Cardiovascular Disease in Women

Case Study Vignette

J.S. is a 54-year-old Hispanic woman who presents to her primary-care clinician for follow-up regarding elevated blood pressure. She was last seen 2 weeks prior with a blood pressure of 162/94 mmHg. She has no significant medical history, she is a 1 ppd tobacco user with a history of 25 pack-years, and she has a family history of premature cardiac death.


Her vital signs are as follows: height, 5 ft 4 in.; weight, 188 lb.; pulse, 84 beats/min; blood pressure, 168/98 mmHg; and body mass index, 32.3. As J.S. has been found to be hypertensive (>149/90) on two consecutive office visits, starting an antihypertensive medication is indicated.


What is your initial choice for an antihypertensive medication in this patient? (Support your treatment plan with a discussion of the evidence based guideline you utilized)

Which therapeutic lifestyle change is a priority in helping J.S. achieve blood pressure control?

Which of the following diagnostic tests would you order for J.S. to establish a baseline before starting an anti-hypertensive?

Community Assessment: Healthy People 2020

Community Assessment: Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020 Presentation Begin by viewing the following links which explain the basics of HP2020: Select a Leading Health Indicator TOPIC area related to one of the weekly topics(violence and abuse; substance use; underserved populations).

Use the following link to see a list: Create a presentation for your peers that familiarizes them with these topics.

• Succinctly summarize the “Overview and Impact” information r/t the topic. This includes any information about the importance of monitoring this topic.

• List the specific health indicators under the topic. For example, see (there are 1 to 4 per topic area).

• Succinctly summarize overall progress made toward meeting objectives and compare progress to IL, if those data are available.

• Describe appropriate nursing interventions/best practices relevant to the topic and its associated indicators. (Best practices are based on best evidence, so use Systematic Reviews and/or Guidelines as sources when they are available (for example, look under the “Tools and Resource” tab first).

• Note that your presentation can be rendered as a ppt presentation or poster or some other creative way. But you will need to provide a short doc as a “handout” that highlights the information you have provided for your classmates.

Nursing Theory

Nursing Theory

Answer the following questions is essay form.

The answers must be clearly, succinctly, documenting all sources of information

Remember that CINAHL Nursing Guides, and websites such as, nurselabs, and other similar websites are not scholarly sources.

Make clear when information comes from a secondary source.

Make clear when each question is being answered.

Either copy the question or create a clear heading for each answer that reflects the question.

This assignment should adhere to APA guidelines.

This means double spacing, headings, and other basic elements of APA

Questions to answer:

The questions should be answered clearly and succinctly, but with enough breadth for understanding.

A few sentences aren’t enough to answer the questions.

The nursing theorist I chose is Lydia Hall: Care Cure Core Theory. Identify a nursing theorist and their nursing theory.

Lydia Hall: Care Cure Core Theory Please cite the source.

Make clear if from a secondary source. Scholarly support is needed in APA current edition format.

Why did I choose my selected nursing theory?
This question will require more than just a few sentences.

To answer this question will require specific information from the theory with an explanation of why this theory was chosen.

What do you like about this theory? Why?

Why do you think this theory is a helpful guide for your nursing practice?

Sources of information from the theory must be cited correctly.

Scholarly support is needed in APA current edition format. Brief summary of the nursing theorist and the nursing theory I chose including key concepts (include scholarly support in APA format).

Cite proper name of theory, theorist, and source for the information.

Identify and define all of the major concepts and explain how they are related.

The key concepts must be explicitly defined with information from the theory and an explanation of how they interact within the theory. Scholarly support is needed in APA current edition format.

How does the selected nursing theory address or identify the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm?

Analyze the theory and determine how the Care Cure and Core Theory addresses each concept of the nursing metaparadigm: nursing, person, environment and health.

Remember that sometimes these are not explicitly addressed and will require interpretation.

Document all sources of information.

