State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper

State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper

Preparing the Assignment: Part 2 Criteria for Content (you completed the PART 1 of this paper for me last week- attached) Abstract: The abstract should be succinct, comprehensive, and follow and include these APA components (accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable and concise). A description of the problem under investigation (one sentence), participants, and essential features of the quality improvement project which include setting, supporting theory, stakeholders and outcome measurements that would be used to determine efficacy of quality improvement project are included. State-of-the-Science Review of the Literature (ROL- attached): . This section (the appendix) will describe the state of the science related to the PICO question and problem statement, purpose of the quality project. A minimum of 6 (six) appropriate research-based scholarly references (articles) must be used. References are current if within a 5-year time frame (3 years is best) unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to submission of the assignment. (There are the 6 articles from last week’s paper and I attached 3 more articles that can be used, so please find 3 additional references to use). The evidence should be critically reviewed and synthesized. The strengths and limitations of the current evidence and current practice are described which provide evidence for practice change clearly supported . The identified area of issue or gap in practice is made clear using evidence and is compelling and significant. No more than three (3) direct quotes are used. Quality Change Plan: In this section the writer will create an inter-disciplinary quality improvement plan for their future practice area. The JH Action Planning Tool may be used as a guide but is not required to be submitted along with the project. This section should be supported by scholarly in-text citations and include the following sections: – Feasible plan for implementation: Select a model for use, such as the Plan/Do/Study/Act Model. – Identification of key stakeholders with rationale for identification. – Identification of appropriate interdisciplinary team members to assemble with rationale. – A plan for outcome analysis (this should include independent and dependent variables as well as an overview of a method of statistical analysis (which statistics or outcome measures). – Ethical considerations: Protection of Human Subjects. Criteria for Format and Special Instructions (please add directly onto part 1 of paper): – Page length: Part 2 of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be 10 pages maximum (5 pages for Part 1 and 5 pages for part 2). – Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used. – Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly. – Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific, scholarly writing. First person writing should not be utilized. Remember: All sections should have scholarly resources integrated as in-text citations that support the content. APA 6th edition is required for all elements of the paper

M3 Practitioner Application

M3 Practitioner Application

Brand Leadership in Your Local Marketplace Your M3 Practitioner Application will require devoted inquiry, assimilation, reflection, and refinement in order to achieve the highest possible score. Specifically, you are to take the scenario listed below, address it in full, and submit your work in accordance with the instructions contained herein. Importantly, this is an independent assignment to be completed by you and you alone. Sharing work with fellow students, supplying advice to your student peers, gaining assistance from outside parties, and similar actions will constitute violations of the academic code of conduct and will carry significant penalties in accordance with University policy. The Challenge Your text readings direct some attention toward branding. Conduct additional research to ensure that you possess a thorough understanding of brands and then conduct an investigation in your local community to determine the leading healthcare services brand in operation. You will need to develop criteria for defining what constitutes brand leadership (yes, this will require research and proper citations!). Then, you’ll need to identify what you believe constitutes the leading healthcare services brand in the market and explain how you came to that conclusion. Be sure to supply a link to the website of the selected brand. In presenting your work, identify the title, your name and student ID number, and submission date at the top of your submission and supply the following sections, exactly as they appear below, placing each heading in bold text: • Introduction • Defining Brand Leadership • Identifying the Leading Brand in My Local Marketplace • Justifying the Selection of This Brand as the Leader • Conclusions • References

Developing Effcetive Teams

Developing Effcetive Teams

Developing Your Team  Imagine you’ve been promoted to a management position and you are tasked with developing your new team. In this assignment you will create a writeup that depicts the different elements that need to be addressed as you assemble your team. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

1.Explain how you could create a diverse team of employees with different strengths. Use scenarios to convey your idea.

2.Discuss methods you would adopt to improve team dynamics and employee behaviors.

3.Describe two (2) management techniques you would implement to ensure that your new team aligns to your company’s mission.

4.Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

a.This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior.

•Analyze the role of the HRM function, and its importance to the management of employee and labor relations.

•Explain the decision-making process management uses to develop viable courses of action to a variety of management situations.

•Explain the multiple aspects of the managerial planning process and the application of various business- and corporate-level strategies. •Describe control systems that can improve a firm’s operations and facilitate change.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.

•Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

1.Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict.

2.Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization.

3.Describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace.

4.Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

a.This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: •Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions.

•Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior.

•Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.

•Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

Business Policy and Strategic Management

Business Policy and Strategic Management

Instructions: Some questions have multiple parts—all of which need to be answered for the answer to be complete. You can type the answers between the questions to make sure you have completed all of the questions. There will be a somewhat high originality score because of the questions but make sure your non definition answers are original consistent with the (and even those should be close to your own words) Standards for Student Conduct. This assignment is about Walmart and Costco. There a couple documents have been attach on file. Just read the instruction. In the assignment they have 2 part, Please follow the instruction and answer all the questions.

Career Development – Evidence of Learning Outcome

Career Development – Evidence of Learning Outcome

Career Development – Evidence of Learning Outcome  Please write a paper addressing the three Learning Outcomes listed in the course syllabus by writing at least a paragraph on each objective and how your experiences in the course reflected on how they met the following learning outcomes:

● Personal/Social

● Career

● Assessment,

Research,  Program Design, Evaluation, and Technology Please reflect on the processes of career counseling and development. What are your expectations/needs for future growth in these areas? Please write this paper according to APA grammatical and formatting guidelines. From Course Syllabus Evidence of Learning Outcomes: Candidates will gain an understanding in each of the 3 categories listed below. Examples in each category are provided. Candidates will find these same categories in their field work requirements.

1. Personal/Social

a. Demonstrate knowledge of an ability to teach and develop employability skills (e.g., teamwork, problem-solving, organizational skills, time management, and planning).

b. Gain insight into the issues of career guidance in a highly technological and complex society such as: sex bias, race bias, age and special needs discrimination, class bias, information technology, multiple careers, and increased longevity.

2. Career

a. Acquire knowledge of the history and theories of educational and career guidance identify strategies for effective career counseling and guidance.

b. Develop plans for setting up a career center.

c. Evaluate career development programs in middle school/high school or college settings and career awareness activities at the elementary level.

d. Demonstrate knowledge of career development standards contained in The National Standards for School Counseling Programs

e. Demonstrate knowledge of the world of work, employment trends, academies, career pathways, and school-based career development programs, including work 2 experience education, and Regional Occupational Programs (ROPs).

f. Develop a working knowledge of current sources of career information such as O*NET, and resources on the World Wide Web.

g. Develop an understanding of the application of computer technology and Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems.

h. Gain some knowledge of high school graduation requirements and admissions requirements to colleges, vocational/technical schools, and other postsecondary opportunities.

3. Assessment, Research, Program Design, Evaluation, and Technology

a. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in assessment and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making.

b. Gain knowledge of and practical experience with selected educational and career guidance assessment instruments.

c. Understand the role of Title IX in ensuring that all students receive equitable treatment relating to appropriate course selection.

Marketing strategies 4Ps of Marketing Mix

Marketing strategies 4Ps of Marketing Mix

This is a paper that requires the student to discuss Marketing strategies to provide values for a chosen target market. The paper also provides additional tasks to follow in the writing and submission of the assignment paper. Below is the brief of the assignment details.

Marketing strategies to provide values for a chosen target market

– Purpose: Innovation is crucial for businesses in today’s highly dynamic and competitive environment. Innovation is defined as the introduction of something new or different. It is the tool that guides new-product development. New products (i.e., goods or services) include not only those that are new-to-the-world but also improved versions or designs of the existing ones. The purpose of this paper is for you to tap into your own creativity and propose a new product idea that could be marketable. Based on the proposed idea, you will also think about appropriate marketing strategies to provide values for your chosen target market.

In addition, the process of completing this paper may ignite your sense of entrepreneurship and give you practical skills to become a successful businessperson in the future.

Marketing strategies to provide values for a chosen target market

Directions/ Requirements: Tasks to Complete

– Task 1 Firstly, describe the new product (good or service) you are proposing; including its designs, features, and/or process. Explain how you came up with the idea (from your personal experiences, consumers’ current issues/problems, light-bulb moments, changes in technology, social or cultural changes, etc.)

