Internal and External Marketing Variables – UBER company PESTEL SWOT VRIO

Internal and External Marketing Variables – UBER company PESTEL SWOT VRIO

The following essay is to discuss the Internal and External Marketing Variables focusing on the UBER company.

Internal and External Marketing Variables – UBER company

The company being used is UBER. UBER is a multi billion well known company which focuses mostly on the transport industry. Below are questions to the above mentioned topic:

Firstly, provide a description of the product/service and a brief history of the firm.

Secondly, explain the firm’s mission. Also, provide its mission statement or create one if necessary.

Thirdly, conduct a brief SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the organization.

Fourthly, describe and discuss demographic and economic trends that affect the sale of the product or service. Then, describe and discuss technological changes and changes in consumer tastes and preferences that have affected the sale of the product or s‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ervice.

Lastly, create a marketing research process to be used to gather information on present or potential customers. Which forms of marketing research would be best in gathering consumer information relating to the product or service?

Please use as one of the resources (see below); Use at least three resources (scholarly marketing journals, practitioner publications, and the course textbook). Kotler, P. T., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (Custom 15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Inc. ISBN: 97801338564‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍60

Human Resource Management Summary Writing Executive Summary

Human Resource Management Summary Writing Executive Summary

This essay entails a paper on the Human resource management summary and Executive branch report book provided in tha attached files. Human resource management summary entails the analysis of all the processes that happen in the department and account for them

Human resource management summary Executive branch report book

Firstly, the Executive Summary Assignment will help you learn how to write the Executive Summary required for the Report Assignment. With that in mind, you may be wondering how you will write this before you have finished writing the report.I’ve tried to break out a few of the key assignments from the big report assignment so that you can work on them and get some feedback.

Also, know that you’ll probably be able to use some of your work from this assignment when you add your Executive Summary to the report, but you’ll likely need to add some details after you have finished the report. In fact, this has become the accepted and preferred style; however, if your Executive Summary ends up being too long for this you can put it on its own page.

Secondly, an Executive Summary describes the most basic essential details of the report for an experience. Executive branch that may have multiple reports on their desk and not have time to read the entire report just yet. Keep in mind that writing the cover letter, executive summary and conclusion assignments are going to seem repetitive.

Also, Remember that reports are read by multiple choices within an organization and different readers will be skipping around to the different parts that pertain to them: Sales, tech, research, executive, HR–all of these areas have different needs and expectations and sometimes reports will be hundreds of pages long.


Lastly, that’s why summaries are necessary and why a lot of times it is going to seem like you’re repeating. How to complete the work. Write an executive summary of one or two paragraphs that sums up the report to this point. You might not know everything yet since you haven’t finished the report; however, you should have a pretty good idea of where things are going and the big picture at this point.

Organization using supply chain management

Organization using supply chain management

Select an organization which uses supply chain management to deliver goods and/or services to the customer. Examine business practice and theory in light of the purchasing & supply chain management literature.

An organization which uses supply chain management

Select an organization which uses supply chain management to deliver goods and/or services to the customer. Examine business practice and theory in light of the purchasing & supply chain management literature.

Analyse how the supply chain is managed, identifying any areas of business performance which demonstrate competitive advantage as well as any aspects which may require improvement.

You should include 2 or 3 of the core themes explored on this module. For example: supply chain sustainability, global sourcing, supply strategy, supplier relationship management, supply responsiveness, service-based supply chains, low carbon procurement, closed loop & circular supply chain implementation.

When writing your assignment it may help you to think of the structure of your document and how you are going to break it down into sections before you start. All assignments, reports and papers typically should include the following:

Firstly,  Title (make it interesting to grab the reader’s attention. Include name/s of author/s)

Secondly, Abstract (a short summary – in italics – around a third of a page maximum)

Thirdly, Introduction (includes the aims & objectives of your paper and any specific questions)

Fourthly, Literature review (include all relevant papers in the topic/s you are writing about)

Further, Findings (description of the firm and its supply chain operations, product, services etc)

Moreover, Discussion & Analysis (your considered opinion or ‘critical reflection’ on how the firm shapes up in terms of SCA, supply chain performance etc. and how this relates to literature?).

