Opening Skinner’s Box and Obscura chapters questions

This is a paper that is requires the student to focus on Opening Skinner’s Box and Obscura chapters questions. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper.

Opening Skinners Box and Obscura chapters questions

This essay will be based on one of your reading response assignments.  Choose any of the reading responses from Modules 2-4 and develop it further.  Create a thesis statement (a sentence that makes an argument) and at least three supporting points (each of which will be the focus of a body paragraph). Include an MLA Works Cited page for this paper.
Each body paragraph should consist of the following elements:

Point–a sentence that supports your thesis
Introductory phrase–a few words leading to the quotation telling your readers whose words you are quoting
Quotation–as concisely as possible, use exact words from the prompt text (surrounded in quotation marks and also with a proper citation)
Explanation of Quotation–paraphrase the quotation for your readers
Analysis–explain your point and how it ties to your thesis
For a more detailed explanation of PIQEAT paragraphs, see the PIQEAT handout.

Prompt Questions:

Chapter 1 “Opening Skinner’s Box”–

Jerome Kagan tells Lauren Slater that diving under his desk proves that he has free will.  Do you agree, disagree, or both with him?

Chapter 2 “Obscura”–

The Stanley Milgram experiments have been criticized for “creating a situation that lacks any mundane realism, meaning a situation so unlike the conflicts of real life that the human drama it portrays is, in fact, irrelevant to the world in which we live” (Slater 54).  Do you agree, disagree, or both with the critics?
Chapter 3 “On Being Sane in Insane Places”–

Robert Spitzer argues for the “validity of psychiatry, and its diagnostic practices, as sound scientific, medical procedures” (Slater 73).  Do you agree, disagree, or both with Spitzer?

After you have a thesis and at least three body paragraphs, then write an introduction and a conclusion.  If it is easier for you to write an introduction first, make sure you edit it carefully at the end to make sure it is still pertinent to the rest of your essay.  Most people find that writing the introduction last is easier.

Link to book:

Create our own creative story using these 15 vocab words

We have to create our own creative story using these 15 vocab words: infraction, Torpid, Commiserate, Precipitate, Abominate, Sleazy, Hypothetical, Paraphrase, Pretentious, Deplete, Perceptive, Covert, Aggravate, Alliance, and Pique.

Create our own creative story using these 15 vocab words

We have to create our own creative story using these 15 vocab words: infraction, Torpid, Commiserate, Precipitate, Abominate, Sleazy, Hypothetical, Paraphrase, Pretentious, Deplete, Perceptive, Covert, Aggravate, Alliance, and Pique. They have to be used in the right sense (all the English class definitions). I attached the sheet with all the words and their definitions.

More details;

Definition of infraction: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another.

torpid: sluggish in functioning or acting

How do you use torpid in a sentence?
Sentence Examples

Firstly, during the colder months these reptiles remain in a torpid state.

Secondly, he became torpid, bloated and horrible to look at.

Thirdly, under the influence of his disease, his senses became morbidly torpid, and his imagination morbidly active.

How do you use commiserate in a sentence?
Commiserate sentence examples

Firstly, they told him no, and with a wave, he was off to commiserate with his protégés. …

Secondly, you commiserate together about life’s problems. …

Thirdly, she wanted to commiserate with the horse’s assistant, who seemed as awkward in his role as Jessi felt in hers.


What does precipitation mean?
a : a deposit on the earth of hail, mist, rain, sleet, or snow also : the quantity of water deposited. b : precipitate sense 1.
What is the meaning of abomination?
noun. anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred. intense aversion or loathing; detestation: He regarded lying with abomination. a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, and also habit, etc.: Spitting in public is an abomination.
What is a sleazy person?
The definition of sleazy is shabby, a low morals person or a flimsy texture. An example of a sleazy person is someone who is constantly drunk and hitting on women.

Use different historical methods you have learned about during this course to complete a historical research project

The purpose of this assignment is to use different historical methods you have learned about during this course to complete a historical research project.  Your research project should start with your developing a historical question, that you then research, and then attempt to answer using both primary and secondary sources to support your research.

Use different historical methods you have learned about during this course to complete a historical research project

History 1301 Essay Assessment Assignment

General Information and Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to use different historical methods you have learned about during this course to complete a historical research project.  Your research project should start with your developing a historical question, that you then research, and then attempt to answer using both primary and secondary sources to support your research.

Impacts of Colonization

General Overview: This research project will examine the impact of exploration, movement, and colonization in the Atlantic world from a social, economic, technological, and/or political perspective.  One aspect of the impact should be evaluated and traced over at least a century of activity.  In conclusion, this research project will analyze the remnant of that impact that can still be evidenced today in the Americas, Africa, Caribbean, and/or Europe.

Examples: The development of new international law in relation to discoveries of European nations; The environmental or cultural impact of European or American commodities moved across the Atlantic (potatoes, sugar, grain crops, etc); The migration of different groups in the New World in specific places of settlement and their cultural legacy (which can include voluntary and involuntary migrants, ie: slaves, colonizers from differing nations, etc).

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay:

What were the short- and long-term effects of the impact on various groups of people affected by your chosen topic?
How did groups of people and/or societies behave prior to the impact?
How were people and/or societies benefited and harmed by the impact (negative and positive outcomes)
What are evidences of the legacy of this impact that can still be seen today?
How do you feel is the best way we can both acknowledge/honor the history of these colonial impacts in our modern society?

Research Requirements:

You will need to use at least two (2) primary sources for your research topic.  (See below for definitions of a primary source)
You will need to use at least three (3) secondary sources for your research topic.  (See below for definitions of a secondary source).

Your textbook cannot be used as a source, as it is a tertiary source.

You will also need to find at least one image that is relevant to your research topic.  This image can be either a primary or secondary source, although a primary source image is preferred.

If you are using a secondary source image, it should be an image that is created for academic purposes to help support your research (a modern map, etc).

Writing Requirements:

Your essay should be a minimum of 1000 words.  This word count does not include any cover sheet wording, your footnotes/endnotes, or your works cited/bibliography page.

Please do not include any headers (your name, course, date, paper title) on any written pages of your essay.

Your research essay should be accompanied by a cover sheet that states your paper title, your name, your course, and date.

You must cite your sources using either footnotes or endnotes formatted in the Chicago/Turabian citation method.  Please select either footnotes or endnotes based upon personal preference, just remember to be consistent throughout your essay with your citation method.

If possible, you will want to try to incorporate your image into your essay by embedding it into the text. Your image should include a caption that describes the image and its relevance to your topic, this caption to your image should be at least 150 words.  This word count does not count toward the overall word count of your essay.

You must include a Works Cited/Bibliography page at the end of the document.  Be sure you are documenting all sources used for your research paper, including your image source in this section.  There should be agreement between the sources you document in this section and the sources you cite in your footnotes/endnotes.

drawing produced by an indigenous person, a speech given by an individual, a painting of a street scene).

Secondary Sources: Generally, written materials, images, and artifacts that are produce by individuals after the time period of your research.  Most secondary sources are based upon primary sources.

Internet Sources: Any use of internet sources, should be pre-approved by your instructor before using them in your research.  If selecting option #4, internet news sources are appropriate, however try to select articles from mainstream sources.  In all other essay options, select internet sources that come from government entities, library archives, universities, and other online primary source repositories.

Internet Sources to avoid:



Choose a community that is from a designate location

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to choose a community that is from a designate location. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Choose a community that is from a designate location

Your community should be within a specifically designated geographic location.

One must clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment:

Describe the population that is being assessed?

What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?

Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?

Does this community exist within a certain city or county?

Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?

Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?

Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?

Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?

How will information for the community assessment be collected?


After the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection.

The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community.

Data Gathering (collecting information that already exists)

Demographics of the Community

When demographic data are collect, it is useful to collect data from a variety of levels so comparisons can be made.
If the population that is being assess is located within a specific setting, it may be best to contact that agency to retrieve specific information about that population.
The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state:
State and County Quick Facts—Easy access to facts about population, housing, economics, geographic data, business, based on U.S. Census data
Obtain information about a specific city or county on these useful websites and

Is reducing the manning on the protection of inbound goods the right place to cut government spending?

1) Is reducing the manning on the protection of inbound goods the right place to cut government spending? 2)            Just as the economy appears to be recovering, should the government punish retailers and suppliers?

Is reducing the manning on the protection of inbound goods the right place to cut government spending

SUBJECT:  Sequestration: The Retail Crisis of 2013
Write a ten (10) page paper, with references, using APA style for citations and references.
The final paper must have a title page, an abstract and a reference page (not included in 10 pages).
You must use least three references from peer reviewed journals or from federal agencies.

Read the attached MS Word document and then compose your paper to address the following questions:
1)            Is reducing the manning on the protection of inbound goods the right place to cut government spending?
2)            Just as the economy appears to be recovering, should the government punish retailers and suppliers?
3)            Do you think that Sequestration will remain in place for the foreseeable future?

The researcher should also consider using the questions that are part of the assignment commentary within the MS Word document (see attachment)

          Sequestration:  What does this mean to the general public? As the impacts of these drastic government spending cuts are happening, the typical citizen refers to this as an issue for the military and for government, but with a nervous eye toward their own job security.

The public sees the job cuts happening to the military and government officials without too much concern or fanfare. Given the recent issues and confusion with impact of the Fiscal Cliff, the typical consumer recognizes that spending cuts in these areas as a prudent move to reduce big government spending. However, what people do not see is the potential and real impact upon retail and stores that were poised to capture more of the consumer dollars given the sluggish recovery to date.

Homeland Security has already issued a statement where they are putting companies on notice regarding these cuts.

What it means is that people should expect that clearance for shipments coming in by sea or air could be delayed at the ports by up to five days.

Now, this does not sound like too much of an inconvenience but keep in mind that this is an additional five day delay. This does not sound like much but keep in mind that is the projection now, during some of the slowest months of the year for shipments. If the average retailer can expect an additional five day delay now, one could wonder what the delay will look like when we approach the peak Christmas holiday season when shipments are at their traditional highest level.

Will Homeland Security keep to an additional five day delay or will there be more delays in the future?

Will these initial five days of delay compound additional delays as good and container so good keep coming into the ports and staking up? They could pile up.

          The bigger picture is that delays of this nature tend to have that pile on effect.

What this means is that if a ship is delayed for seven days, then the next sailing is delayed fourteen days. Then, the next sailing would be delayed twenty-eight days.

Of course, if there is space to unload vessels for cargo inspection. Then one might not see the same level of delays. As cargo piles up in the port there is only so much capacity there to accommodate all the delayed material. Eventually, there will not be any room to unload and cargo will be stuck on board. Homeland Security frantically tries to clear up this backlog of containers that are already piling up at the ports.

Retailers might resort to the extra expense of air cargo to reduce transit times. But air freight is expensive and even though the cargo will arrive faster. There are still going to be delays as Homeland Security needs to inspect and clear those shipments at the airports. Given that things are better economically, one should expect to see (and this is confirmed by projections by Homeland Security) that more imports are anticipated. We seem to see a crash at a cross roads. One road is a growing economy where people want to purchase more goods. The road cross that economic prosperity road is one of delays to meet that demand.


One might ask, “What about perishable products that are part of the cool supply chain?”, as an additional five day delay might limit the useful shelf life for some commodities.

Will there be any accommodation for perishable goods or can the consumer expect that most produce will rot while awaiting inspection, driving costs ever higher?

Should consumers expect that retailers will eliminate some perishable goods from their stores to avoid losing cargos or having to charge consumers prices that would be untenable in the marketplace?

Will we have a banana shortage? Sequestration might become known as a banana gap.

Should consumers expect some empty shelves while government looks for a better solution?

Will cooler heads prevail in government?  Will a better resolution will avert this retail crisis?

Some might ask, is technology the answer to making this process more efficient? Some might feel this is a possibility. But with the cuts as they are, there are no additional funds to look at a technical solution.


Also, the Department of Homeland Security (DHLS) has not been very successful with technology.

Many point to the Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC) as a new system that failed to deliver on its promise. The TWIC card was to unify ports throughout the US in a manner where only federally vetted individuals could transit through sensitive port areas. Automated card readers and other devices would secure port areas to keep enemies of the US from these sensitive areas.


