Operation management concepts for operational problems

Operation management concepts for operational problems

This is an assignment that is discussing the operation management concepts for solving operational problems that are in organizations.

Operation management concepts for operational problems

‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍Firstly, the purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply OM (Operations Management) concepts/tools. How do these operations management tools solve operational problems and improve operational performance.

Secondly, to this purpose, you should find an interesting operational problem from the real business world and think about how you can apply the OM concepts/tools that you learned in this course to solve the problem.

More specifically, each individual should: Find an operational problem from the real business world (from his/her own work or from any company) ? Identify specific OM concepts/tools that can be applied to the problem ? Apply an appropriate OM concept/to‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ol or a set of appropriate OM concepts/tools to propose a solution to the problem ? Analyze the expected results that may be obtained when the solution is implemented. This section should also include a comparison between best and worst scenarios of the potential outcomes.

Thirdly, some of the questions to factor in answering this assignment include:

  • What are the 5 common current challenges of operations management especially in regards to the operations management tools and concept?
  • Discuss the key aspects of operations management and where do they affect greatly in an organization?
  • What is the primary concern of operations management to organizations operations?
  • What are the decisions that go together with operations management for a successful implementation?

The table in the appendix below will serve as the grading rubric for this assignment. The report should be 8 – 10 pages in length including the cover and appendices, with 1” margins on all sides, double-spacing, and 12 point font. The cover of the report should include title, class code and name, section number, your full name, and date of completi‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍on.

Cultural competence and its relevance to health care management

Cultural competence and its relevance to health care management

This is a paper that the student should explain cultural competence and its relevance to health care management. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Explain cultural competence and its relevance to health care management

Create 8-12 slides of PowerPoint presentation with 5-10 minutes of audio recording that will address conflict resolution with regards to a specific scenario.


Conflict is inevitable at any level in any organization or industry. Leaders must be ready and able to properly address conflict when it arises. This is to minimize disruptions and negative impact on employees. It is also important to remember that not all conflict is negative. Conflict can actually be positive when it minimizes or prevents groupthink, which occurs when team members are more concerned with cohesiveness and avoiding conflict than they are with high performance. When groupthink occurs, team members simply agree with their peers instead of voicing their opinions or offering alternate solutions. Leaders must recognize when this happens and strive to create a healthy team environment that promotes collaboration but welcomes differences of opinion.

As a health care leader, you will be called upon to resolve conflicts in your team and within your organization. You will need to manage conflicts that occur with you and also handle situations where you were not present. The media piece in the Vila Health: Conflict Resolution activity presents a scenario that you will review. After the review, prepare a PowerPoint presentation, accompanied by an audio recording, that you would give to hospital leadership to train them on how to handle situations such as this.


Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Explain cultural competence and its relevance to health care management.
Explain how a lack of cultural competence can compound already stressful situations and impede collaboration.

Competency 3: Analyze communication styles and its impact on teamwork and collaboration.
Explain the communication techniques that should be avoided to include diverse cultures.
Discuss communication strategies that hospital leadership should promote within the organization to resolve conflicts.
Explain the role of relationships in communication and its impact on teamwork and collaboration.
Recommend strategies that could be to improve the relationship between nursing and housekeeping.

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Theory of Constraints and Supply Chain Management

Theory of Constraints and Supply Chain Management

This is an assignment that discusses the theory of Constraints and Supply Chain Management using various resources provided as sources. Additionally, the understanding of measurements and processes of improvement will be key.

Theory of Constraints and Supply Chain Management

F‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍or this paper assignment:

Firstly, you will produce and submit an 8 – 10 page paper on the Theory of Constraints and Supply Chain Management and include a detailed summary of the novel.

The Goal. read the following resources and use them as references for your paper. In preparation of this assignment, read the following resources and use them as references for your paper. Goldratt, E. M. & Cox, J. (2012).

The goal: A process of ongoing improvement. (3rd ed.). Great Barrington, MA: North River Press. Rahman, S. (1998). Theory of constraints: A review of the philosophy and its applications. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 18(4), 336-355. Access this article by Rahman from the Hunt Library Database (Links to an external site.)

Secondly, select ProQuest Central (Links to an external site.) Database Search for "Theory of constraints: a review of the philosophy and its applications.

Select the only result for the full text of the paper Perez, J. L. (1997). TOC for world class global supply chain management. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 33(1-2), 289-293. Access this article by Perez from the Hunt Library Database (Links to an external site.) Select ScienceDirect (Links to an exter‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nal site.) Database Search for ;TOC for World Class Global Supply Chain Management&quot. Also, select the first result, written by JoséLuis Pérez Select Download full text in PDF at the bottom of the page. APA Format Paper is to provide an adequate summary of the novel, The Goal, and specifically address the following requirements: Business man behind a clear screen pointing to a lighted point on a world map with a docked cargo ship behind him.