Conclusion (a summary of the main points of your paper, with recommendations for the firm and supply chain in terms of future improvement).

Lastly, For more information, you must check the document “Assignment Tips”.
Preferred language style UK English

Team building management project cost estimating and budgeting

Team building management project cost estimating and budgeting

This essay entails a research on the Cost estimating and budgeting and the process of Team building management project.Cost estimating and budgeting enables one to plan for the things they need for a project or to make things work at the end. It also ensures success of a project.

Cost estimating and budgeting Team building management project

Firstly, Research Project Please read carefully the entire research paper instructions.This is a graduate course and students expectations to research and write papers summary in their own words what they have found on current topics in

Also, execute the Project from the weekly readings. The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals and textbooks. Blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, newspaper articles, non-academic online websites. They are helpful for providing background information. However, they are NOT suitable references/resources for this research assignment.

Secondly, pick one or more of the following research topics, if you choose more than one, they have to be related topics. Research Paper Topics: Why Project Management? Risk Management Project team building, conflict, and negotiation Cost estimating and budgeting Project scheduling Agile. Critical chain Resource management Project evaluation and control Research Paper Requirements.

Thirdly, the peer-reviewed journal article(s) must be current/publish within the last ten (10) years.

Also, paper and Presentation Structure. Write a minimum of ten  pages, double spaced, in APA format, discussing the findings on your assigned topic in your own words. Note paper length does not include a cover page or References page.

Lastly, structure of the paper as follows: Cover page. With a title of the research topic/topics you choose an overview describing the importance of the research topic/topics in your own words. Purpose of Research of the article in your own words. Review of the Literature summarized in your own words Conclusion in your own words. Personal Thoughts of students References in a separate page Articles Attached!

Organizational Leadership and Ethical Statesmanship

Organizational Leadership and Ethical Statesmanship

This assignment focuses on Organizational Leadership and Ethical Statesmanship. Discuss the link between interpersonal leadership and organizational leadership.

Organizational Leadership and Ethical Statesmanship

In this paper, you will apply a statesmanship model to the topic of: Organizational Leadership.

Further, Discuss the link between interpersonal leadership and organizational leadership and how effective public administration statesmanship engages in key organization communication best practices.

In essence, this paper should be seen as a synthesis among your evolving statesmanship model, interpersonal and communication best practices.

General Guidelines:
Firstly, Include Subtitles Headings  and must conform to the content categories mentioned above: Statesmanship Model, Interpersonal and Organizational Leadership, and Organizational Communication Best Practices.

Secondly,  Support All ideas shared by the student with sound reason and citations from the require readings, presentations, and additional research.

Thirdly,  Integrate Biblical principles within the analysis of the paper.

Fourthly,  The paper should be 5 full pages of content in length (not counting the title page or references), double-spaced, and in APA format.

More details;

What is interpersonal leadership?
Interpersonal Leadership

Goleman defines interpersonal intelligence as the ability to understand other people, what motivates them and to work cooperatively with them. Interpersonal Leadership is about self-expression that makes a difference, that enriches the lives of others.

What is organizational leadership and why is it important?
Leadership is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. In fact leadership is an essential part and a crucial component of effective management. … It has the potential to influence and drive the group efforts towards the accomplishment of goals.
Specifically, leadership is about coping with change, and management is about coping with complexity. Kotter’s view of the leadership process involves: Developing a vision for the organization. Aligning people with that vision through communication.


Project analysis and research approaches to identify research problem

Project analysis and research approaches to identify research problem

This is an assignment that discusses the structured project analysis and research approaches to identify research problem. The paper also requires a wider strategic project management.

Project analysis and research approaches to identify research problem

Learning objectives
1. Select and use appropriate structured project analysis and research approaches to identify, justify, analyse and diagnose a research problem. Also, develop a research question. 2. Situate a research problem within a wider strategic project management context to demonstrate the significance of the research question.

