Cryptocurrencies What are they

Cryptocurrencies. What are they? Are they a true alternative to our current monetary system? How? What would be the consequences for the overall economy? For monetary policy? Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details In your Draft, you have already gathered most of the information and references you need. You already have a first version of a Literature Review, which establishes your credibility. That is, in your Literature Review you are letting your audience know you are familiar with what experts know on your subject, so they can trust what you have to say. Now it is time to digest all this information. For your Final Version, reflect on the information you have already gathered, structure it, and analyze it. Connect the dots. Aim for simplicity and substance. –> Title: Cryptocurrency Challenges and Opportunities for Improving the Effectiveness of Monetary System. Very good. It is specific and descriptive of your work. Your audience knows what you will be working on. –> I am not reading the Abstract, because there is not supposed to be one until the entire paper is finished. How can you summarize a paper that has not been written yet? In your Draft, address the following specifically: 1) In your Introduction section, make sure you have all the elements necessary: a) Purpose and focus of your paper (the core of your paper). b) Motivation (why is your subject relevant?). c) Methodology (how you have gone about your research). d) Findings and/or conclusion. Unlike the Literature Review, this is where you tell us what YOU think: how should we understand what is important about this subject and what the implications for economics, policy, etc. are. e) Final paragraph with the organization of your paper (this acts as the table of contents of your paper). E.g. “In the next section I will present a literature review section 3 analyzes, …. And I present my conclusions on the last section of this paper”. Check sample papers (links in previous guidelines). 2) Think and write like an economist; use the economic tools you have learned throughout your studies. More specifically: a) Make sure you are applying an economic perspective to your subject. This is an economics paper. b) Give your audience the basics and the wider context: how it all works & how is it framed within economics. Once you have provided your audience with a ‘map’ and told them where you are in the map, proceed on to focus on your specific topic and issue. c) Give us your own fruit smoothie. Structure, summarize, and analyze your information in order to create your own narrative, your own story. Do not present your audience with a list or a recount of works related to your topic. Tell us what we should pay attention to and why.

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