Marketing plan assignment needs to be in APA format

Marketing plan assignment needs to be in APA format

The Marketing plan should be a new to the world product or service or maybe an improvement over an existing one.
Please DO NOT submit a marketing plan of an existing company, product or service.

Marketing plan should be a new to the world product or service

The Marketing plan should be a new to the world product or service or maybe an improvement over an existing one.
Please DO NOT submit a marketing plan of an existing company, product or service.
The marketing plan assignment needs to be in APA format

As a marketer, you’ll need a good marketing plan to provide direction and focus for your brand, product, or company.  With a detained plan, any business will be better prepared to launch a new product or build sales for existing products.  Non-profit organizations also use marketing plans to guide their fundraising and outreach efforts.  Even government agencies put together marketing plans for initiatives such as building public awareness of proper nutrition and stimulating area tourism.

The Purpose and Content of a Marketing Plan
Unlike a business plan, which offers a broad overview of the entire organizations mission, objectives, strategy, and resource allocation, a marketing plan has a more limited scope, it serves to document how the organization’s strategic objectives will be achieved through specific marketing strategies and tactics, with the customer as the starting point.

The Role of Research

To develop successful strategies and action plans, marketers need to up date information about the environment, the competition, and the market segments to be served.  Marketing Research helps marketers learn more about their customers’ requirements, expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction levels.  This deeper understanding provides a foundation for building competitive advantage through well-informed segmenting, targeting, and positioning decisions.

The Role of Relationships

The marketing plan shows how the company will establish and maintain profitable customer relationships.  The relationships affect how marketing personnel work with each other and with other departments to deliver value and satisfy customers.  It also affects how the company works with other stakeholders that include suppliers, distributors, strategic alliance partners, government regulators, media and the community at large to achieve the objectives listed in the plan.

From Marketing Plan to Marketing Action
Companies generally create yearly marketing plans, but some plans may cover a longer period.  Marketers start planning well in advance of the implementation date to allow time for marketing research, thorough analysis, management review, and the necessary coordination of departments.

For effective implementation and control, the marketing plan should define how progress toward objectives will be measured.  Managers typically use budgets, schedules, and performance standards for monitoring and evaluating results.  With budgets, they can compare planned expenditures with actual expenditures for a given week, month, or other period.  Performance standards track the outcomes of marketing programs to see whether the company is moving forward toward its objectives.

The Major Parts of the Marketing Plan

The Executive Summary
This section summarizes the main goals, recommendations, and points as an overview for senior managers who must read and approve the marketing plan.  Generally a table of contents follows this section, for management convenience.

Current Marketing Situation
In this section, marketing managers discuss the overall market, identify the market segments they will target, and provide information about the company’s current situation.

Market Description

By describing the targeted segments in detail, marketers provide context for the marketing strategies and detailed action programs discussed later in the plan.

Benefits and Product Features
Clarify the benefits that the product features will deliver to satisfy the needs of customers in each market segment.

Product Review
The product review should summarize the main features for all of the company’s products.  The information may be organized by product line, by type of customer, by market, or by the order of product introduction.

Competitive Review
The purpose of the competitive review is to identify the competitors, describe their market positions, and briefly discuss their strategies.

Distribution Review
In this section, marketers list the important channels, provide an overview of each channel arrangement, and mention any new developments or trend
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis
Weaknesses are internal elements that may interfere with the company’s ability to achieve its objectives.


Opportunities are external elements that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage.

Threats are current or emerging external elements that may possibly challenge the company’s performance.

Objectives and Issues
The company’s objectives should be defined in specific terms so management can measure progress ad if needed, take corrective action to say on track.  This section describes any major issues that might affect the company’s marketing strategy and implementation.  Be sure to include the first year and second year objectives.  Generally we are using unit sales volume for the first and second year.
Marketing Strategy  What’s the Plan?

A positioning built on meaningful differences, supported by appropriate strategy and implementation, can help the company build competitive advantage.  How is your product different?  How is your product viewed by your target audience?

Product Strategy
Include all the features described in the earlier product review section.  Describe the warranty.  Further, describe what you will do to build the brand?  Also, describe the brand, its logo on the product as well as its packaging.