This will require specific statements from the theory that demonstrate how it addresses each of the concepts in the metaparadigm.

It’s good to find a source that has already analyzed this information.

Scholarly support is needed in APA current edition format How is this nursing theory useful to the nursing profession? This is NOT personal opinion.

Find an article that utilizes the theory in either practice or research and describe how it is used. OR….find an article that discusses in general how the theory has been used in practice.

When you write about the theory, document sources. How would I apply this nursing theory to my chosen MSN specialty, leadership/executive?

This section is a reflection in your words (can be written in first person) and describes how you think you could use the theory in leadership.

Present an example illustrating the use of the theory in advanced nursing practice related to executive leadership.

Scholarly support is needed in APA current edition format Self-Reflection: What did I learn from completing this assignment?

This section is important and counts 20 points.

Unfortunately, it is a section that is frequently missed.

Again, here is your personal reflection (also written in first person) on what you learned.

Examples here could be nursing theory in general, the theory you wrote about, and the importance of theory in guiding nursing practice and research. NOTE: CINAHL Nursing Guide articles are not considered scholarly.

ANA Code of Ethics and Nurses’ Work Ennvironment


The public health nurse is working in an agency that currently has 4 of its 8 nursing positions open.  There have been 3 nursing directors in the position over the last year. The work environment has not supported shared governance and independent decision-making. It is not unusual to hear insensitive comments or stereotypical statements.  There is no nursing staff diversity.  The population served by this clinic is a 5-mile radius in one of the poorest areas of Any City, Some State with a population of mixed minorities, low-income, single-parent homes, high unemployment, and poor health status and outcomes. Children attend a neighborhood school that is one of the poorer schools in the district and have even experienced lack of heat during the early part of the winter. When discussing the issues with her peers, her friends laughed at her decision to stay and recommended she leave the job immediately. The nurse has been offered the position as Director of Nursing under a new Health Care Administrator who is under a directive to correct the issues and improve the quality of care for the clients served in this community. Respond to the following questions from the perspective of a new Director hiring and employing a full nursing staff to support this agency.

  1. Explain the workforce ecosystem model.
  2. Using components of the model as the guiding activities in your plan, identify changes or actions that will be addressed in each component to alter this work environment as you move to full nurse staffing.
  3. What key ethical issues identified in the ANA Code of Ethics must be addressed as a part of your plan?
  4. Identify two types of training you would include in your orientation program for all staff. You may simply list and identify why you would include this component.

Vision for the CNL Role; Barriers to Implementation; Driving Forces for Implementation

Drawing upon the reading and discussion for the course, write an essay in APA

format regarding implementing the CNL role. The essay is to have three headings and contain the following information in within the headings.

Vision for the CNL Role

How do you envision the CNL role being implemented in your current

workplace or practicum site?

Barriers to Implementation

What do you anticipate to be the barriers to implementing the CNL role?

Driving Forces for Implementation

What do you anticipate to be the driving forces to implementing the CNL


In addition, the essay is to have a well-formulated introductory and concluding

paragraph. The essay is to be no more than two pages in length. It is to be a written narrative with well-developed paragraphs, no bullet points. Provide an explanation of the rationale for your ideas and base your discussion on reliable source material.

A draft of this essay is due for instructor review of APA format, writing mechanics

(not essay content), and Turnitin Similarity evaluation

by Wednesday, April 15th. Any corrections noted by the instructor must be incorporated into the final essay



PICOT Question: Literature Search, Rapid Critical Appraisal, and Summary

PICOT Question: Literature Search, Rapid Critical Appraisal, and Summary

For this assignment, you will locate a minimum of four research articles related to the topic and
PICOT questions that you developed in Week 2. The articles must be published in the last five
years (2014 to the present). Two articles must be quantitative, and two articles must be
Articles used for one assignment cannot be used for the other assignments. (Students should
find new research articles for each assignment.)
The selected articles should be original research articles. Review articles, meta-analysis, metasynthesis, and systemic review should not be used.