 What is needed is a more efficient solution that encourages business partnerships with government such as programs like C-TPAT (Customs Trade Partnership against Terrorism).

This is where government works with industry to avoid creating roadblocks that will ultimately slow down the economic growth by restricting retail operations.

Another long term consideration is the impact of the expansion of the Panama Canal. The expansion product will allow larger ships to carry goods directly to East Cost US ports. This expansion will also allow for larger ships to pass through rather than have to discharge on the West Coast of the US. Then, transported by rail to the Midwest and then by truck to all other markets. This expansion will further allow significantly more sea cargo to pass to East Coast ports that will already be shorthanded for inspections due to Sequestration; an increase landed cargo, but locked into a overcrowded port.


Create a superhero or villain

Create a superhero or villain

Your task in this application is to create a superhero or villain by pretending that it is possible to magnify the abilities governed by selective sites human brain. Additionally, your character should have extra ordinary abilities.

Your task in this application is to create a superhero or villain

The task in this application is to create a superhero or villain by pretending that it is possible to magnify the abilities governed by selective sites human brain.Additionally, your character should have extra ordinary abilities.

In this exercise, you confront a rather novel discrepancy in thinking about brain functions. You take a familiar concept—superhero figures—and combine the possibilities of science fiction with brain function concepts to develop new heroes. You may find it helpful to begin by listing the component parts of the brain and their functions.

Note: You cannot use established (i.e. Marvel, DC, Dragon Ball Z, or etc.) characters. Your character must be original.

Name of superhero or villain _________________

Create a simple story line that includes the following:

Describe your superhero or villain’s physical characteristics.

What super ability does your superhero or villain possess?

What brain structure is augment ed?

How is the super person’s sensation and/or perception affected?

Develop a plot that would cause the superhero or villain to come to the rescue or create havoc and use the super power.

Include at least one challenge that may retard or would not allow your superheroes to demonstrate the exceptional abilities.

Create at least 2 fully developed paragraphs for the application activity.

Each paragraph should have at least 6 to 8 sentences.

Make sure your paragraphs are distinct with appropriate spacing between the paragraphs.

Do not list or bullet your content by creating subheading for the writing prompts.

How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country?

How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country? Your requirement is for a minimum of 200 words and FULL MLA formatting of at least one reference.

How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country

These reports connect the content of the week to your assigned country. How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country? Your requirement is for a minimum of 200 words and FULL MLA formatting of at least one reference. Your response should include an in-text citation showing me where you use the reference source and also a reference section at the bottom of your post. Start each report with a professional greeting, identifying yourself as a Leader from your assigned country. You are writing this report to other World Leaders from different countries, informing them of the situation in your country. (Worth 75 points)
You will respond to at least one other student with a thoughtful well written response.

More details;

For many of us, it has been a stunning experience to find ourselves adjusting our daily routines. This is to take safety precautions to protect ourselves, loved ones, and neighbors.

In the midst of this global pandemic, we are reflecting in real-time on how systems undergo large-scale transformation—how government, businesses, schools, cities, and communities adapt and make fundamental changes to existing ways of working. This issue of systems change and, more specifically, how education initiatives scale and spread, is a topic that we at the Center for Universal Education (CUE) have been exploring in our Real-time Scaling Labs over the past year. Through learning from, documenting, and also supporting the process of expanding and deepening the impact of education initiatives around the world, the labs aim to develop concrete, practical guidance on key drivers that contribute to large-scale transformative change in education.

Select an attack in the real-world and its remediation

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to select an attack in the real-world and its remediation. The paper also provides additional information and guidelines to use in the writing the assignment paper well and concisely.

Select an attack in the real-world and its remediation

Question 1

There are 10 reasons that it is difficult to defend against attacks:  Universally connected devices, Increased speed of attacks, Greater sophistication of attacks, Availability and simplicity of attack tools, Faster detection of vulnerabilities, Delays in security updating, Weak security update distribution, Distributed attacks, Use of personal devices, and also User confusion.  Select TWO and also describe what it is, give a real-world example of an attack of it’s type, and give an example of a way that it could be remediated to not happen again.

Question 2

You own a small hiring company.  Select one form of a Social Engineering attack and describe in detail a training program for your employees. Additionally, describe different levels of training that might be required for different levels of employees in your company.

Question 3

Describe the role of encryption in protecting data.  Describe the different approaches that you need to take while the data is in use, data in motion, or data at rest.  Also, include methods of cryptography that you would use for the encryption.

Select an attack in the real-world and its remediation

Question 4

Describe the difference between a DoS attack and a DDoS.  Where are some sources that DDoS attacks can originate from?  Additionally, list three ways that a company can best protect itself from DoS and DDoS attacks.

Question 5

Use the Internet to identify three network firewalls, compares their features. Note if they are rule-based or application-aware, do they perform stateless or stateful packet filtering, what additional features they include (IDS, content filtering, etc.), their costs, etc. From your analysis which would you recommend? Describe why?

Question 6

Lastly, what is the difference between the wireless network that you provide to your customers versus the wireless network that you would provide on a guest network. Describe a guest network.  How would you provision your guest network.  How should they be segmented and isolated from the rest of the network?

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time

Question: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Describe a topic idea or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time

Question: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

So basically I’m doing this about running. What it means to me, how it feels to run, the benefits I can receive, etc.

Try to incorporate these into the essay:
– I run pretty much everyday
– It is just a hobby as we don’t have a track team
– I love the feeling of pushing through the pain of running, pushing past my limits

More details;

What Does It Mean?

The central focus of this question is losing track of time and the purpose is to find out what excites you most. The question is asking you what subjects or activities you find so intriguing that you become entirely absorbed in them to the point of being able to think about nothing else. If you’ve ever found your mind wandering off thinking about something you love only to discover that an hour has gone by, that’s the kind of topic this essay prompt wants you to explore. If you aren’t sure of anything that you are that enthusiastic about, you should consider selecting a different prompt.

This essay option overlaps some with other options, especially option 4 about a problem you’d like to solve. For some people, the subject they most enjoy contemplating or researching is a solution to a problem. It is up to you whether you choose option 4 or 6 to talk about this topic.

This essay prompt wants you to do three things with your topic: describe it, justify why it interests you, and explain how you learn more about it. While you should not spend the same amount of time in your essay on each of these areas, you need to put a good deal of thought into all three parts—thoroughly responding to every part of the prompt ensures that you have given college admissions officer the answers they are looking for.

First and Second Program of the Groups in Action DVD

This is a paper that requires the student to focus the student to observe First and Second Program of the Groups in Action DVD. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing of the assignment paper well.

First and Second Program of the Groups in Action DVD

The purpose of this assignment is for you to observe effective group leadership practices and reflect on your own group experiences and group leadership skills. You will examine the process, dynamics, norms, and therapeutic aspects of two experiential groups along with the styles, skills, and techniques employed by the group leaders. You will then describe, analyze, and also apply your observations in a short paper. By doing so, you will gain insight into group leader roles, behaviors, and responsibilities that are relevant for various human services contexts.


You will watch all the segments in the First and Second Program of the Groups in Action DVD and write a 3–4 page (1,000–1,300 word) paper, not counting the title or reference pages (no abstract is necessary). Although you may use first person in the paper, it must otherwise be in current APA format. The paper must be as a Word document and be well written; well organized; and also free of grammar, spelling, or other writing errors. Address the following topics, integrating examples of your observations and relevant ideas from Jacobs et al. in a meaningful way.

1.         Firstly, choose one group member in the first or second program with whom you can identify. Briefly explain what experience or issue you were you able to relate to. Then describe 1–2 situations in which this member was processing his or her issue within the group. What thoughts, feelings, fears, etc. did the member articulate? What skills and techniques did the group leaders (Jerry and Marianne Corey) use to guide the working member and to deepen the focus? How were other group members involved in this process?

2.         Secondly, by encouraging group members to speak up, articulate their feelings, talk out loud, be aware of one another, look at each other, and actively participate, the Coreys established specific norms in the beginning stage of the group that laid the foundation for interpersonal learning and personal growth in the working stage. Describe several of the leadership practices, principles, and skills you noted and discuss your observations and reflections on how these promoted therapeutic benefits for the group members.

3.         Thirdly, examine new insights about yourself as an emerging group leader from the perspective of a biblical worldview.