Emesis during practicum Patient complaint of nausea

Emesis during practicum Patient complaint of nausea

This essay entails the occurence of Emesis during practicum and the Patient complaint of nausea. Emesis during practicum reflects on stting the aims and the goals to enable one to acquire the best health to the ordinary citizens

Emesis during practicum Patient complaint of nausea

Firstly, patient complaint of nausea but no emesis during practicum. The preceptor stated him is having allergy because of inflammation in one of his nares, and no elevated temperature.

Also, reflect on your practicum experience by writing your responses to the following questions:
What were the highlights of practicum to this point? Setting goals, be professionalism, and keeping up with patient’s assessment.

Secondly, what challenges did you face? Driving a long way, Client noncompliant to care, and difficult to follow directions.Recall any online content that you have studied for the practicum. Which system exams did you perform? Which skills did you use for the specific exam during the practicum? I use Otoscope to inspect the nose. How did you apply what you have learned?

Thirdly, reflect back and identify areas that you might have missed. Do you feel you are proficient and timely in performing the specific exam? If yes, great! If thats the case, what could be done to improve? How did your skills improve from the last time you performed the specific systems exam? What have you seen in the practicum environment that has not been included in the online course?

Lastly, when a person has rhinitis, the inside of the nose becomes inflamed, or swollen, causing cold-like symptoms, such as itchiness, blocked nose, runny nose, and sneezing.

In conclusion, allergic rhinitis can be causes an allergy. In other cases, it is called nonallergic rhinitis. The symptoms of nonallergic and allergic rhinitis are similar, but the causes are different.

Professional Nursing Organizations Health Care System

Professional Nursing Organizations Health Care System

This essay entails a paper project written from the Professional Nursing Organizations in the Health Care System. Professional Nursing Organizations ensures there is a a balanced and experienced provision of the services to the humans especially the patients.

Professional Nursing Organizations Health Care System

Firstly, advanced registered nursing graduates are entering the profession at dynamic time when roles. Scope of practice are shifting based on developments in legislation. Policy in response to the evolving needs of the health care system. Professional nursing organizations support nurse specialties in their efforts to expand their scope of practice. Full participation throughout the health care system.

Furthermore, for this assignment, conduct research on the current scope of practice for your specialty (ER). Efforts made to expand that scope and the role of the advanced nurse in positively influencing the health care system. Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that includes the following. A discussion of the scope of your future role as an advanced registered nurse, including any regulatory, certification, or accreditation agencies that define that scope.

Secondly, a discussion of three professional nursing organizations that you think are most influential in advancing the scope Also, influence of advanced nursing. Of these organizations, evaluate the one that you would most like to join. How do its goals and mission fit in with your worldview and philosophy of care?

Thirdly, how might membership in this organization improve your practice? A discussion of a controversial or evolving issue that is most likely to affect your scope of practice or role in the next few years. How do you think this issue could influence the profession and other stakeholders, and why does it matters to the advanced registered nurse?

Lastly, cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Publish sources  within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Patient Care Delivery Systems Ethical Issues in Nursing CINHAL- MedLine to research

Patient Care Delivery Systems Ethical Issues in Nursing CINHAL- MedLine to research

Please confirm if you have access to CINHAL, MedLine to research the articles and that you can provide an outline of the presentation prior to the due date of 2/20.

Confirm if you have access to CINHAL-MedLine to research

Please confirm if you have access to CINHAL, MedLine to research the articles and that you can provide an outline of the presentation prior to the due date of 2/20.
This is a 7 – 10 page PowerPoint, articles must be summarized in a separate doc and speaker notes must be added.
Please provide estimate.
Here are additional details

Research and select 3 current articles written from 2006-2016, about a current professional practice topic (NOT a clinical topic), these can include the following subjects (but not limited to):
Firstly, Case Management

Secondly, Advance Nursing Practice

Thirdly, Education Preparation of Nurses

Fourthly, Health Care Delivery Systems

Further, Legality in Nursing

Also, Communication in Nursing

Additionally, Professionalism in Nursing (ie. Uniforms, organizational involvement)

Moreover, Leadership and impact on working environment

Also, Patient Care Delivery systems

Financial impact and cost containment issues

Quality Initiatives

Staffing Ratios

Ethical Issues affecting nursing

Lastly, Other topic may be considered after consultation and approval by instructor

Introduce the topic then, for each article, summarize the key points in no more than 2 paragraphs for each article. Then describe the significance of these articles (why is this important). Finally, summarize the implications these articles in current nursing practice what affect this topic has on nursing).

