.,)

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