Concepts of Autonomy Confidentiality and Anonymity
Concepts of Autonomy Confidentiality and Anonymity
Read and review the resources listed above.
Review the IRB Process with assessment guides for your agency, or you may review those provided by IWU.
Present the Topics below (as assigned by your facilitator until all are taken): Concepts of autonomy, confidentiality and anonymity
Defining/describing the topic.
Explaining the scope of the topic i.e. its boundaries or overlap with another topic.
Giving the key points a researcher should know, do, avoid, etc.
Addressing only the informed consent section of a proposed IRB application, in layman’s words, thoroughly explain what their participation will look like, how their data will be collected and used, the potential benefits and risks to them, and who to contact should the risks become real.
Also, explain to the IRB committee members, the proposed mitigation and reparation should the risks come to fruition. Last, explain why or why not an expert in your topic should be added to the IRB committee membership to help guide the evaluation of risk and reparation inherent to your study