Pricing Strategy

Describe your pricing strategy.  What will you charge at retail, etc?  Will it be a penetrating pricing strategy, like Walmart?  Will it be a skimming policy like Mercedes automobiles?

Distribution Strategy
Describe your channel strategy.  How will you get your product from the producer to the consumer?  Who you will use for distribution to market your product?  What retails will you use?  What channels will be used as coverage and what markets you plan on entering.  Will you use the Internet and or catalogs as well?

Marketing Communication Strategy
Integrating all messages (IMC) in all media uses, will reinforce the brand name and its main points of product differentiation.  Will you use all five of the elements including: advertising, sales promotions, public relations and personal selling?  Direct marketing in some circles is also one of the communications as well.

Marketing Research
We can identify specific features and benefits that our target market segments value.  Feedback form market tests, surveys, and focus groups will help us develop new products and services.  You can also measure and analyze customer attitudes toward competitive brands and products.

Marketing Organization

Explain who would be hired to handle various aspects of the marketing organization.
Budgets serve two main purposes: to project profitability and to help managers plan for expenditures, scheduling, and operations related to each action   program. Be sure to include a break-even point.

Controls help management assess results after the plan is implemented, identify any problems or performance variations, and initiate corrective action.  There is a need for tight control measures to monitor quality and customer service.  This will enable you to correct any problems that may occur.  Other early warning signs include monthly sales and monthly expenses.

Creative Strategy Decision in Volvo Marketing and Advertising

Creative Strategy Decision in Volvo Marketing and Advertising

This is an essay analyzing the marketing and advertising strategy used by Volvo and the creative strategy decision in the Volvo Ad.

 Marketing and Advertising – Creative Strategy Decision in Volvo Ad

Firstly, research on advertising and Promotion in addition to Creative Strategy Decision. Then, analyze an advertisement Creative strategy. A determination of what an advertising message will say or communicate to a target audience.

Secondly, the forum requires you to provide 300+ words in response to the following: Volvo Trucks – The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test). Review the ad multiple times and answer these questions: Volvo ad- define what you think reflects one of the approaches used to develop a creative theme such as a unique selling proposition, brand image, inherent drama, or positioning.

Thirdly, discuss how the creative theme is used in this ad or campaign and suggest improvements (if necessary). Steering precision and stability, and directional stability. Summari‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ze the idea and importance of creativity in an advertising context of this add. Why is this ad unique and how this ad sells, presents and defines the Volvo brand? Lastly, identify the approaches used in this advertisement as a company determining the creative theme that forms the basis of an advertising campaign.

Lastly, Summarize the different types of messages used and appeals that advertisers use to persuade their target audience. Coursebook: “Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective” eText External tool Additional information can be found:


Communication and ethics – internal and external communications

Communication and ethics – internal and external communications

This is an analysis of an organizational communication and ethics and a proposal of internal and communication improvements.  Apply this analysis to ethical behavior and social responsibility in the organization.

Communication and ethics – organizational internal and external communications

Firstly, identify what organizational communication and ethics is all about. Then, consider that your manager (or one you’re familiar with) was asked to review the organization’s approach to communication. In addition to communication approach include ethics. The manager asked you to help by conducting an analysis of the organization’s internal and external communications. Ethical behavior and social responsibility are included as well. Very importantly, the manager asked for proposed improvements associated with the analysis.

Secondly, focus on the company for which you work is evolving Examine this company’s communications related to ethical behavior within the company as well as its corporate social responsibility. Then, research and document the organization’s internal and external communications. Some of the examples include mission statements, credos, et cetera, in regard to its values and ethics.

Analysis and proposal

Thirdly, complete the following questions:

  • Analyze how the company’s internal communications help support ethical behavior. This should be within the company. Describe the potential impact on employee behavior. Examples of ethical behavior include embracing diversity and protecting confidential corporate data and private data.
  • Analyze how the company’s external communications reflect its commitment to social responsibility. Describe the potential impact on public perception. Examples of social responsibility include indicators such as dedication to community service, compassion for the disadvantaged, commitment to charitable giving, and concern for the environment.