Researching should be conducted in such data bases as CINHAL, MedLine etc.
Student will develop narrated PowerPoints and post on Blackboard. Each student will comment on 2 student presentations.


Reference Page APA (including grammar, punctuation, etc)
Summarization of articles (avoid long quotes)
Narrated PowerPoint:
*Include information needed to give a thorough understanding of topic, Narrative and notes to explain each slide, PP presentation completed before deadline, meets or exceeds required length (7-10 slides Significance of articles /Implication to practice
Posted comment on
Discussion board respond to 2 fellow student presentations 10% 30% 30% 25% 5%

Nurses role in leading change and health promotion

Nurses role in leading change and health promotion

This is an assignment that discusses the nurses role in leading change and health promotion. It also discusses the impact in the target population.

Nurses role in leading change and health promotion

Part 1: Evaluation PlanFirstly, define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan.

What are the outcomes that you are attempting to achieve with your intervention and project?
How do the outcomes illustrate the purpose of your intervention and project?
Identify how do the outcomes illustrate what you hope to accomplish your intervention and project?
How do the outcomes establish a framework that can be used to achieve an improvement in the quality, safety, and experience of care?

Then, create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.

How are you going to measure iin addition to evaluating the degree to which you achieved your outcomes?
What data do you need to fully evaluate the outcomes?
How will you collect the needed data?
What tools or technology will you use to aid in data collection?
Identify, what strategies will you use to analyze and evaluate the collected data?
What tools or technology will you use to aid in data analysis?
How will the evaluation plan illustrate the impact that your intervention plan had, or will have?

Part 2: Discussion

Secondly, analyze the nurse’s role in leading change in additon to driving improvements in the quality and experience of care.

How does the nurse help to lead change in professional practice and interprofessional teams
How does the nurse help to drive improvements in the quality and experience of care in professional practice and also interprofessional teams?
Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration. Also, how the health care field gains from the plan
How does your intervention plan affect the nursing profession and role?

Then, in other words, how does your intervention plan improve the nursing profession and also practices?

How does your intervention plan affect interprofessional collaboration related to improving outcomes for the target population and also setting of your intervention plan?
What are other gains and benefits to the health care field in general from your intervention plan and project?

Future Steps

Fourthly, explain how the current project could improve upon to create a bigger impact in the target population as well as to take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety.

How could your intervention plan and project be revised to create improved or broader-reaching impacts for your target population
How could your intervention plan and project better take advantage of emerging technology to improve performance related to the outcomes of the intervention plan?
Identify, how could your intervention plan and project better take advantage of emerging care models to improve achievement of the project’s outcomes, as well as to improve patient safety?


39-year-old male with epigastric pain

39-year-old male with epigastric pain

This paper is on a Family Medicine 19: 39-year-old male with epigastric pain. You are to Complete only the History, Physical Exam, and Assessment sections of the Aquifer virtual case

Family Medicine 19: 39-year-old male with epigastric pain

Complete only the History, Physical Exam, and Assessment sections of the Aquifer virtual case: Family Medicine 19: 39-year-old male with epigastric pain.

Discussion Question 1
Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your HISTORY collection, describe two missed questions and also your understanding of why they were important to collect for this case history. Use specific references from your text to explain.


Discussion Question 2
Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your PHYSICAL EXAM collection, describe two errors in your exam performance or documentation. Use specific references from your text to explain the importance of these findings in correct assessment of this client.

Discussion Question 3
Based on your performance on the PHYSICAL EXAM collection, describe one key finding that you included in your list and describe a specific physical exam that you can perform at the point-of-care to further evaluate the finding. Use specific references from your text.

Discussion Question 4
Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your ASSESSMENT identification of problem categories, choose one missed/incorrect category and use specific references from your text to explain the importance of this category in arriving at correct differential diagnoses for this client.

Discussion Question 5

Based on your performance and the expert feedback in your ASSESSMENT of differential diagnoses, describe one incorrect/missed differential diagnosis and use specific references from your text to support the inclusion of the diagnosis for this client.

Today, you are working at a family medicine clinic with Dr. Medel. Together, you review her clinic schedule for the day and also she suggests that you see Mr. Cesar Rodriguez, a 39-year-old uninsured male who recently moved to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic. This is Mr. Rodriguez’s first visit to the clinic.

