Corporate Cocial Responsibility CSR Company’s Strategy Practice UAE Company

Corporate Cocial Responsibility CSR Company’s Strategy Practice UAE Company

This essay entails a Corporate social Responsibility paper on any  Company’s Strategy Practice. Corporate social Responsibility ensures that every member of the firm is dedicated and follows the rules outlined in the firm’s constitution.

Corporate social Responsibility Company’s Strategy Practice

Firstly, you must choose a company and write a critical analysis of its Corporate social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. This should include academic or reliable references to concepts and theories covered during the course and some elements of critical evaluation. You could consider evaluating the company’s strategy versus what it does in practice.

However, please be aware that the appendices should provide only supporting information (graphs, data, figures, table etc.). . PART 2: a briefing document written as a Board Paper. This part should read like a business document. For one particular issue within your chosen organisation/ company please write a Board Paper. A model and some examples of Board Papers awarded a first-class mark during previous years have been made available on Canvas.

Secondly, imagine that this document has to be approved by the Board of Directors. You should position yourself as an employee or a consultant of your chosen company. In this short Board Paper you inform the Board of Directors of your company of a CSR-related problem that has arisen (i.e. it is on-going and current) which impacts one or several stakeholder groups.

Thirdly, you should: Briefly outline the problem Make recommendation(s) on how to solve this problem, while referring if necessary to best practices of competitors Consider how your suggestions affect various stakeholders of your company Your aim is for the Board of Directors to approve your recommendation(s).

Also, these footnotes should contain the information that is usually provided in the list of references/ bibliography at the end. No list of reference or bibliography is required. The 750-word limit excludes footnotes (Microsoft Word excludes these automatically) and appendices. The appendices could, for example, include tables, graphs, images or other important information.

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