Crisis Prevention with Female Adolescent Survivors of Sex Trafficking

This is a paper that focuses on Crisis Prevention with Female Adolescent Survivors of Sex Trafficking. The paper also contains the paper’s key areas to focus.

Crisis Prevention with Female Adolescent Survivors of Sex Trafficking

Students will write a Research Paper that synthesizes the major points discovered about their research topic Crisis Prevention with Female Adolescent Survivors of Sex Trafficking.
Remember that this is a first responder course and it is also a crisis intervention course. Focus on those two issues throughout your paper. Do not drift into counseling, therapy, medical treatment, or other areas. Focus on your approved topic, how first responders can identify the population, how they can help them, and what the Bible has to say to inform the discussion. As such, your paper must relate your research findings to the content of this course, the major theories of crisis counseling, your own academic research, cultural concerns,  and also biblical perspectives on crisis counseling.

Crisis Prevention with Female Adolescent Survivors of Sex Trafficking

The key required areas are:
1)      An APA cover page.
2)      An Abstract. (An abstract and Introduction are often confused but they are different in both formatting and content. Additionally, be sure you know the difference).

3)      Body of the report.
i.                    Introduction – note that APA does not use this heading. Just jump into the content. Use this section to orient your reader and grab their interest. Why does this topic matter? What interesting background information can you share?
ii.                   mental health symptoms / relationship dynamics common in your population-of-interest – How can new interventionists identify this population? What type of mental health issues typically arise? What type of relationship issues typically occur?

iii.                best practices in crisis intervention (how can we best help them?). NOTE: avoid any discussion of long-term counseling or psychotherapy. This is a crisis course so be sure you know the difference.
iv.                spiritual applications/interventions (What does Scripture say about your topic area that is relevant?)
v.                  cultural considerations – What cultural concerns/considerations must we attend to when working with this population?
vi.                Conclusion – Wrap up your paper discussing key themes and findings that you uncovered. NOTE: ***The conclusion of literature review papers must include at least a paragraph on “ideas for future research.” You just read the literature on your topic area so you are conversant in the research. What seems to be missing? What should future researchers focus on?

4)      Reference page (APA format required).

Specific requirements:
Firstly, your paper must be 12 – 15 pages, not including the cover page, abstract, and reference page.
Secondly, current APA 7th ed formatting must be used throughout the paper, including a title page, abstract, and references list. The title page, abstract, and references list do not count toward the required page length. You must also use APA headers, Level 1 (and Level 2 and 3 as needed) APA headings, an introduction, and a formal Conclusion section in the body of your report.

Thirdly, avoid personal experience or opinions in this paper. This is a literature review paper with Scripture woven in.
Fourthly, at least 15 scholarly sources must be used to support your findings and research. At least 10 of your sources must be published within the last 5 years.
Lastly, be sure to review the rubric for additional requirements before submitting your paper and use the rubric as a checklist to ensure that no requirements are missed.

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