Fourthly, propose the following improvements:

  • Propose potential improvements to internal communications that would help increase ethical behavior in the company. Justify those improvements based upon identified weaknesses or opportunities of current communications.
  • Propose potential improvements to the external communications. How would that help bolster the company’s public perception as a socially responsible company. Then, justify those improvements based upon identified weaknesses or opportunities of current communications.

Lastly, your analysis and proposed improvements should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

Strategic importance of performance-based pay

Strategic importance of performance-based pay

HRM 546 Describe the strategic importance of performance-based pay. From the employee perspective, what are the major advantages and disadvantages of these different forms of performance-based pay: recognition, merit, incentives, and earnings at risk?

HRM 546 Describe the strategic importance of performance-based pay

Address the following questions:

Describe the strategic importance of performance-based pay

–From the employee perspective, what are the major advantages and disadvantages of these different forms of performance-based pay: recognition, merit, incentives, and earnings at risk?

Describe the challenges associated with using team incentives.

–Is performance-based pay more likely to cause employees to behave unethically compared to paying a straight salary, wage, commission? Why or why not?

Use your textbook and online course material to support your work plus at least 5 credible references.

Importance of pay for performance
A pay for performance approach to rewards should help create this kind of “line of sight.” Ultimately, compensation’s role is to reinforce the outcomes the company needs its people to achieve in a way that fulfills the financial vision of both shareholders and employees.
What are the advantages of performance related pay?
Advantages of performance related pay

Gives managers and workers an incentive to improve efficiency and productivity. This can lead to lower costs and help the firm remain profitable and dynamic.

What are the disadvantages of using a pay for performance plan?
A disadvantage of pay-for-performance policies is that they can create contention among employees. A worker sometimes feels as though a manager shows favoritism to certain employees to help them achieve bonuses and higher salaries.
Here’s what Pink identified as some problems with incentive programs:

Firstly, They can extinguish intrinsic motivation.

Secondly, They can diminish performance.

Thirdly, They can crush creativity.

Fourthly, They can crowd out good behavior.

Fifthly, They can encourage cheating, shortcuts & unethical behavior.

Sixth, They can become addictive.

Lastly, They can foster short-term thinking.

Disney Strategic Analysis Media and Entertainment Industry

Disney Strategic Analysis Media and Entertainment Industry

This essay entails a research paper on the Disney Strategic Analysis in the Media and Entertainment Industry. Disney Strategic Analysis explains the problems that face the company and the different ways to solve the problems.

Disney Strategic Analysis Media and Entertainment Industry

Firstly, strategic Analysis of Disney on the Media & Entertainment industry. Written case assignments provide you with the opportunity to use your conceptual, analytic and technical skills in applications of real-world business situations. You should adopt the role of a consulting team that has been asked to examine the corporation and to provide.

Furthermore, strategic judgments regarding the key strategic issue and problems facing the company with supporting evidence and sound logic drawn from your homework. Multiple alternative courses of actions available to the corporation and assessments of these options. Specific recommendations with a supporting plan of action.

Secondly, focus: Judgments versus Analysis. You are encouraged to use the various frameworks, concepts, and techniques discussed in the course or otherwise known to you. However, that these are analytical tools, which help in forming judgments concerning central problems and associated recommendations; these tools are not ends in themselves.

Thirdly, or your assigned firm, please address the following questions. What are the key findings from your external and internal analyses? Also, what is the strategic issue of this firm?  What are the most promising strategic options this firm’s management should consider? Which recommendation is the best among the strategic options?

Lastly, the body of the paper is  to 10 double-space pages in 12-point font, Times New Roman. Supplemental exhibits and figures in the  Appendices. In conclusion, the purpose of the page limit is to encourage you to prioritize the material you wish to include in the final document. Please be selective, in order to generate a rigorous and relevant paper.

Impact of globalization on world of work multiculturalism

Impact of globalization on world of work multiculturalism

This is an assignment discussing the impact of globalization and how it is changing the world of work in general.

Impact of globalization is changing the world of work

Firstly, begin by viewing the following video on globalization: Inch, J. (2015). Future Globalization. TEDxSuzhou. Retrieved from

Secondly, in this assignment, you are the top human resources manager in a hospitality organization. You are responsible for your organization’s human resource function with HRM offices in Brazil, Russia, and China, as well as in a few developing countries. However, you have just received an email from your boss (the CEO). Additionally, he wants you to help explain to the top managers at 10 of your employer locations how the impact of globalization is changing the world of work.