Thirdly, describe your understanding of the three measurements (operational expense, throughput, and inventory) that Jonah defined to Alex. Additionally, explain how Jonah related these three measurements in the "Goal". Describe your understanding of DBR and provide examples. The team identified the bottlenecks in their facility.

Fourthly, explain how they achieved this. Explain your understanding of the steps in the process of on-going improvement. Also, describe how the team defined the process of on-going improvement in the "Goal".

Lastly, explain how TOC focuses on entire system management instead of subsystems isolation and how it applies to supply chain management. Additionally, identify and describe a project in your current or past organization where TOC principles can be applied.

Human behavior in the social environment discussion

Human behavior in the social environment discussion

This is an assignment that focuses on the human behavior in the social environment discussion. The paper also requires a presentation on the topic.

The human behavior in the social environment discussion

L‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ife-Span Group Presentations
Firstly, this is the text for the class and must me a source Urdang, E. (2016). Human behavior in the social environment: Interweaving the inner and outer worlds, 3rd Ed. New York, NY: Routledge. Text book must use for this project Erikson stage of development Also a social work theory for meeting developmental miles stonesI. I would like to touch on how its can affect substance exposed new born. as well as children at develop on target Can also use Bowlby’s attachment theory. Talk about risk and protective factors I am participating in a group project.

I am going to make slides from this essay on giving birth to age three on growth and development. Also, i am only asking for my part to be done here. I will get about 15 minutes to talk. I am one of three people. The presentation must be by current research and make liberal use of the professional literature. Presentation lengths will be approximately 45-50 minutes and cannot go longer than the 50-minute limit. Please remember that looking down at notes too much is not appropriate, and you can be graded down for presenting in this way.

The human behavior in the social environment discussion

The presentations should include opportunities for class involvement and discussion. In addition, students are to provide t‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he following materials at the time of the presentation: • A reference page which includes at least 3 sources. • Incorporation of theory: Did you use a lifespan perspective when discussing the issue? Also, was your discussion strengths-based and grounded in resiliency theory? Then, did you incorporate other theories when considering the problem? • • ****** I NEED Individual reflection paper that focus on the person’s contributions to the presentation as well as an analysis of the group process.

Each person should identify the sources from the professional literature contribution to the group’s reference page.


• ( for this I am focusing on the infants and drug exposed and out comes) I work in child protection and DCF social worker. Infants are a major part of my job and safety is a big concern. I have been working for DCF 13 years. I enjoy this demographic • What is known about the role of fathers in promoting healthy childhood development? • What are the needs of substance exposed infants? How should community systems address the infants’ ongoing needs as well as those of their parents? • What is the impact of parental divorce on children? Lastly, what do we know about how to support children and families through thi‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍s challenging life event?

Operations management OM important business aspects

Operations management OM important business aspects

This is an assignment that discusses the operations management (OM) important business aspects. The paper is to analyze a production system that is familiar.

The operations management (OM) important business aspects

Operations Management (OM) is an important aspect of business (Slack et al, 2013; Greasley, 2013; Patton et al, 2011).  Both service and manufacturing organisations use OM to ensure they are competitive and assist in providing and maintaining good levels of customer service (Johnson et al, 2012).  Developing a system of an organisations operation can be advantageous both for both the customer and organisation (Bamford and Forrester, 2010).  Subsequently, once a system has been developed and understood it should be possible to determine why the system works well, or not well, and to recommend possible production related improvements that will assist both parties concerned.


In this assignment analyse a production system (service or manufacturing based) with which you are familiar; a shop, restaurant, transport system, doctor’s surgery are all possible examples. Your tutor will give some guidance on your choice of organisation/case study. Your assignment should address the following questions:

Firstly, critically appraise how well the inventories and/or assets within the production system are currently managed.
Secondly, provide a detailed illustration of the key operations involved within your chosen production system presenting a logical operational flow.
From the illustration in point two, identify two points where the organisation’s delivery system may fail to align its operational performance measures. Clearly demonstrate your reasoning and understanding behind this.
Then, discuss how a lean approach could be in the production system to potentially reduce the failings discussed in point three.
Identify three key findings discussing the extent to which the lean approach chosen may assist the production system with aligning its operational performance measures.

Lastly, your assignment should be in a report format, being clearly using headings, sub-headings etc.  It is not necessary to include an executive summary at the beginning of the report.  Your assignment should be using Times New Roman (TNR) 12 font, 1.5 line spacing. It should be approximately 3,000 (+/- 10%) words in length.  Your word count is from the introduction to the end of the conclusion section.

Prevention strategies for workplace violence

Prevention strategies for workplace violence

Compare and contrast the three major prevention strategies for workplace violence.

Compare and contrast the three major prevention strategies for workplace violence


What is a workplace violence prevention program?

