Compare and contrast voluntary and involuntary confessions

This is a paper that focuses on the compare and contrast voluntary and involuntary confessions. The paper focuses on the case scenario of Miranda v Arizona supreme court decision.

Compare and contrast voluntary and involuntary confessions

In Miranda v. Arizona, the United States Supreme Court held that the police must inform suspects, before interrogation, of certain constitutional rights.  These rights have become popularly known as the Miranda rights.  Under the Constitution, specifically the Fifth Amendment, persons accused of a crime, or held in suspicion of a crime, must be informed of their right to remain silent, their right to be represented by counsel, and must be told that any statements they make can and will be used against them as evidence.

Compare and contrast voluntary and involuntary confessions.  How did the court apply these concepts to the Miranda decision?  Provide an example of when a person is and is not in custody.  Additionally, is there a difference between an interview and an interrogation?  If a person waives his or her Miranda rights, how long is the waiver valid?  Can a person change his or her mind?  Can the police keep trying to get a suspect to talk until he or she agrees to do so without a lawyer?  However, should there be any exceptions to the rule that a person is to be informed of their rights?  Discuss.
Through writing this assignment, you will be responsible for using a minimum of 2 scholarly/peer-reviewed sources (e.g. GMC Library). Textbooks are not a scholarly/peer-reviewed source; however, they may still be as a supplemental reference.

Your assignment is to be a minimum of 500 words.  Going over the minimum page length requirement is acceptable; however, I am not looking for a 10+ page essay.
For this course, you will submit the graded activity using Turnitin. An Originality Report will become available within a few minutes after your first submission. Inside the Originality Report will be a Similarity Index.

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