Three tests used in the assessment of cardiovascular function

Three tests used in the assessment of cardiovascular function

Identify three tests used in the assessment of cardiovascular function and describe the type of information they elucidate.

Identify three tests used in the assessment of cardiovascular function and describe the type of information they elucidate

Elaborate three tests used in the assessment of cardiovascular function and describe the type of information they elucidate.

More details;

Common medical tests to diagnose heart conditions

Your doctor may order different medical tests to help find out what your heart condition is and the best way to treat it. Some of these tests are explained below.

Blood tests

When your muscle has been damaged, as in a heart attack, your body releases substances in your blood. Blood tests can measure the substances and also show if, and how much of, your heart muscle has been damaged.

Blood tests are also done to measure the level of other substances in your blood, such as blood fats (e.g. cholesterol and triglycerides), vitamins and minerals.

Your blood sample is taken from a vein in your arm. A laboratory then tests it and sends the results to your doctor, who will explain the results to you.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An ECG reads your heart’s electrical impulses. It shows how well your heart is beating.

Small sticky dots and wire leads are put on your chest, arms and also legs. The leads are attached to an ECG machine which records the electrical impulses and also prints them out on paper.

Your doctor may use an ECG to diagnose a heart attack or abnormal heart rhythms (called ‘arrhythmias’).

Exercise stress test

A stress test, sometimes called a ‘treadmill’ or ‘exercise’ test, is a type of ECG that is done while you are exercising. It helps your doctor to find out how well your heart works when you are physically active.


Look for the treatment of any Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

Using the website provided, look for the treatment of any Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and discuss the details related to the treatment you choose.

Look for the treatment of any Evidence-Based Practice EBP

Using the website provided, look for the treatment of any Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and discuss the details related to the treatment you choose. The website provides an evidence-based web guide that includes details about EBPs in the treatment of mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Consult (empirical peer-reviewed articles)

More details;

Why Is Evidence-Based Practice In Nursing So Important?

What plan of care you will create for the patient with heart failure

Write a short essay discussing what plan of care you will create for the patient with heart failure. Your paper should include a title page and at least 3 references.

What plan of care you will create for the patient with heart failure

Write a short essay discussing what plan of care you will create for the patient with heart failure. Your paper should include a title page and at least 3 references. Minimum word count is 1000 words.

Include the following in your essay:
Firstly, briefly explain pathophysiology between right and left heart failure.

Secondly, explain what diagnostic testing is use for heart failure.

Thirdly, provide the risk factors.

Fourthly, provide the clinical manifestations.

Also, provide 2 nursing diagnosis using the NANDA format NANDA (2012) NANDA Nursing Diagnosis List.

Additionally, provide 3 expected outcomes.

Moreover, provide 4 nursing interventions.

Finally, conclude your paper by discussing how you will evaluate your plan of care.

More details;

Heart failure (HF) professionals are managing an older population with multiple, often interconnected comorbidities. The average age of the HF patient has increased substantially and many have a number of comorbidities. For the older HF patient, diligent planning of care has the potential to reduce hospitalization, improve quality of life and mortality; nevertheless, this vital component is often overlook. Frailty, cachexia, sarcopenia, and cognitive impairment are all common in the older HF patient and require special care considerations.

Many older HF patients live for many years with troublesome symptoms that could be better address through the incorporation of a palliative approach to care. Effective care plans can help patients maximize their health potential through both lifestyle and pharmacological interventions. However, current evidence remains scarce on what constitutes an optimal plan, therefore further studies are urgently needed. We review the care that could be implemented for the complex older HF patient with comorbidities.

Model of practice to the advanced nurse roles DNP NP RN FNP

Model of practice to the advanced nurse roles DNP NP RN FNP

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to apply a model of practice to the advanced nurse roles. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper.  Below is the description of the assignment:

Apply a model of practice to the advanced nurse roles

MN502-2: Apply a model of practice to the advanced nurse roles.