Workplace violence is an
occupational safety and health hazard. Employees should be educated about the conditions that increase the risk of violence, and how violence can be prevented, as well as have training and practice drills on procedures to be used in the event of a violent incident.
What are the three categories of prevention strategies for workplace violence, and provide an example of each. Ans: Environmental designs – improving lighting; administrative controls – staffing policies; behaviour strategies – training employees in conflict resolution.
What are the preventive strategies for workplace violence?
Here are seven steps to take to make sure your workplace violent prevention training is effective:
Firstly, Analyze your workplace.

Secondly, Create a supportive environment.

Thirdly, Offer communciation and empathy training.

Fourthly, Establish a clear company policy.

Fifthly, Commit to a non-violent workplace.

Further, Train employees to recognize warning signs.

What 3 elements should be monitored for ongoing assessment of potential for violence?
The Five Essential Elements of a Violence Prevention Program

Firstly, Management commitment and employee involvement. Teamwork is essential in a crisis situation.

Secondly, Worksite analysis. Worksite analysis consists of a methodical evaluation of the hazards within your environment.

Thirdly, Hazard prevention and control.

Fourthly, Safety and health training.

Also, Record keeping and program evaluation.

How do you handle threats at work?

If a subordinate threatens you, take action to rectify the situation and protect yourself and other workers from possible violence and future threats.
  1. Document The Threat. Document all events that preceded the threat.
  2. Assess The Threat.
  3. Counsel The Employee.
  4. Issue Disciplinary Action.
  5. Keep The Workplace Safe.
What are some of the factors or sources of distress that can lead to workplace violence?
Companies that recognize the potential for workplace violence are in the best position to prevent it.

Firstly, Lack of Pre-employment Screening.

Secondly, Stress.

Thirdly, Lack of Employee Assistance Program.

Fourthly, Denial.

Finally, Disgruntled Customers And Former Employees.

Leader’s role and identification of quality issues in an organization

Leader’s role and identification of quality issues in an organization

This is a paper that focuses on the leader’s role and identification of quality issues in an organization. Additionally, the paper identifies the education and practice experiences of a leader.

Leader’s role and identification of quality issues in an organization

Firstly, explain that this is a student project to learn about the leader’s role and how leaders identify quality issues and develop effective initiatives for change.
·       During the clinical, conduct an interview with the leader using the questions provided to you on the first page of the rubric:o   What are the healthcare leader’s day-to-day responsibilities within the organization?

Secondly, what education and practice experiences have prepared the leader for their current role?
o   What type of organizational structure is present within the organization? For example, is it a hierarchical structure or a decentralized, shared governance structure?
o   What types of communication patterns or issues are present and affected by the current organizational structure?
o   How does the leader address conflict related to divergent opinions? Discuss differences in professional background and experience, race and ethnicity, and culture.

Thirdly, what type of leadership style does the healthcare leader have, and is that style impacted by the current organizational structure and function?
· Develop two additional questions related to the healthcare leader’s role and experiences within the organization.
1-     Where can your staff locate ethical policies if needed?
2-     What is your policy on infection control?
3-     How do you trace improvements in client care?

Interview Summary

: (Two pages, single spaced, include citations)
·       Introduce the leader and give some background, for example, how long has the leader been in the current role, educational background, future goals….- CND has been working at an acute hospital for 13 years as a unit coordinator, surgical techinician, nurse on a cardiology unit, Visiting nurse and now a clinical nurse director for homecare company. She has her BSN and will soon work towards becoming a Nurse Practitioner.
Please indicate what State the CPE took place in (this is a requirement for SNHU) –took place in Massachussets

Clearly summarize the organizational structure, communication patterns and conflict resolution strategies, and leadership style as described by the healthcare leader.
Summarize the interview questions, you do not need to document every question-just summarize your findings. Also summarize any other findings that you observed during your shadow experience, including the 2 additional questions you asked (per the rubric).

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Strategies in Organizations Theory X Theory Y

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Strategies in Organizations Theory X Theory Y

This is an assignment that focuses on the description of a job whose work efforts are not compensated. The paper also discusses the importance of evaluating processes within an organization.

The description of a job whose work efforts are not compensated

J‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ust answer each question. Each response has to be 140+ word count and have 1 APA reference for each question.

1. Firstly, discuss one job or field (e.g., sanitation workers, education, etc.) that you feel is not adequately compensated for their work efforts. Provide an explanation for your response. Support your response with an APA cited reference(s).

2. Secondly, if you were starting a new job, would you want to be paid at the top of your pay range or in the middle? What are the advantages and disadvantages to both? Provide an explanation for your response. Support your response with an APA cited reference(s).

3. Thirdly, discuss why it is important to evaluate processes within an organization using flowcharting and performance metrics.