Molly, Dr. Medel’s medical assistant, has already escorted Mr. Rodriguez to the examination room and has arranged for a Spanish-speaking interpreter to be present for the visit, since he speaks and also comprehends very little English. Molly tells you that Mr. Rodriguez has been having “worsening abdominal pain over the past several months” and is “worried that something is wrong.”

Dr. Medel says to you, “How would you begin to think about what might be going on with Mr. Rodriguez?”

You reply, “Abdominal pain can be caused by a wide variety of conditions. I’ll need to get more information about his symptoms to form an appropriate differential diagnosis. At this point I’d have to consider several organ systems as potential etiologies of the pain.”

“Very good,” Dr. Medel responds. “Why don’t you go ahead and talk with Mr. Rodriguez and also come find me afterward. Lola, our Spanish-speaking interpreter, can help.”

As you walk down the hall, Lola, the Spanish-speaking interpreter, also,  gives you some tips on how to interview a patient with an interpreter.

You and Lola enter the room. You sit directly across from Mr. Rodriguez, with Lola sitting just off to your left and facing him. You sense that Mr. Rodriguez seems anxious about coming to the physician today. You introduce yourself and ask,
“What brings you in today?”

“Is there anything that makes the pain better or worse?”

“What worries you the most about your symptoms?”

Thinking about some of the common causes of abdominal pain, you conduct a focused review of systems:

General: Reports no weight loss, fevers, chills, or night sweats. He has had no recent illnesses. Aside from a recent move to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic, he has not traveled recently.

GI: Reports no dysphagia, regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, early satiety, hematemesis, hematochezia, melena, diarrhea, or constipation.

GU: Reports no dysuria, hematuria, or change in frequency.

CVS/Respiratory: Reports no chest pain, cough, or shortness of breath.

You now direct your attention to Mr. Rodriguez’ medical history.

“Do you have any chronic medical problems?”

“Have you ever been hospitalized or had any surgeries?”

“Do you take any medicines or supplements?”

“Does anyone in your family have any medical conditions—for example, heart or blood pressure problems? Diabetes?”
“Does anyone in your family have stomach problems or pain similar to yours?”

You ask Mr. Rodriguez a few more questions and discover that he works as a farm laborer. He has no known drug allergies. He smoked a few cigarettes daily but quit six months ago. Further, he drinks three to four beers per week. Also, he reports no other drug use. He has had no recent illnesses. Aside from a recent move to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic, he has not traveled recently.

You congratulate Mr. Rodriguez on quitting smoking and you thank him for answering all of your questions. Further, you review in your mind what you’ve learned from Mr. Rodriguez so far, and find yourself still wondering about why he seems a little anxious. Before you go to get Dr. Medel, you inquire, “It seems like this has really been bothering you. Is there anything else we haven’t talked about that seems important?”



Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency

Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency

This is an assignment that discusses a Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency. A description of the agency and the client system.

Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency


Each student will present a client with whom you have been working and will discuss your SFBT session with your client. This client may be seeing you individually, as part of a couple, or family. Your work together may be short or long term—you may have finished the work by the time you write the paper, or the work may still be in progress. You will be asked to write a clinical case reflection paper that will inform me about your approach to treatment. You may use case material and may reference any research you find useful and informative. The goal is to illustrate how you think about clinical issues, how you conceptualize cases, and how you approach treatment.

Include these three elements in your clinical reflection paper (four to seven pages double-spaced) on each of the three items below:

a) A description of your agency and of the client system. This should include (but not limited to) the name of the agency, the focus of service, and your role (job responsibilities/duties) in the agency; a description of the client system (i.e., age, education, ethnicity, family system); how lon‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍g you have been working with them (i.e., number, length, frequency, and location of meetings); and the issues that brought the client to you.

b) Discuss the structured SFBT session you conducted with the client from techniques. Also, discuss questions you used with your client and your observations about how it went. Also include any conversations with your field instructor/supervisor you had about your client either before or after meeting with your client sessions. Discuss how effective you were with using this approach in your work with this client and how the client responded to your counseling session. (You will NOT receive a lower grade if you determine your use of the SFBT techniques was not effective, as that can be an EXCELLENT discussion point; but please offer possible reasons and elaborate).

c) Finally, talk about barriers that you and the client may have faced as you work toward change. Also, what would you like to do next time in order to further your work. Discuss any cultural or client value issues that may be pertinent with your case. I work in the school setting so majority of my clients are between the ages of 5-‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍15.

Nancy a 35-year-old female presents with an asthma exacerbation

Nancy a 35-year-old female presents with an asthma exacerbation

Nancy, a 35-year-old female, presents with an asthma exacerbation. She has had asthma since she was a child and was hospitalized several times as a child but her asthma was well controlled until the past couple years.