Models of Practice

What is a model?

A model demonstrates the researcher’s interpretation of how concepts are related to one another and are developed based on qualitative research. Models often are precursors to theory development.

Three of the most prominent nursing models categorized as focusing on goals and functions include Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing, Johnson’s behavioral system model, and Pender’s health promotion model.


In this assignment, you will locate a model of practice that you could apply to nursing. It does not need to be a nursing model. Models of practice can be found in leadership, business, education, and also technology. You will explain why you have chosen the model and apply the model to your advanced practice role in the template provided.

In the first row, in the first column, write the name of your chosen model. Please remove the examples when entering your information
In the first column of the template table, list the characteristics of the model you have chosen with a source/s of support. In the second column, list an application to your advanced nursing practice role upon graduation with a source of support/s.

Assignment Details

For this Assignment, your paper must be 2 to 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support.

Submit your Assignment to the Competency Assessment Dropbox.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Firstly, this Assessment should be a Microsoft Word document.
Secondly, respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions.
Thirdly, your paper must be in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Fourthly, your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Lastly, a separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.

If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? 

If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided?

If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur

Firstly, if you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided?

You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very real beliefs in some cultures.

Differences in cultural beliefs, subcultures, religion, ethnic customs, dietary customs, language, and a host of other factors contribute to the complex environment that surrounds global healthcare issues. Failure to understand and account for these differences can create a gulf between practitioners and the public they serve.

In this Assignment, you will examine a global health issue and consider the approach to this issue by the United States and by one other country.

To Prepare:

Firstly, review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda and select one global health issue to focus on for this Assignment.
Secondly, select at least one additional country to compare to the U.S. for this Assignment.

Thirdly, reflect on how the global health issue you selected is approached in the U.S. and in the additional country you selected.

Fourthly, review and download the Global Health Comparison Matrix provided in the Resources.

THE ASSIGNMENT: (1- to 2-page Global Health Comparison Matrix; 1-page Plan for Social Change)

Part 1: Global Health Comparison Matrix

Focusing on the country you selected and the U.S., complete the Global Health Comparison Matrix. Be sure to address the following:

1). Consider the U.S. national/federal health policies that have been adapted for the global health issue you selected from the WHO global health agenda. Compare these policies to the additional country you selected for study.

2). Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each policy.

3). Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the global health issue you selected. Be specific and provide examples.

4). Using the WHO’s Organization’s global health agenda as well as the results of your own research, analyze how each country’s government addresses cost, quality, and access to the global health issue selected.

5). Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the health of the global population. Be specific and provide examples.

6). Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the role of the nurse in each country.

7). Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. Be specific and also provide examples.

Part 2: A Plan for Social Change

Reflect on the global health policy comparison and analysis you conducted in Part 1 of the Assignment and the impact that global health issues may have on the world, the U.S., your community, as well as your practice as a nurse leader.

In a 1-page response, create a plan for social change that incorporates a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.

1). Explain how you would advocate for the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.

2). Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens might impact your local practice and role as a nurse leader.

3). Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice as a nurse leader represents and contributes to social change. Be specific and provide examples

Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses

This is a paper is focusing on the student to examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper.

Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Firstly, examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (CO1)
Secondly, analyze essential skills needed to lead within the context of complex systems. (CO3)
Thirdly, explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and healthcare outcomes in various settings. (CO4)


The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are to use the APA Academic Writer and Grammarly tools when creating your assignment.
Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.
The length of the paper should be 5-8 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s).

