Digital Strategy and Marketing Audit on a Business

For this assessment, you are to conduct a Digital Strategy and Marketing Audit either on your own business, a small-medium business, or a not-for-profit organisation. Do not choose a large national or multi-national company. To get the most benefit from this assessment, it is ideal if you can spend time engaging with the company first hand to get a strong understanding of their overall business strategy and all of its digital marketing platforms (e.g. website, mobile app, social media, ecommerce, etc.). Using the Digital Strategy Audit Checklist provided, complete the checklist for your organisation. There are many types of audit checklists; this one is a compilation of some of the ones on the internet. If you have one that is more relevant to your organisation, you must get it approved by your Workshop Facilitator. You will be required to submit the actual checklist completed as part of your report.

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