Advanced Nurse Practitioner Professional Plan

This is a narrative statement of the plan that the student has for continuation of their professional
growth and development following graduation. It may also include exemplars of recent offerings
completed since the Acute Care course was initiated.

Nurse Practitioner (RN/NP) License

After passing your certification exam, the next step is to obtain your Nurse Practitioner (RN/NP) license. Next you should apply for prescriptive authority for the state in Massachusetts to practice. In some states, this requires a collaborating/supervising physician and in some states, there are restrictions for NP prescribing. Once obtaining a Massachusetts prescriptive license then you will need to apply for a federal drug enforcement administration (DEA) certificate, in order to prescribe narcotics.
Prescriptive Authority websites
DEA Forms and Applications
Please add the following information to the Individual Professional Practice Document (Word). Using the Prescriptive Authority websites, select the state (s) Massachusetts to practice and become familiar with that Massachusetts regulations related to NP prescriptive authority. In some states prescriptive authority is explained in the BON and the Department of Public Health (DPH), so you may need to search the DPH website as well. In addition, you can access some of this information in your Buppert text in appendix 3B. You will also need to become familiar with the Federal DEA regulations for massachusetts in order to be licensed to prescribed narcotics.
What are the prescriptive authority requirements for the massachusetts in which you intend to practice? Is there a MD collaborative or supervisory regulation related to non-controlled substances or controlled substances. Are there any restrictions for NP prescriptive practice? Does the state utilize a system-wide drug monitoring program to assist with prevention of overprescribing?
Include State of Massachusetts prescriptive authority regulations hyperlink:
Include whether or not the state allows for FDEA licensure and what the requirements are to obtain a DEA certificate? Are there any MD collaborative/supervisory regulations related to narcotic prescribing? Are there any restrictions to prescribing narcotics? Opioid restrictions? Narcan authority?
Include Federal DEA hyperlink:

Nursing Intervention Activities and Resources


In this assignment, you combine it all into a community plan.


  • Introduction
  • Integrate all previous assignments with revisions if necessary (See attached)
    • Definition of Community
    • Windshield Survey
    • Community Assessment
    • Community Partners and Resources Community Health
    • Diagnosis
    • Objectives
  • Identify the intervention activities and resources needed to achieve the objectives and accomplish the goal(s).  Describe what you did for your project (See Nursing diagnosis assignment). Interventions must be specific and indicate:
    • Who will implement the intervention?
    • What, how, and when it will be implemented?
    • How will people be notified of this?
    • (Consideration should be given to education space needed, educational materials needing to be developed, advertising, and activity promotion through TV or radio)
    • Describe the proposed implementation of a project or activity.  Include teaching, development of educational materials, etc. (See attached PowerPoint slides for presentation, brochures and fall packet policy for staff attached)
    • Include in an appendix any material you developed: pamphlets, pictures of posters, advertising material, etc. (See my draft attached)
  • Propose an evaluation you would use to measure how you met the stated goal.
    • How will the success of your interventions be evaluated?
    • State what you might change to better accomplish the goal if it were not met. As you may remember from care planning, unmet goals usually need a change in interventions, or a change in the goal to be more realistic.
  • Conclusion

Additional Instructions:

  • Reference page (minimum of 12 references) 5 years and up
  • Final Paper 10 – 12 pages (not including title and reference page)
  • APA format
  • Running head
  • A title page and a reference page


Interviewing a Professional Nurse / Nurse Professional with Years of Experience

Provide examples for:

  • Teamwork Patient-care
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Communication style
  • Motivation and core values
  • 3-5 pages(excluding title page and reference page)
  • APA style paper with at least 3 references within 5 years.

Minimizing Fall Rates in Long Term Care

Research Paper

Investigate how fall rates can be decreased in a long term care facility. This paper requires you to write a literature review of 7-8 pages formatted in APA style with 10-12 sources.

Role of the DNP Practice

DNP Scholar



The purpose of this assignment is to develop a translation science project to support practice change. Evidence translation is essential to drive actions and decisions to improve healthcare outcomes. Formulation of a comprehensive translation science project supports the professional formation of the DNP scholar.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO1: Assess the impact of informatics and information technology on organizational systems, change, and improvement. (PO6)
  • CO2: Use information technology to collect and analyze data to generate evidence-based nursing practice across healthcare settings. (PO7)
  • CO3: Design programs that monitor and evaluate outcomes of care, care systems, and quality improvement. (PO7)



In order to create flexible options, we are providing you options on your Week 4 Translation Science Project Assignment that focuses on your practice project idea. Concept maps are an effective way to express complex ideas, especially for visual learners. For this assignment, each of the following sections can be presented either as a narrative or as a concept map:

  • Practice Problem/PICOT Question
  • Evidence Synthesis of Literature to Address Practice Problem
  • Appraisal of the Evidence to Address Selected Problem
  • Translation Path

Please note that you are not required to complete any or all sections as a concept map. If you choose to use a concept map for a section, it should be created in Microsoft Word and placed in that section of your paper. The concept map must meet all the requirements of the assignment rubric for that section. The rubric and page length requirements of the paper are unchanged.

If you need additional information about concept maps and how to create a concept map in Microsoft Word, please access the resources below.

Microsoft Word: Creating a Flowchart, Concept, or Process Map 4:03 minutes (Links to an external site.)

Concept Mapping for Developing Your Research 3:37 minutes (Links to an external site.)

Research Article: Zori, S., & Morrison, B. (2009). Critical thinking in nurse managers. Nursing Economics, 27(2), 75-9, 98.

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

  1. The assignment should be no less than 6 pages and no more than 8 pages (excluding title and reference pages and appended evidence tables).
  2. The assignment will include the following components:
    1. Title Page
    2. Introduction
      1. Purpose Statement
      2. Practice Problem Identification
  • Role of Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem.
  1. Role of the DNP Practice Scholar in Evidence Translation
  1. Practice Problem and Question (Narrative or Conceptual Map)
    1. Significance
    2. Prevalence
  • Economic Ramifications
  1. Practice Problem Question in PICOT Format
  1. Evidence Synthesis of Literature to Address the Selected Practice Problem (Narrative or Conceptual Map)
    1. Scope of the Evidence Synthesis
    2. Main Points of Each Source
  • Comparison of Main Points across Sources
  1. Appraisal of the Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem (Narrative or Conceptual Map)
    1. Level of Evidence
    2. Quality Rating of Evidence
  • Suitability of the Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem
  1. Translation Path (Narrative or Conceptual Map)
    1. Potential Internal Factors for Consideration
    2. Potential External Factors for Consideration
  • Selected Translation or Change Model
  1. Evaluation Plan
  2. Anticipated Outcomes
  3. Strategies for Sustainability
  1. Conclusion
    1. Summation of the Impact of the Practice Problem
    2. Role of the Appraisal of Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem.
  • Summation of the Role of the DNP Practice Scholar in Evidence Translation
  1. Summary Tables of Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Evidence Summary Tool(Links to an external site.)
    1. Provides four sources of evidence to address the practice problem.
  2. APA Style and Organization
    1. APA Standards for Scholarly Papers
      • Level I Headings for the Following
        • Practice Problem and Question
        • Evidence Synthesis of Literature
        • Appraisal of the Evidence
        • Translation Path into Practice
        • Conclusion
        • References
        • Summary Tables of the Evidence
  1. Grammar and Mechanics
  2. Paper is 6-8 Pages (excluding Title and Reference Pages and appended Summary Tables)
  • Uses Required Evidence Summary Table
  1. To complete this assignment, please search from the library home page(Links to an external site.). Click the Everything tab to search using your keywords. This search field accesses over 70 large databases. Use the Journal Articles tab to search beyond these 70 databases in the WorldCat system. Federal and other open access sources are not included in the search functions and must be searched individually. To do this, search the open access article databases (Links to an external site.). For help, click the Database Tutorials tab in the Where To Find Help box on the library home page or contact a librarian (Links to an external site.).

Leadership as a Professional Nurse

Signature Assignment Description/Directions:

As a professional nurse, Choose one or more leadership topic(s) from your textbook or from a scholarly source from a previous discussion or assignment from this course and write about its application to nursing practice. Provide definitions, history/background, and major concepts of chosen topic. Describe the topic’s function in nursing practice by examining at least three different nursing roles (for example, bedside nurse, public health nurse, CNO, unit manager, etc.). Discuss how the leadership topic can be used in your own practice. Discuss your personal growth in regard to your chosen leadership topic. Evaluate personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your career advancement. Then, discuss the top three traits you feel makes a good nurse leader. Support your statements with examples from your practice experience and scholarly sources.

ANA Position Statement Paper


Go to and read ANA’s Ethics and Human Rights Position Statements for 2015 through 2018.

Select one position statement of your own choosing, read the “Full Position Statement”, and write the following paper.

Write a minimum of 1000 words that address the following: In your own words, provide a summary of the ANA Position Statement you chose.

Analyze a scenario where this Position Statement would apply in nursing practice. Include a description of the patient situation, involved individuals – patient, family, nurse, and physician.

You may select a scenario from current events, news stories, or an ethical case study that already exists. You may create a fictional scenario or use one that you know of personally. Describe the ethical values in conflict.

Describe what you believe is the correct action and defend your decision based on ethical theories/systems and ethical principles. Assignment Expectations Write a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay.

Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment. Length: 1000 words Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx). APA Format: Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

Barriers to Healthy Behaviors

Review the article below for this assignment:
Zhai, Z. W., Yip, W. S., Steinberg, M. A., Wampler, J., Hoff, R. A., Krishnan-Sarin, S., & Potenza,
M. N. (2017). Relationships between perceived family gambling and peer gambling and
adolescent problem gambling and binge-drinking. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(44), 1169-
185. doi: 10.1007/s10899-017-9670-x Retrieved from
Families play an important role in influencing individuals’ health behaviors. Reflecting on the
article and your additional literature research, write a paper (2-3 pages) responding to the
What associations between excessive gambling and severe high-frequency binge drinking are
suggested in the article?
Identify at least 3 barriers to reducing the problem of pathological gambling.
Identify two specific strategies (family related) you would use to plan a program to prevent
problem gambling. Include evidence-based information as to why you believe these strategies
best apply

Chemical Hazards in Nursing

Write a 3-5 page paper about chemical hazards in nursing. Use scholarly sources and credible websites. Follow APA style.