Support ideas with a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 3 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas.
You may use first person voice when discussing information specific to your personal practice or skills.
Current edition APA format is with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the following as Level 1 headings to denote the sections of your paper (Level 1 headings use upper- and lower-case letters and are bold and centered):
APN Professional Development Plan (This is the paper introduction. In APA format, a restatement of the paper title, centered and not bold serves as the heading of the introduction section)
APN Scope of Practice
Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies
Leadership Skills

Postpartum maternal depression reflecting research paper

This is a paper that requires the student to write on the Postpartum maternal depression reflecting research paper. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is a brief description to use in the assessing of the paper:

Postpartum maternal depression reflecting research paper

Postpartum maternal depression: The impact on early postnatal attachment.
A local agency supporting teen mothers in an urban, low socioeconomic status (SES) area requests a presentation for its support staff on postpartum maternal depression. Specifically, the group is interested in knowing more about how postpartum maternal depression impacts early postnatal attachment. Additionally, the group is interested in any intervention or prevention suggestions that are empirically supported specifically for their population.

Your assessment has two parts:

Part 1: Written Paper Reflecting Research

Identify the scenario you have chosen and then develop a 5–7-page paper on your selected topic, supporting your ideas with current research that fully explores the topic.


An examination of how the specific issue impacts cognitive social, emotional, or physical development in early childhood and beyond.
An analysis of major theories or recent research related to a selected topic that considers the influence of biology and the environment, health, education, and culture on development.
An application of child development theory and research in recommending appropriate responses or interventions to children’s evolving needs in specific contexts, that is, school, home, and community.
This paper will provide the basis for you to explain the impact of the issue on the infant, family, and society as a whole. The paper should have APA structure, formatting, and referencing.

Postpartum maternal depression reflecting research paper

Part 2: Presentation Speaker’s Notes

Drawing on your research in Part 1,

prepare two pages of speaker’s notes for the presentation directed at parents and also other professionals in which you:

Describe the topic of the presentation and its significance to the audience.
Analyze the impact of the issue on the infant, family, and society as a whole.
Recommend best practices for the health of newborns or infants.

Write out the presentation on two double-spaced pages. You do not need APA in-text referencing, but you can refer to important scholarly sources that support your ideas. Remember to consider the level of understanding the audience may have on the topic so that you avoid jargon or provide clarification. This presentation needs to have objective support, but, as a presentation, it can be in more informal, first-person language.

Discuss pathophysiology of lung cancer and clinical manifestations

This is a paper that requires the student to discuss pathophysiology of lung cancer and clinical manifestations. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Discuss pathophysiology of lung cancer and clinical manifestations

Write a 1500-2000 word APA formatted essay of the following topics:

Firstly, discuss the pathophysiologic connection between asthma and allergies
Secondly, discuss pathophysiology of lung cancer, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic tests
Thirdly, what are the pathophysiologic changes in COPD and also how does it differ from asthma?
Discuss the use of oxygen therapy in patients with a diagnosis of COPD. What are the benefits and the potential pitfalls?
Complete Case Study #13 (bacterial pneumonia) in the Bruyere textbookChief Complaints Provided by patient’s home caregiver: “Mrs. I. is confused and very sick. She was up most of last night coughing.” HPI Mrs. B.I. is an 84-year-old white female, who is widowed and a retired bank manager. She owns her own home and has a 45-year-old female caregiver who lives in the home.

Discuss pathophysiology of lung cancer and clinical manifestations

Currently, Mrs. I. uses a walker and takes daily strolls to the park with her caregiver. She is able to perform most activities of daily living; however, the caregiver prepares all meals. The patient presents to the clinic accompanied by her caregiver, who reports that Mrs. I. has a one-week history of upper respiratory symptoms and a two-day history of increasing weakness and malaise.
Approximately three days ago, the patient developed a cough that has gradually become worse and she now has difficulty catching her breath. The caregiver also reports that the patient was confuse last night and nearly fell while going to the bathroom. The patient has been coughing up a significant amount of phlegm that is thick and green in color. She has no fever.