Mixed-methods studies should not be used.
There are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1: Complete a Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist chart for each research article (4 total).
Download the Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist here (PDF—use with Adobe Acrobat)
Download the Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist here (Word document)
Part II: Write a summary (2–3 pages)
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences among the four research articles.
Submit the 4 completed CHECKLISTS along with your summary.
You should:
Use current APA Style to format your paper and to cite your sources


Papers on the different imaging modalities MRI, NUCLEAR MEDICINE, & ULTRASOUND), are
required for graduation. For the writing thereof you may select any sources you wish: textbooks,
published articles, or journals from print, or accessed online. All sources must be identified, and
properly referenced by footnotes and credit given in the bibliography. For online sources it is
required that the dates of site access be indicated in the bibliography. For text sources exact
page numbers must be indicated in the bibliography. Any exact quotes from articles must be in
quotations and properly referenced to the bibliographic source.
The paper should be 5 to a maximum of 8 pages plus the bibliography, and will be due no later than 2 weeks following the completion of your rotation in the modality. Papers are to be typed
double spaced in 12 point font.
Each paper should have:
5 points—-An introduction asserting the subject you are about to address
25 points—A description of the imaging modality inclusive of: the equipment involved,
pharmaceutical agents used, preparations for studies, specificity and sensitivity for certain
diseases, and the advantages of the modality as compared to others.
15 points— Advancements in the modality since it came into use.
10 points— A conclusion
15 points— All sources used for the paper are properly cited, as in footnoted.
20 points— A summary statement of your observations while rotating in the modality, what you
learned about it, and the implications as regards your work as a future radiologic technologist.
10 points— A bibliography citing all references used in writing the paper.
All papers will be graded on completeness, inclusion of all aspects noted above, and overall
organization and presentation of the paper. The papers will each be counted as a written exam of
100 points. Any papers receiving a grade of less than 75 will be returned for re-writing.

Non Hodgkins Lympoma and Hodgkins Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkins Lympoma and Hodgkins Lymphoma

– Discuss the global capstone topic in terms of a pathophysiologic condition or health state/event
that arises as a result.
– Examine the condition utilizing the concepts of the natural history of disease.
– Compare and contrast principles of epidemiology for the condition in the United States versus

– Each student will use the topic initiated in the Fall 2019 semester in the Foundations of Nursing
– From that topic, students will identify a pathophysiologic condition or health state/event that is a
direct outcome of the topic.
– Students will write a research-based paper on: 1) how this condition connects to the global
topic, 2) the history of the condition and 3) epidemiological characteristics of distribution,
determinants and specific populations.
– This paper requires the utilization of at least 4 quality research articles from reliable sources.
APA formatting is critical in terms of proper in-text citation and a reference page. Paper should
be between 5 and 7 pages (not counting reference page).
– This project will continue next year to a community perspective in NURS 425 with an
experiential component and from a global perspective in NURS 445.
Section 1: Introduction to the Health State/Event (20%)
– Introduce the disease/health state/event in terms of the global topic selected in semester one.
– Clearly state the selected disease and where it is found globally: Explain why this was chosen,
How does it connect to the global issue
– Use scholarly articles to support your ideas
Section 2: Natural History of Disease (30%)
– Discuss the course of disease from susceptibility to recovery/disability/death
– Susceptibility: who is at risk, precipitating events
Subclinical stage: what is happening at the cellular level, pathogenicity
– Clinical stage: manifestations of disease, sequela

– Recovery, disability or death: discuss prognosis and the most common end point
– use the CDC guidelines for this
Section 3: Epidemiological Characteristics (40%)
– Discuss the epidemiologic data about the disease/health state/event. Present findings on
distribution, determinants and specialized populations.
– Compare and contrast the U.S. data to that of either another country or worldwide. Include the
– Distribution: include incidence, prevalence, morbidity and mortality rates. What is the level of
disease (endemic, epidemic, pandemic, sporadic)
– Determinants: discuss etiological sources
– Specialized populations: who are the people reflected in the data? Be as specific as possible.
– Remember to compare and contrast to another area of the world
– Use scholarly, reputable resources to support your work- either CDC or WHO
Section 4: APA Usage and grammar and selected articles (10%)
– Use APA (6th ed.) formatting throughout this paper,
– At least 4 scholarly articles will be used
– APA Checklist- make sure to include the following, which will affect your grade (see APA book):
– Title page with running head
– Appropriate pagination
– Paraphrasing with in-text citation (you are limited to 2 direct quotes in the entire paper with
appropriate citation)
– Properly formatted reference (works cited) page

How to Prevent Heart Disease in Elderly

Preventing Heart Disease in Elderly

1 •Abstract ( Details)
-it appears in 2 page, length: 150-250 words, 1 paragraph; not indented, summary of all your
paper!, keywords: entered immediately below the abstract text; 5 keywords.
– structure of the abstract: Background on the problem, purpose/objective of the study, method,
interpretation of results and conclusions and recommendations for future research.
4•Limitations & Implications
5• Conclusion

Windshield Survey (WSS). Community Health Nurse (CHN)

Oftentimes, a Community Health Nurse (CHN) will complete a Windshield Survey (WSS) as a precursor to a formal community assessment.
The CHN uses a WSS in the course of a regular working day, particularly if the CHN has been assigned to new individual and family clients in a previously unfamiliar area. According to your text, Windshield Surveys are the “motorized equivalent of simple observation,” and involve the gathering of data that helps define the community, the trends, stability and changes that may signify the overall health of the community (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2020).
The WSS gives the CHN a glance of what the community looks like and how the community lives. Ideally, Stanhope and Lancaster recommend the WSS to be done at various times of the day so that the entire “life” of the community may be observed. As you will learn from the lecture, a community is a type of living being, in that it has traits, history, strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerable people existing in it. The CHN can apply the nursing process to the community (client) as well as the populations who live in that community. The WSS will evolve as the semester goes along. This is not a project that should be done early and fast! Take time with it! Learn your community!
Guidelines & Instructions
• Utilize the Community Assessment Framework document to guide what constitutes valuable information to gather. Use Table 17.5 on page 383 of the textbook as your primary guide to follow, to include key assessment content, especially regarding place.
• Look for characteristics that you feel define the client/community and the life surrounding it. Pay particular attention to the immediate
surroundings of your clinical site. Valuable information about the needs of the community can be assessed just by looking at the individuals in it!
• Talk with your clinical placement preceptor to gain valuable insight into problems faced by the community and its population, specifically about the population the agency serves. An important component of the assessment is the impact of the community’s strengths and weaknesses upon individuals and families!
• With the information gathered, type a 6-8 page document (APA format) that describes or tells a picture of your community. Include such data as where your clinical site is located in the community, a description, in general terms, of its population and the types of services the population receives.
• Define some health indicators, strengths and weaknesses of the community. This information is part of your nursing assessment
• Develop a working conclusion about the state of health in this community. Define particular problems you are seeing.
• Discuss ways a CHN might address those problems using Core Functions & Levels of Prevention
• Identify who the partners could be in addressing those problems, such as nearby health centers, hospitals, or faith-based institutions.
• Include professional references that strengthen your conclusions or reporting (APA style).
Remember that the Windshield Survey primarily assesses the community in which your clinical site is located, or the community that is served by your clinical site. The Windshield Survey does not focus on your clinical site itself. Although you will include content on your clinical site, its mission, and how the agency serves the community population, the Windshield Survey is designed to analyze the community that your community clinical/agency serves.
DUE DATE IS: 4 weeks from when you receive email notification of your clinical site. Your Clinical Supervisor will confirm with you the due date