Research instructional technology by type and function

This is a paper that is requiring the student to research instructional technology by type and function. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

Research instructional technology by type and function

Instructional technology leadership happens at every level of education. Technology leadership requires setting direction, providing professional learning, and making the organization technologically ready.

In a table, you will categorize instructional technology by type and function based on learning affordances and styles to make research-based, best-practice recommendations.

Step 1. Research
Research instructional technology by type and function based on learning affordances and styles. *For example, implementation of gaming in educational environments has been shown to increase interest in learning as well as a method of formative assessment. Gaming has been shown to increase learning for kinesthetic learners.  ***** would like to research specifically video discussion, ie: Flipgrid***

Step 2. Categorize
Secondly, in a table, categorize instructional technology by type and function based on learning affordances and styles.

Step 3. Match
Thirdly, match technology tools or applications with instructional-technology-specific learning styles.

Step 4. Determine
Fourthly, determine which instructional technology-specific learning styles relate to affordances such as distributed cognition and pattern recognition.

Step 5. Recommend
In an APA-formatted paper, provide recommendations for technology according to type and also function based on learning affordances and styles.

This website may be helpful:

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

A homeowner want to level a rear yard

A homeowner want to level a rear yard. You visit the site and realize that the work  will require the construction of an about 5-ft-tall retaining wall.

A homeowner want to level a rear yard

A homeowner want to level a rear yard. You visit the site and realize that the work will require the construction of an about 5-ft-tall retaining wall. Your subsurface exploration indicates that the soil in the yard is homogeneous medium to fine SAND with trace amounts of silt (USCS Classification SP) to a depth of 25 ft below ground surface. N-values suggest that the material is classified as NYC Building Code Class 3b material; groundwater was not encountered. Laboratory tests indicate that the sand has a moist unit weight of 122 pcf and an angle of internal friction of 33°.

Size the retaining wall such that it has a geotechnical factor of safety against sliding and overturning of 1.5.

Assume a vertical surcharge of 300 psf is applied on the high side of the wall.

The wall foundation must bear 4 ft below the lowest grade for frost protection.

The stem of the wall must be a minimum of 12-inches thick.

The wall footing must be a minimum of 12-inches thick.

Ultimate friction factor for mass concrete against clean fine to medium SAND is 0.4.

Consider passive pressure in the analysis.

Lateral pressures due to the surcharge have a uniform distribution based on a pressure equal to 50 percent of the vertical pressure.

Unit weight of reinforced concrete is 150 pcf.


1) Produce an engineered-quality scaled drawing.
2) Include your calculations showing your assumptions, pressure diagrams and resultant forces.
3) What is the applied bearing pressure under the wall?
4) Is the applied pressure less than the Building Code allowable?
5) If passive pressure is discounted, what is the resulting factors of safety?
6) Provide a cover letter with your submittal.
NOTE: Your calculation must be on engineering paper, they must be neat and without scribbled correction.

Race and menswear during Harlem Renaissance (1920s)

The topic is about race and menswear during Harlem Renaissance (1920s), please include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of menswear and fashion design within the context of art history, material culture, fashion studies, gender,

Race and menswear during Harlem Renaissance (1920s)

The topic is about race and menswear during Harlem Renaissance (1920s), please include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of menswear and fashion design within the context of art history, material culture, fashion studies, gender, economic and cultural history, etc.

-Annotated bibliography for visual and textual (primary/secondary) sources. Students will first complete an annotated bibliography, which includes primary and secondary sources. The annotated bibliography must include an analysis of each source as well as how it could contribute to the argument of the essay.

More details;

The Black Female and the Harlem Renaissance

It was during the 1920�s that a “New Negro” came into being. With the end of World War I and the beginning of the roaring twenties. Black Americans flocked from the rural South to the urban North in search of a better life. The capital of this new world had become Harlem, New York, and it was here that African-American life and culture experience a rebirth during the Harlem Renaissance.

The bulk of immigrants to Harlem consisted of intellectuals, writers, artists, musicians, and entertainers. This included the elite group of middle class black Americans described by W.E.B. Du Bois as the “Talented Tenth.” This group, although under the leadership of Du Bois, Alain Locke, and other male figures, included women who were leaders and influential figures in their own right. The problem, according to Carole Marks, director of Black Studies and associate professor of sociology at the University of Delaware. Was that women’s roles varied distinctly from those of their male associates. The acceptable role of the female in the Harlem Renaissance was that of salon hostess or entertainer.

Exploration of a real and specific fear critical analysis

This is a paper that is focusing on the exploration of a real and specific fear critical analysis. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Exploration of a real and specific fear critical analysis

Fear is scientifically as a response to a threat, real or perceive. One assumption is that many of our reactions to the threats of fear are overreactions to far less serious threats than we perceive. Some are not. You have explored fear in the world of horror and fiction, the monsters and demons that Hollywood has created which strike your mind and heart. You have looked internally at things that frighten you, and externally at the way fear manifests in the world.