Thirdly, he has asked you to prepare a slide presentation (8 slides) with speaker notes at the bottom of each slide (in a comments section). Also,  included in the 8 slides should be a cover page and a List of References page. Additionally, your boss will give this presentation to his top management staff next week. In the presentation he wants to explain why it is important for all managers and supervisors to think globally and incorporate the influence of globalization into their workplace practices. Lastly, your boss wants you to email him the slides with speaker notes “today if possible, and tomorrow at the latest.” He wants appealing slides with meaningful speake‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍r notes so that he doesn’t need to add content.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing on your research.

Lastly, evaluate resources and select only library/Web-based resources that provide reliable, substantiated information. Leonhard, G. (2016). Digital Transformation: Are You Ready for Exponential Change? Retrieved from Leonhard, G. (2017). Technology vs. Humanity—The Future is Already Here. Retrieved from

Additionally, you are to also use this resources: Meister, J. (2017). The Employee Experience is the Future of Work: 10 HR Trends for 2017. Retrieved from Meister, J. (2016). Future of Work: Three Ways to Prepare for the Impact of Intelligent Technologies in your Workplace. Retrieved from‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍2eb95f6575.

Development of a personal and professional portfolio resume CV LinkedIn profile

Development of a personal and professional portfolio resume CV LinkedIn profile

This is an assignment that focuses on the development of a personal and professional portfolio. This will also involve demonstrating various experiences from university.

Development of a personal and professional portfolio

Assignment Details and Instructions.

The assessment gives you the opportunity to produce a personal narrative reflecting your own experiences values, aspirations and skills development.
Your task is to develop a personal and professional portfolio – this can be presented as a portfolio in electronic form.  The portfolio MUST include a CV, and evidence that you have set, worked towards and reflected on three separate personal development goals.  Your portfolio will enable you to identify, and evidence, your developing talents for your next level of study and your future career, and will be based on your personal and professional progress over the academic year. You MUST include evidence of considerable engagement with the PPD process and demonstrate development of key personal and professional skills.

In your portfolio you should:

1.     Firstly, demonstrate how you have used your experience to learn about yourself during your first year at university. Additionally, the contributions and implications of this learning for your future professional development and career choices

2.     Secondly, clearly identify your personal strengths and areas that you need to develop in relation to your degree programme, your professional development. Also, the expectations of potential employers

3.     Thirdly, identify appropriate actions that you should take to enhance your personal qualities and competences in relation to your life, your university journey as an early career professional and your future career path

4.     Illustrate how you have developed AT LEAST three different skills and critically evaluate the learning strategies employed. This should include a description of how the learning needs arose and were identified as well as a rationale for the selection of the development strategies chosen to meet the needs and a critical review of their effectiveness.

UAE airliners and airports Covid-19 – continually developing new strategies

UAE airliners and airports Covid-19 – continually developing new strategies

Why are airliners and airports are continually developing new strategies inspired by growth, changes in the market and a focus on cost reduction whilst operating in an increasingly competitive environment.

Airliners and airports are continually developing new strategies

Airliners and airports are continually developing new strategies inspired by growth, changes in the market and a focus on cost reduction whilst operating in an increasingly competitive environment.
Produce a report (1500 words +- 10% excluding reference list, appendices, tables and figures.) The report need to include the following:
A discussion on the price of oil (jet fuel) over the last 15 years. The challenges airline managers were present ed with and approaches them use d to deal with volatility of fuel cost.

Firstly, provide information relating to key aspects of the historical price of oil // jet fuel.

Secondly, discuss four strategies airlines employed to mitigate the volatility of the price of oil//Jet fuel. For each mitigation method include examples of airliners employing that particular strategy.

This assignment has to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the contemporary aviation issues.

Also, the document must include a cover page contents page and final reference list.

Further, number your pages. Present your work in PowerPoint black font with double line spacing. Include your final word count in your conclusion section.

More-so, Aim for a minimum of one source per 100 words.

Lastly, write using the 3rd person and in UK English.


