Organization using supply chain management
Organization using supply chain management
Select an organization which uses supply chain management to deliver goods and/or services to the customer. Examine business practice and theory in light of the purchasing & supply chain management literature.
An organization which uses supply chain management
Select an organization which uses supply chain management to deliver goods and/or services to the customer. Examine business practice and theory in light of the purchasing & supply chain management literature.
Analyse how the supply chain is managed, identifying any areas of business performance which demonstrate competitive advantage as well as any aspects which may require improvement.
You should include 2 or 3 of the core themes explored on this module. For example: supply chain sustainability, global sourcing, supply strategy, supplier relationship management, supply responsiveness, service-based supply chains, low carbon procurement, closed loop & circular supply chain implementation.
When writing your assignment it may help you to think of the structure of your document and how you are going to break it down into sections before you start. All assignments, reports and papers typically should include the following:
Firstly, Title (make it interesting to grab the reader’s attention. Include name/s of author/s)
Secondly, Abstract (a short summary – in italics – around a third of a page maximum)
Thirdly, Introduction (includes the aims & objectives of your paper and any specific questions)
Fourthly, Literature review (include all relevant papers in the topic/s you are writing about)
Further, Findings (description of the firm and its supply chain operations, product, services etc)
Moreover, Discussion & Analysis (your considered opinion or ‘critical reflection’ on how the firm shapes up in terms of SCA, supply chain performance etc. and how this relates to literature?).
Conclusion (a summary of the main points of your paper, with recommendations for the firm and supply chain in terms of future improvement).
Lastly, For more information, you must check the document “Assignment Tips”.
Preferred language style UK English