– Task 2  Secondly, describe the target market for the proposed product using demographic, psychographic, and geographic characteristics as well as their needs/wants that could be satisfied by the proposed product.
– Task 3  Thirdly, explain thoroughly Pricing strategy for the proposed product. At which price point would be justifiable, considering the assumed costs to make this product and customer’s perceived value.
– Task 4  Fourthly, explain thoroughly Place/Distribution strategy for the proposed product. What type of distribution would be appropriate considering desired positioning? Where should the product be available and accessible to create value for the target market?
– Task 5  Lastly, explain thoroughly Promotion strategy for the proposed product. What promotional messages should be communicated with the target market to create desired image and appeal? What promotional elements through which channels should be used?

Other Requirements. In completing the tasks, you must provide thorough explanations/discussions as required.  Use the outline above for completing different tasks to develop and organize your paper, 3-5 pages required.

Strategies to create efficient and effective teams

Strategies to create efficient and effective teams

This is a paper that is requiring the student to explain the strategies to create efficient and effective teams. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the description of the assessment:

Explain the strategies to create efficient and effective teams

Assignment Content

Imagine your team has been given the task of consulting with a local health care facility that has been experiencing some issues with its staff. Leadership of the facility has noted the main issues being communication, motivation, and teamwork, and has asked you to provide some strategies to improve these areas.

Note: Second-level bullets (considerations) are meant to guide the students in creating their responses; the expectation is not that the response would specifically address each component.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word proposal in which you:

Firstly, explain strategies that can be to create efficient and effective teams.
Secondly, what are the essential elements of effective teams?
Thirdly, how are teams used in other industries, such as aviation, auto racing, and the military?
Fourthly, what best practices from other industries application in the health care industry?
Explain strategies to manage conflict within teams.
Explain strategies to communicate effectively in a health care organization.
Why does an organizational model matter when considering communication?
How should an organization communicate with or involve employees in formulating solutions to problems?
What communication techniques are most effective for sharing information and ideas?
What communication techniques have proven to be ineffective?
How might technology also affect the communication process?
Describe methods management can use to motivate employees. Consider what theoretical concepts support this.
Explain why you believe these choices would be effective.

Explain the strategies to create efficient and effective teams

Cite 3 references, one of which MUST be the course textbook.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Explore and research Amazon through the lens of technology and leadership

Explore and research Amazon through the lens of technology and leadership

You are to explore and research Amazon through the lens of technology and leadership. Answer the following questions in your own words . Clearly label each answer:

You are to explore and research Amazon through the lens

Instructions for Case 2: Amazon
You are to explore and research Amazon through the lens of technology and leadership. Answer the following questions in your own words . Clearly label each answer:

It has been said that Amazon provides what its customers and shareholders want, but its industry and societal impacts are negative overall:

1.    Amazon is too dominant in e-Commerce, jeopardizing competitors, global consumer products brands, and also local retailers

2.    Amazon is destroying more jobs than it is creating

3.    Amazon’s data collection practices and artificial intelligence services such as Alexa and Rekognition violate general expectations of privacy

4.    Amazon is a poor corporate citizen, e.g., in terms of negative environmental impact and not paying its fair share of taxes
Select two of the four above statements. For each statement you select, address the following in no more than 1000 words:

a.    Provide support (e.g., reasons, data, evidence, expert opinions) for the given statement, as if you were defending the statement in class.

b.    Provide support (e.g., reasons, data, evidence, expert opinions) for the opposite of the given statement, as if you were debunking the statement in class.

c.    Your Point of View–Explain your point of view, and fully explain why.

Grading criteria:

·         75% for your analysis and support

·         15% for substance and credibility of cited sources and completeness of their citations. There should be at least two cited sources, other than course materials and basic sites such as Wikipedia

·         10% for writing quality (coherence, grammar, spelling, format)

Note: The Khan (2019) article cited below may be helpful, especially its “Introduction” and “Part I.” It may be cited as one of your two sources if it is clear how it contributed to the substance of your paper. Khan, L. (2019). The separation of platforms and commerce. Columbia Law Review, 119, 973-1093. Retrieved from

Principles and theories OB practices of two organizations within the same industry

Principles and theories OB practices of two organizations within the same industry