More details;

What are the factors behind soaring air travel growth?
What Are The Factors Behind Soaring Air Travel Growth?
  • Higher living standards. Rising GDP, and consequently, disposable income and living standards, result in an increased demand for air travel for both business and leisure purposes.
  • Demographics.
  • Cost of Travel.

How can the airline industry be improved?

With these seven tips, you can drive brand loyalty by building deeper relationships with customers.
  1. Take a passenger-first approach.
  2. Get to know your target audiences.
  3. Listen, then talk.
  4. Engage in a variety of ways.
  5. Drive smart decisions through data.
  6. Embrace video.
  7. Leverage the power of the crowd.


Principles of marketing Integrated Marketing Communications

Principles of marketing Integrated Marketing Communications

This is an assignment that focuses on the MRKT 310 Principles of marketing week on IMC. The paper assessment also assess the ability to relate IMC concepts.

The MRKT 310 Principles of marketing week on IMC

Tesla 3 Model
M‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍RKT 310 Principles of Marketing Week 8 Writing Assignment Part 1

Integrated Marketing Communications, and the Changing Media Landscape Learning Outcomes Integrated Marketing Communications. The student understands how integrated marketing communications can add value for customers. Marketing communications objectives. Students can develop marketing communications objectives using the AIDA framework. Promotion mix. Student can select the appropriate promotion tool to be used for different marketing communications objectives.

Media strategy

Firstly, student can design a simple message and media plan for a product or service offering. Directions. This assignment assesses your ability to relate integrated marketing communications concepts to your product or service offering and the target market you selected. Secondly, you will let your creative side shine as you think through how you would design the marketing communications for your product or service to effectively and efficiently communicate a clear, consistent and compelling message to your target market over the next year. However, the course content does not cover IMC in great detail and you may want to refer to some open source references for more information on message design. A good one is:

Thirdly, prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your name and the name of your product or service. Then answer each of the following eight questions (four in part 1 and four in part 2) in order and number the beginning of your response to each question. Although you do not need to repeat the question, headings should separate the sections. Lastly, the paper should contain a minimum of 5+ pages of analysis for the responses to the eight questions.
Integrated Marketing Communications.

Considering your new target market and any modifications, new product line extensions or new products. You may also have developed to serve the new target market needs, create your ‘Big Idea to be the basis of the message strategy for all your marketing communications. Marketing communications objectives. Write at least three marketing communications objectives using the AIDA framework discussed in the course content. Promotion mix. For each of the three marketing communications objectives written in number 2, discuss which of the promotion tools would be the best choice to reach each of the three marketing communications objective.

American Financial Corporation Southwest Engineering Services

American Financial Corporation Southwest Engineering Services

This essay entails a paper on the American Financial Corporation of the Southwest Engineering Services. American Financial Corporation helps in management of the different American companies to ensure that they are succesiful or tey make it in the market.

American Financial Corporation Southwest Engineering Services

Firstly, Dan Dalton was the marketing vice president (VP) for Cromwell Electronics. Ten months earlier he had appointed Ed Corelli as the manager of a newly formed marketing unit for the eastern region. The unit was responsible for developing marketing presentations, advertising campaigns, and promotions for the sale of Cromwell products in the eastern region. The unit had six marketing specialists. The two are long-time employees, and the other four  newly hired. Ed was promoted to the position based on a good reputation as a marketing specialist.

Secondly, even though the market unit was new, Dan expects its performance to be better by now. The market unit for the western region was forms at the same time, and it had higher performance. Dan reflected on the comments made by two of Ed’s subordinates when asked how they liked working for him.
What theories from this chapter are relevant for analyzing the case? Evaluate Ed’s behavior as a manager, and identify effective and ineffective actions. What should Dan say or do now?
American Financial Corporation

What should Don have done to be more effective?

Southwest Engineering Services

Thirdly, describe the leadership behaviors Ron used and their influence on the attitudes and behavior of the team members.
Compare this cross-functional project team to a self-managed operations team by identifying similarities and differences in the leadership roles.
Lastly, use attribution theory to explain how leaders interpret the reasons for poor performance by subordinates. Describe how the following attributes are used to manage impressions: