HACCP Plan for a high-risk food manufacturing
HACCP Plan for a high-risk food manufacturing
This is an assignment that requires to develop and submit an HACCP plan for a high-risk food. The paper will also require an overview of the design and development of the food premise.
Develop and submit an HACCP Plan for a high-risk food
You will develop and submit an HACCP Plan for a high-risk food. As a Food Safety Manager of a high-risk food-manufacturing company, management has decided, as per regulation, to develop and implement an HACCP system in the factory. You are therefore charged with the sole responsibility of supervising the development of the HACCP system. Submit a detailed HACCP document produced to ensure the safety of a selected high-risk food to achieve the objectives of the management process.
You should produce an overview of the design and development of the food premises for the selected food product as well as a flow chart of unit operations. You are also expected to detail hygienic design requirements, prerequisite system requirements and a practical HACCP plan with a justification of target and critical limits, plus monitoring systems to ensure the safe handling of the selected food product. Your HACCP plan should include the following sections: Process design/flow diagram/hazard analysis (30 marks) Describe the process through which the manufactured product passes. Identify the intended end use of the product.
Identify if there are any customer groups that may be particularly at risk (for example, young children). Detail the full scope of potential food hazards associated with the production process. Produce a clear flow diagram indicating all unit operations of the production process. You do not need to produce a complex flow diagram. However, make sure that you identify the main steps within the production process. Present a comprehensive range of potential food hazards within the production process and identify the steps at which these individual food hazards occur.
Develop and submit an HACCP Plan for a high-risk food
Control measures/critical control points/limits (30 marks) Present and justify a comprehensive range of control measures for the full range of potential food hazards identified in Section 1. The control measures you select should be proportionate to the relative significance of the food hazards you identify. Identify all critical control points in the production process. Also, set suitable and measurable limits and targets for all critical control points identified. You should also indicate the tolerances that are appropriate to each target set (e.g. +/- 20 C). Monitoring/corrective action (20 marks)
Describe and give the rationale for a suitable selection of monitoring procedures that will give evidence of effective food hazard control within the production process. You should also identify limits for selected monitoring procedures beyond which corrective actions must be employed. Identify a range of suitable corrective actions, when monitoring has indicated loss of control in the production process, and limits for such corrective actions. Documentation/verification/review (20 marks) Describe appropriate documentation and records, both to support the HACCP plan and to assist in ensuring effective control of the production process.
Present an overview audit plan of the HACCP system in order to assess performance and ongoing compliance with standards. Select and describe appropriate methods of verification to confirm the effectiveness of the developed HACCP system. You should also identify both process and product verification procedures. Identify and describe circumstances that would prompt an HACCP-plan review. Format of assessment submission You must read the following instructions carefully and adhere to them strictly while completing your coursework.
Develop and submit an HACCP Plan for a high-risk food
For Food Safety and Quality Management coursework, produce your assignment in response to the assessment task detailed on this page. In the portfolio, every page must be numbered in the footer. In the header of every page, you must put your student number only. All figures and tables must be numbered and have a title. The number and title should be present above the tables and beneath the figures. Do not cite or reference lecture notes in your coursework. Do not use direct quotations in written work.
Quotations do not belong in academic scientific writing. Submit your 3,000–3,750 word portfolio via the Turnitin submission link. Use Verdana size 11 font. Include a bibliography – a single list containing all the source material you have used to produce your assignment. Cite all sources using the Harvard method of referencing and citation to conform to the MMU academic conventions with regard to plagiarism and referencing. Please refer to the University referencing guidelines. Review the marking matrix before submitting your assignment to have an overview of the different assessment criteria which will be to assess your assignment