The caregiver has become concerned by the patient’s reduction in daily activities and an inability to get rid of her “cold.” Patient Case Question
1.      Firstly, based on the patient’s history of illness, is this type of infection considered community-acquired or nosocomial? PMH • Tobacco dependence  64 years • Chronic bronchitis for approximately 13 years • Urinary overflow incontinence  10 years • HTN  6 years, BP has been averaging 140/80 mm Hg with medication
2.       Secondly, CASE STUDY 13 BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA For the Disease Summary for this case study, see the CD-ROM. Bruyere_Case13_054-059.qxd 4/30/08 3:01 PM Page 54 CASE STUDY 13

The impact on early postnatal attachment scenario assessment

This is a paper that requires the student to write on the impact on early postnatal attachment scenario assessment . The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is a brief description to use in the assessing of the paper:

The impact on early postnatal attachment scenario assessment

Postpartum maternal depression: The impact on early postnatal attachment.
A local agency supporting teen mothers in an urban, low socioeconomic status (SES) area requests a presentation for its support staff on postpartum maternal depression. Specifically, the group is interested in knowing more about how postpartum maternal depression impacts early postnatal attachment. Additionally, the group is interested in any intervention or prevention suggestions that are empirically supported specifically for their population.

Your assessment has two parts:

Part 1: Written Paper Reflecting Research

Identify the scenario you have chosen and then develop a 5–7-page paper on your selected topic, supporting your ideas with current research that fully explores the topic.


An examination of how the specific issue impacts cognitive social, emotional, or physical development in early childhood and beyond.
An analysis of major theories or recent research related to a selected topic that considers the influence of biology and the environment, health, education, and culture on development.
An application of child development theory and research in recommending appropriate responses or interventions to children’s evolving needs in specific contexts, that is, school, home, and community.
This paper will provide the basis for you to explain the impact of the issue on the infant, family, and society as a whole. The paper should have APA structure, formatting, and referencing.

The impact on early postnatal attachment scenario assessment

Part 2: Presentation Speaker’s Notes

Drawing on your research in Part 1,

prepare two pages of speaker’s notes for the presentation directed at parents and also other professionals in which you:

Describe the topic of the presentation and its significance to the audience.
Analyze the impact of the issue on the infant, family, and society as a whole.
Recommend best practices for the health of newborns or infants.

Write out the presentation on two double-spaced pages. You do not need APA in-text referencing, but you can refer to important scholarly sources that support your ideas. Remember to consider the level of understanding the audience may have on the topic so that you avoid jargon or provide clarification. This presentation needs to have objective support, but, as a presentation, it can be in more informal, first-person language.

Your case is a 3 year old little boy diagnosed with Developmental Delay

Case Study: Your case is a 3 year old little boy diagnosed with Developmental Delay.  He is the second of four siblings and the only boy.  He is non-verbal at this time, is walking with support, and has fine motor skills at the 7- month level.

Your case is a 3 year old little boy diagnosed with Developmental Delay

Case Study: Your case is a 3 year old little boy diagnose d with Developmental Delay.  He is the second of four siblings and the only boy.  He is non-verbal at this time, is walking with support, and has fine motor skills at the 7- month level. Further, he frequently has emotional outbursts and is physically aggressive. He lives at home with his mother, who has quit her job to be his caregiver.   The pediatrician referred you for pre-school readiness skills, hoping that he will be able to attend the local public school.

Using the assigned pediatric diagnosis, formulate a case study that includes the following:

Firstly, provide a summary about the diagnosis including causes, symptoms, prevalence/incidence etc.

Secondly, provide background information about the child including name, age, home environment (siblings), school attendance (if applicable), and medical history.  Write a detailed description of the child using clinical observations.

Thirdly, explain how the diagnosis has affected the child’s areas of occupation including play, self-care, school, home, etc. (use OT Practice framework as guide)

Fourthly, describe an occupational therapy session with this child including:
Identify 5 areas of concern/deficits that you are focusing on in the session- these should be consistent with the given diagnosis and with the setting.

Finally, write two short term goals for the individual session.  Goals should be SMART. (specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, time based)