Mini Research Proposal of  600 words
Submission deadlines:

•Submit a written mini outline for your proposed research. Your outline should include:  1. Working title  2. Secondly, the aims of your research project (and/or the questions it will answer) and a brief outline of the background context. The aims may cover both practical and theoretical outcomes, for example you might aim to suggest modifications to a theory to enhance its value or validity in a particular context. You should also demonstrate the scope of your aims, for example whether they refer to a particular project, an organisation or a whole industry.(200 words)

3. Thirdly, a brief outline of literature sources (200 words). Are there any gaps in existing Project Management academic literature   that your research will fill? What Project Management literature will your research draw on to justify your research context and design decisions? This should be based on key sources drawn from the main articles relevant to your research context. Additionally, purpose to indicate how they influence your research, not just a list of articles or a statement of what you intend to read.Are there any gaps in existing literature that your research will fill?

What literature will your research draw on to justify your research context and design decisions? This should be based on key sources drawn from the main articles and books relevant to your research context and purpose to indicate how they influence your research, not just a list of articles or a statement of what you intend to read.


(For grades 70 and above): In addition to this  you can provide a  table in the Appendix summarizing at least 5 sources that your research

Also, draw on to justify your research context and design decisions. The table should have columns for aims/objectives of paper, topics discussed and any areas identified for future research.  Based on this table, you can present the possible area that your research will face based on a gap or suggestion in existing literature. An example is enclosed in the Appendix 1 of this document.

4. A brief outline  of methodological approaches to your research (200 words). This should also include a research paradigm, methodological approach, a consideration of the data gathering method(s) to be used. Also, a general overview of the source of data and sample population. Ensure that the elements are aligned.  Ensure you draw here on relevant research method sources.

Creating Onboarding Process Human Resource Requirements

Creating Onboarding Process Human Resource Requirements

This essay entails a research project on the Human Resource Requirements by a way of Creating an Onboarding Process for businesses. Human Resource Requirements are the needs that accompany the human life ineveryday running of life. This ensure every one is taken care of and life is smooth.

Human Resource Requirements Creating an Onboarding Process

Firstly, in this assignment, you will create an outline of an onboarding process. Summarize what you feel are the two (2) most important elements in on-boarding in the global environment. Write a one to two (1-2) page memorandum to your Human Resource Director in which you: Explain why an on-boarding process needs to be created. Then create an outline of an on-boarding process.

Secondly, include a brief explanation of each step and explain why it is important. Summarize what you believe are the two (2) most critical elements to consider when on-boarding in the global environment. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date.

Thirdly, the cover page is not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment. Analyze international business strategy to identify human resource requirements. Formulate supporting HRM plans that can improve productivity and contribute to the firm’s competitiveness. Select performance management processes to assess and improve performance throughout a multinational corporation.

Lastly, propose training programs to improve performance throughout a multinational corporation and address the considerations for effective learning in a diverse workforce of expatriates, host country nationals, and third-country nationals. Use technology and information resources to research issues in global HRM. Write clearly and concisely about global HRM using proper writing mechanics.

Positive aspects of the collaborative initiative Teamwork Collaboration

Positive aspects of the collaborative initiative Teamwork Collaboration

This is an assignment that focuses on description of positive aspects of the collaborative initiative. The paper also focuses on what criminal justice entities.

Description of positive aspects of the collaborative initiative

Project 1: Case Study
You are working in the research unit of a foundation that awards grants to criminal justice agencies. The foundation is interested in promoting inter-agency collaboration to address specific issues in criminal justice. There is a formal debate in the office as to whether a particular case of apparent cooperation/collaboration was actually effective. Your supervisor is championing one side of this discussion.  Additionally, you have been asked to provide a review of the case identified below. Specifically, your supervisor asked you to compose a paper that included responses to the four questions provided. (See Item #3 below.)

1. Firstly, read the following report from the National Institute of Justice:
“Baltimore’s Comprehensive Communities Program: A Case Study” 

2. Secondly, respond to the following questions:
1.  Firstly, describe the positive aspects of the collaborative initiative
2.  Secondly, what partner do you feel is less essential to the initiative and also why? (Note “None” is not an option.)
3.  Also, what criminal justice entity do you feel could have enhanced the success of the initiative?]
4.  Then, what NON-criminal justice entity do you feel could have enhanced the success of the initiative?
Note: While these four questions may be helpful in creating an outline, the paper itself must be presented as a formal narrative case study.