Nancy a 35-year-old female presents with an asthma exacerbation

1.     Nancy, a 35-year-old female, presents with an asthma exacerbation. She has had asthma since she was a child and was hospitalized several times as a child but her asthma was well controlled until the past couple years. Nancy has been seen in urgent care a few times over the past year (most recently 4 months ago) and was given a prescription for an inhaled steroid (she never filled), albuterol inhaler, and oral steroids.

She had eczema as a child and also received allergy shots for many years. Her asthma symptoms flared again 2 weeks ago and she has been using her albuterol 4–5 times/day. Nancy reports that she is very short of breath when climbing stairs or when walking to the mailbox. She has had nighttime coughing spells every day during the past week and has had to prop up on pillows to breathe. She indicates that she has had similar previous flares in the past and she “just wants more albuterol and steroid pills.”

Firstly, Classify Nancy’s asthma using (and citing) the most current EBP guidelines.

Which of the four categories (intermittent, persistent – mild, persistent – moderate, persistent – severe) does she fall under?

Explain your justification.

Secondly, Is Nancy’s asthma being manage d properly? Explain your answer.

Thirdly, Would you refill her albuterol inhaler and steroid pill prescriptions as she requested?

Fourthly, Incorporate the pathophysiology of the three core defects of asthma into your discussion for all of these questions.

Furthermore, What is the value in performing this spirometry on Nancy when she already has a known diagnosis of asthma?

Moreover, Interpret her spirometry by defining and analyzing each indice (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio) individually.

Lastly, Explain the significance of “atopy” and “one continuous airway” applying Nancy’s scenario.



2.     Harry, a 42-year-old Caucasian male, present ed with a BP of 172/104 three weeks ago and was place d on lisinopril/hctz 20/12.5 – 1 tablet daily. He returned today and his BP is 148/88. He complains of a persistent, dry, hacky cough that is annoying him significantly.

a.     Explain the pathophysiology of his cough and lisinopril. How would you address this?

b.    Explain the location within the RAAS and the mechanism of action for lowering blood pressure for each of the following four antihypertensive drug classes: renin inhibitor, ACE, ARB, and aldosterone inhibitor. A brief paragraph for each will suffice.

c.     Discuss how the RAAS impacts African-Americans differently than other ethnicities. According to the EBP guidelines, which two drug classes are use d specifically in the treatment of African-Americans for hypertension?

3.     Harry was also start ed on atorvastatin 40mg three weeks ago and complains of severe weakness and muscle pain in his legs and shoulders. His urine is “tea colored.” His CK (creatine kinase) is 2,000.

a.     Identify Harry’s diagnosis and explain his weakness, muscle pain in legs and shoulders, elevated CK, and tea-colored urine from a pathophysiological perspective.

b.    Explain from a pathophysiological perspective the difference in mechanism of action between a hydrophilic and lipophilic statin as they relate to myalgias. As an FNP, how does this knowledge help you? Give two examples of hydrophilic and lipophilic statins.

Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health

Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health

This is an assignment that discusses the role of the BSN Nurse in promoting community health. The paper also discusses the current or emerging technologies.

The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health

A.  Firstly, write an executive summary (suggested length 1 page) that includes a synopsis of the key points of your proposal.
Note: The executive summary is written after you have completed your proposal; however, APA-style formatting should be referenced and used. And APA-style formatting requires this summary be placed at the opening of your proposal.

B.  Secondly, write a literature review on the use of technology in education by doing the following:
1.  Provide five credible sources published in the last five years that are relevant to your curriculum proposal project in the “Literature Review Summary Table” found in the attached “C922 Curriculum Technology Proposal Template”
2.  Provide an evidence summary of the academic literature you found in part B1 on the use of technology in education.
3.  However, based on your literature review, discuss gaps in the use of technology in nursing education.

C.  Subsequently, complete a needs assessment by doing the following:
1.  Describe the process used to conduct a curricular technology needs assessment using a gap analysis.
a.  Identify three academic stakeholders (e.g., faculty, students, preceptors, IT personnel) and their roles in the gap analysis. Explain methods of collaboration with interprofessional teams.

2.  Compare two current or emerging technologies by describing the advantages and also the disadvantages of each as they apply to “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health.”
3.  Subsequently, discuss three anticipated challenges with the current state of technology in the “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” course.
4.  Explain how you will overcome the three challenges from part C3.
5.  Summarize your findings of the curricular technology needs assessment.
a.  Describe the collaboration with your stakeholders to reach a consensus on one technology from part C2.

Promoting Community Health

D.  Thirdly, identify the emerging technology and complete a force field analysis to identify forces for and against your curriculum technology proposal using Table 3 in the attached “C922 Curriculum Technology Proposal Template.”
1.  Identify factors that could impact the adoption of your proposal by doing the following:
a.  Analyze two internal and two external organizational factors that may facilitate or impede implementation.
b.  Describe three forces that will facilitate integration of the identified emerging technology in the “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” course. Additionally, describe three forces that will impede integration of the identified emerging technology in the “Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” course.

2.  Additionally, identify a change theory appropriate for your technology integration and adoption.
a.  Also, justify the selected change theory from part D2.
b.  Describe potential resistance and barriers to the technology change. Finally, discuss how you plan to implement the change theory identified in part D2.

E.  Fourthly, write a conclusion focusing on the impact and significance of your proposal by doing the following:
1.  Discuss the rationale and purpose of your proposal.
2.  Explain how your proposal fills the identified curriculum needs gap.
3.  Lastly, discuss why implementing this proposal is significant and the impact it will have on the broader field of nursing.

F.  Then, submit your formal proposal in APA style, including but not limited to title page, headers, in-text citations, and references.

G.  Finally, demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Examination of the developing a curriculum for a nursing program

Examination of the developing a curriculum for a nursing program

This is an assignment that focuses on the examination of the development of a curriculum for a nursing program. The paper also analyzes the factors that impact the design of a nursing curriculum.

Examination of the development of a curriculum for a nursing program

Nurse educator are responsible for many area of evaluation, including students, curriculum, and program evaluation. Additionally, they have a responsibility to the internal and external stakeholders when it comes to the evaluation process. There are two types of evaluation: summative and formative evaluation. Formative evaluation takes place during the learning process (Billings & Halstead, 2012). Summative evaluation refers to the outcomes of the learning when the learning environment has ended (Billings & Halstead, 2012.)

Create a 15 page curriculum evaluation that incorporates the curriculum analysis and course design you created for Assessments 1 and 2.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Assessment criteria

·        Competency 1: Examine the development of a curriculum for a nursing program.
o   Describe how evidence-based nursing concepts, theories, and best practices can be applied to improve curriculum development.
·        Competency 2: Analyze factors that impact the design of a nursing curriculum.
o   List criteria that are important to consider in curriculum evaluation.
·        Competency 3: Select an appropriate organizing/curriculum framework for the design of nursing curriculum.
Explain the importance of ongoing curriculum evaluation, including why it is important and for whom it is important.
Then, explain how and why pilot testing can be used in curriculum evaluation.

o   Identify the appropriate accreditation body for a selected curriculum and describe appropriate accreditation evaluation criteria.
·        Competency 4: Select a curriculum evaluation process that facilitates continuous quality improvement.
o   Provide examples of both short-term and long-term evaluations for process improvement, and explain why both types are important to curriculum development.
·        Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing education professional.
o   Apply academic writing skills to incorporate faculty feedback in the creation of a complete, succinct, professionally flowing curriculum design evaluation.
o   Write effectively using appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics, and APA style and formatting.

Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker PowerPoint presentation

Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker PowerPoint presentation

This is a paper that is requiring to work on the Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker PowerPoint presentation. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker PowerPoint presentation

NURS 5051 Assignment: The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker

8 slide PowerPoint Presentation

The term “knowledge worker” was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined knowledge workers as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal training, to develop products and services. Does this sound familiar?

Nurses are very much knowledge workers. What has changed since Drucker’s time are the ways that knowledge can be acquired. The volume of data that can now be generated and the tools used to access this data have evolved significantly in recent years and helped healthcare professionals (among many others) to assume the role of knowledge worker in new and powerful ways.

In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker. You will prepare a 8 slide PowerPoint presentation with an infographic (graphic that visually represents information, data, or knowledge. Infographics are to present information quickly and clearly.) to educate others on the role of nurse as knowledge worker.

Reference: Drucker, P. (1959). The landmarks of tomorrow. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.

The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker PowerPoint presentation

To Prepare:

Firstly, review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources.

Secondly, reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

Thirdly, consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.

The Assignment:

Firstly, explain the concept of a knowledge worker.

Secondly, define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

Thirdly, include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as knowledge worker.

Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and also what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ responses.