4. Fourthly, differentiate between the following common flowchart symbols (square, diamond, inverted triang‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍le circle, and arrow) and give an example of each.

5. Discuss how your personal core competencies help you create value for the business where you work, your life, your school, or your family. What can you do to expand or improve your core competencies?

6. Also, discuss the key factors that impact location decisions. As an example, if locating a facility in India, what location decisions would a fast-food chain have to consider as compared to the location decisions of a software company?

7. Then, discuss the strategic importance of layout decisions. Additionally, how important as these decisions in terms of a company’s long-term profitability goals? What are some examples?

8. Lastly, what are flow charts ? Also, what is the value of using flow charts. How do they differ from fish bone diagrams in application? ( This question only needs 75+ word cou‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nt)

Conflict Management Strategies available to human resources managers

Conflict Management Strategies available to human resources managers

This is an assignment that focuses on the Conflict Management Strategies available to human resources managers. Additionally, the paper also analyzes and evaluates methods to use by agencies.

Conflict Management Strategies available to human resources managers

For the next two assignments, you will be focus on conflict management. The options and methods available to human resources managers in terms of conflict management within a public organization are often clearly defined by policies and regulations. For this assignment, select a public or nonprofit agency. You may use an agency that you have worked for or have come across in the headlines or in your research. You may also use the agency from the Unit 3 assignment. Within that agency, describe a situation that resulted in conflict between employees.

Secondly, analyze and evaluate the methods used by the agency to resolve the issue. Conclude with at least three recommendations on effective conflict management based on what you learned from this situation. Those recommendations will be revised and refined in the next assignment. In a 5–7 page narrative, address the following: Provide a brief background on the organization or agency. Analyze a situation that resulted in a conflict between employees. Analyze the conflict resolution methods that were used by the agency. Evaluate the effectiveness of the conflict resolution methods the agency used. Propose at least three recommendations for effective conflict management.

Submission Re‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍quirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements: Written communication: Your writing should clearly identify where each grading criterion or part of the assignment is addressed. Your points must be logical, substantive, and relevant based on the evidence presented. The writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA guidelines: Resources and citations must be according to current APA style and formatting. Be sure to distinguish an electronic journal article by including the DOI or website. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. SafeAssign: Submit your paper to SafeAssign as a draft.

Additionally, review the results and make any needed changes before submitting to your instructor for grading. Resources: Your ideas must support relevant scholarly sources that are within the past five years. Citation and referencing tobe in current APA style. Length of paper: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Writing assistance: Also, resources and support are available through the Writing Center and Smarthinking’s free, online tutoring service. Review the scoring guide for the grading criteria for this assign‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ment.

Lead incident commander for a hazardous materials

Lead incident commander for a hazardous materials

For this assignment, you are the lead incident commander for a hazardous materials incident similar to those that have been introduced in this course. In this scenario, diisocyanates [toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI)] are being unloaded at the tank farm of HLF Polyurethane Manufacturing.

You are the lead incident commander for a hazardous materials

For this assignment, you are the lead incident commander for a hazardous materials incident similar to those that have been introduced in this course. In this scenario, diisocyanates [toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI)] are being unloaded at the tank farm of HLF Polyurethane Manufacturing. TDI and MDI are used as raw materials in the production of polyurethane.

During the unloading process, the vapour return line ruptured and caught fire due to a nearby welding operation that provided the ignition source.

The following actions were initially taken: The evacuation alarm was sound and the facility emergency response team (ERT) was activate. The plant manager and the local fire department were notified of the incident. The incident command was established at the facility office near the main access gate to the south (this is the furthest distance within the property boundary from the incident location). The incident commander implemented actions required under the approved emergency response plan.



The ERT was not able to immediately isolate the source of the incident. The fire department arrived on location and assumed the incident command of the event. Additional Relevant Information: The facility encompasses an area measuring 2000 feet by 1400 feet. The nearest residential community is located approximately 1000 feet to the northeast. A plastic recycling plant is located along the south fence boundary of the refinery. A major interstate highway runs directly parallel to the plant. The ambient temperature on the day of the incident was 85° F and the wind was blowing at 7 mph from the southwest to the northeast. The facility has a trained ERT that can respond to incidents.

Your essay must address the following:

Firstly, Identify all hazardous materials involved, their classifications and their physical properties.

Secondly, Discuss chemical incompatibility and interactions relevant to this incident.

Thirdly, Explain how the lead incident commander should respond to this incident based on the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).

Fourthly, Click the link below to access the ERG at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration website: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. (n.d.). Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).

Further, Retrieved from http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/library/erg

Also, Explain the corrective action plan that should be implement to prevent a reoccurrence of this event.

Finally, Your response must be at least one page in length (not counting the cover page or reference page).

Lastly, All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and quoted materials must have accompanying in-text and reference citations in APA format