Description of positive aspects of the collaborative initiative

3. Thirdly, complete Project 1 (Case Study) in the following format:
1.  Firstly, a minimum of four (4) full maximum five (5) full pages of narrative text
2.  Secondly, respond to the four questions in item 2 above
3.  Support your work with a MINIMUM of two (2) resources other than the class instructional material. Narrative and Resource page citations must be done in the American Psychological Association (APA) format

4.  Lastly, a cover page (not included in the page count)
1.  Name of the student
2.  Name and number of the course
3.  Date of submission
4.  All other pages will be double-space, 1 inch margin, 12 font.

Public Management as going back some centuries

Public Management as going back some centuries

Hood (2006) situated Public Management as going back some centuries, but as having acquired more specific concerns in the late 20th century. What might be the relevance of one of these concerns for the process of decision making in the public sector?

Hood (2006) situated Public Management as going back some centuries

Firstly, The research assignment aims to respond to one of the following five questions.

Secondly, The assignment consists of a paper of between 1,500 in the format common to the social sciences.

Thirdly, This means providing a clear answer to the specified question, a substantive discussion of some of the underlying issues, and a synthesis of all the points raised.


Each question entails focusing on a limited set of issues from a wider range of possibilities.

1)      Hood (2006) situated Public Management as going back some centuries, but as having acquired more specific concerns in the late 20th century. What might be the relevance of one of these concerns for the process of decision making in the public sector?

2)      Weber (1947) sees in bureaucracy the organizational form that corresponds to political modernity. How does Weber’s assessment of bureaucracy correspond to the Public Service of Canada, past or present?

3)      Gow (2004) assessed the Public Service of Canada as having long maintained a spirit of pragmatism. What might be one of the justification’s for Gow’s assessment?

4)      Resource management in Canada has gone through upheavals since the 1960s and 1970s. What might be one of these transformations and why is it significant for management in the Public Service of Canada?

5)      The concern around program results has been haunting public managers since at least the 1980s. Can it or not be said that this concern has been rising in the past forty years in the Public Service of Canada?

Firstly, Papers should rely on a minimum of four peer-reviewed texts to expand the scope of the question. No more than two texts from the list of required course readings may count towards this minimum. Papers should conform to either the APA or MLA citation formats (please visit the OWL at Purdue for guidance), be presented in double-space, include a bibliography of all sources used, and contain a cover page announcing the name of the student, the title of the paper, the class coordinates and the date.

Factory drain system Capsim company external environment

Factory drain system Capsim company external environment

This essay entails a paper on a chosen Factory drain system and use the Capsim company external environment as a case study. Factory drain system helps in maintaining cleanliness in the whole area and help in maintaining health of the workers.

Factory drain system Capsim company external environment

Firstly, hink about the Capsim company and its imagined external environment. Think about the materials on the stakeholders in the textbook. Then read at least one article from the attached list. On that basis, imagine your company has had a toxic chemical spill in one of its factories. No one is injured, but 60 liters of highly toxic fluid enters the factory drain system where it is collected in a waste management system.

Secondly, there was no release to the environment. However,  it is also a favourite stop of local birdwatchers.Define stakeholders (use one of the listed readings as a guide, cite it, and include it in your reference list). Draw a mind-map of the external environment of your simulation company and identify all the stakeholders in this spill. (Refer to the mind-mapping guidelines and information sources).

Also, on your mind-map indicate the stakeholders. Remember to consider the various departments internally, How or where does they have an impact on each department? A good mind-map has enough detail that you can see how relationships are represented in the mind-map (usually a third level of detail.

Thirdly, identify what you think is a critical component of your simulation company’s external environment (an item from your mind-map). Each team member MUST choose a different component.

Lastly, find a high quality academic source (use the UCW library) that helps you understand that component. Briefly summarize the academic source in your own words. (maximum of 100 words) 6. Briefly explain how the academic source improves your understanding of the environmental component.