For this assignment, you will apply principles and theories from this course to critically compare OB practices of two organizations within the same industry (e.g., Apple and Samsung, Air Canada and WestJet, Tim Hortons and Starbucks,

You will apply principles and theories from this course to critically compare OB practices of two organizations within the same industry

Organizational Analysis Assignment
An important goal of this course is to develop your ability to critically evaluate organizational practices from the framework of organizational behaviour. For this assignment, you will apply principles and theories from this course to critically compare OB practices of two organizations within the same industry (e.g., Apple and Samsung, Air Canada and WestJet, Tim Hortons and Starbucks, Shoppers Drug Mart and Rexall, Walmart and Costco, Rogers and Bell, Disney and Warner Bros, Ford and Toyota, TD and RBC, Vancouver Canucks and Toronto Raptors).

More specifically, you will analyze the effectiveness of organizational practices within the framework of organizational behavior (i.e., what does the research or what would organizational theory have to say about the chosen practices). As an example, Microsoft has practices of promoting and supporting career growth for employees, including a tuition reimbursement program and one-on-one time with managers to discuss career path and development. These practices may foster organizational commitment and job satisfaction. However, Microsoft also engages in other practices, such as utilizing “permatemp” employees, which may be self-defeating in terms of employee job satisfaction. Another example of an organizational practice is the decision by Loblaws and Metro to implement then scrap the $2 hourly pay premium to workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Which practices, industry, or organizations you choose are not important.

You should, however, ensure that your choices are directly related to organizational behavior (e.g., employee benefits, compensation, mentoring, customer service, salary, leadership, group dynamics, conflict, communication, values, motivation, etc.). You can get information about organizational practices in a number of ways, including (but by no means limited to): company websites, the news, books written about the organization, magazines, interviews with people within the organization, your own observations.

The deliverable. Your grade for this assignment will be based on a written report. Your report should provide a detailed analysis of the two organizations and the practices that you are examining. As a general guideline, you should focus on two organizational practices, and compare/contrast your two organizations on these practices (e.g., TD does X in terms of leadership development and RBC does Y). The description of the organizational practices should be detailed enough that a naïve reader can understand what each organization does.

You may, where such information is available, comment on why the organization has adopted a given practice. Second, the report should include a detailed analysis of whether these organizational practices are effective/optimal within the framework of organizational behavior (i.e., what does research or theory say about the practice). Finally, based on your understanding of the research and theory, comment on the ideal/optimal practices that these organizations should strive to adopt. To summarize, you should: explain what each organization does, critically analyze what they currently do from an OB research/theory perspective, and discuss what they should ideally do based on OB research/theory.

Diverse workforce programs services challenges and opportunities for these fields

Examine and reflect upon the insights you have gained into the diverse workforce, programs, services, challenges, and opportunities for these fields.

Reflect upon the insights you have gained into the diverse workforce, programs, services, challenges, and opportunities for these fields

Examine and reflect upon the insights you have gained into the diverse workforce, programs, services, challenges, and opportunities for these fields.

As you near the end of this course, take the time to consider your opportunities and the professional path you might follow. Your assignments contain your observations about the fields of public health and health education. Examine and reflect upon the insights you have gained into the diverse workforce, programs, services, challenges, and opportunities for these fields.

Submit an 8- to 10-page. (D not include title page and references). Scholarly paper using APA references and formatting that includes the following information:

Firstly, A title page

Secondly, section headers for each of the sections below

Thirdly, describe an emerging or expanded role for public health or health education professionals in 2030 and beyond.

Fourthly,explain and support your choice with resources.

Further, propose three additional goals not found in Healthy People 2020 that should be added to the Healthy People 2030. Also, Use supporting resources and data to defend your proposed goals.

Prioritize and explain future health systems, programs, and policies that might affect the future of public health and health education.

Review your Strengths Finder results and what you wrote in your Module 1 paper.

Write a concise and focused reflection on what you have learned throughout the course and about yourself.

Describe how you will use your personal strengths, skills, and knowledge as a scholar and practitioner.

Be sure to go beyond what you wrote in your Module 1 paper to show your growth.

Explain how your goals to support and promote the field of public health or health education have changed as a result of this course.

Cite the sources you used within your text, wherever you referred to or used them.

Include an APA formatted reference list at the end of your paper.