This essay assignment, in general, asks you to explore real and specific fears through causal or critical analysis. In other words, either you are exploring the causes and effects related to a specific fear situation of your own or existing in the world. Or adopting a critical lens for analyzing a fear situation expressed or inspired by a text of your choice. All of these options ultimately are means to a similar end. To be able argue and draw meaningful conclusions about fear in our world. Your analysis application might be in any of a range of contexts including education, family, personal relationships, politics, media, and so on.

The ultimate objective is not necessarily to overcome your own fears here—you are not in therapy. But to understand how fear operates to impact our lives in particular ways, and to see what happens, and what could happen, as a result of our choice of response, or lack of choice. The essay may seek to alter a typical outcome by offering a specific solution. Or to project what might be a particular outcome given what research tells you about how the mind and/or body work with respect to fear.

Exploration of a real and specific fear critical analysis

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees

For this assignment, you will write a cause and effect essay based on one of the three writing prompts shown below:
There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees. In other words, while we concentrate on the smaller things, we ignore the bigger ones.

There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees

To  learn the development and structure of a cause and effect essay including creating a thesis statement and writing  introduction, supportive paragraphs, and conclusion paragraphs.


For this assignment, you will write a cause and effect essay based on one of the three writing prompts shown below:

There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees. In other words, while we concentrate on the smaller things, we ignore the bigger ones. Conspiracy theories can be like that. Sometimes conspiracy theories are focused so much on arguing a singular point or standing against a single aspect of an issue that the greater issue is missed. (For example, if lizards have taken over the government, what is the point in voting for change?  That may be an extreme example, but many theories function this way.)  Why do we think in these patterns, and what are the problems with this mindset?

○Lack of power—in our own lives, in our position in society, in politics, in opposition to an issue—is a significant motivator.

It can motivate us to feel fear, to change our behavior, or to take action. We have seen examples of these reactions through the articles in the textbook and our discussion board. Sometimes these reactions are helpful to enact change in the power structure, but sometimes they are harmful to the cause, to ourselves, or to other people.

How can people understand powerlessness, and how can they understand the most appropriate ways to gain power or change their situations?

○       There is an important concept called critical thinking. Some aspects of critical thinking are the ability to understand our own biases and limitations, and the ability to understand someone else’s viewpoint even if we do not agree with it. Why is this kind of thinking important, and what problems arise when we do not engage in it?

● You will use the essays assigned from the textbook reading as sources to support your position, and you will not include any other research in your essay, as we will cover research later in the semester.

These essays include: “Why Rational People Buy into Conspiracy Theories” pg 338+, “What Motivates Terrorists?” pg 344+, and “Photos That Change History” pg 356+.
●       Your essay may focus on causes, effects, or both. You should write your essay in response to one of the assigned writing prompts, and then use words, phrases, sentences, examples, etc. to quote from the textbook essays to support your position.

To start working on this essay, first read the textbook essays thoroughly.  Additionally, read the prompts and start thinking about which one you would like to answer. Then re-read the textbook essays and look specifically for ideas that you can apply to your topic. A sample outline is provided below.

The only sources you should use are the articles in the textbook. Do NOT Google or look for other websites about the above topics. Not only will that be potentially problematic for plagiarism, but it will not meet the requirements of the assignment. I want to see YOUR thinking, not someone else’s.

 Employees who commit violent acts forfeit their rights and can be dealt with accordingly

Defend or refute the following statement: Employees who commit violent acts forfeit their rights and can be dealt with accordingly. [4 points]

 Employees who commit violent acts forfeit their rights and can be dealt with accordingly

Part I. After reading Chapters 12, 13 25 & 27 please answer the following questions. (26 points)

What does the hazard communication regulation (29 CFR1910) require of employers? [3 points]
How does MSHA define the term experienced miner? [3 points]
Defend or refute the following statement: Employees who commit violent acts forfeit their rights and can be dealt with accordingly. [4 points]
Defend or refute the following statement: A violent act that occurs off the employer’s premises cannot be considered work-related. [4 points]
Explain the rationale for emergency preparation. [3 points]
Explain the principal concerns of the safety manager. [3 points]
Name and briefly explain two approaches to HEA. [3 points]
What is risk assessment? How is it used? [3 points]
Part II. Research the following workplace health and safety issues. Make sure to cite your sources in APA style.  (14 points)

Are there laws protecting an individual who offers care during an emergency situation? Describe an example from your research [4 points]
What are the obligations to employees when there is a building emergency such as a water main break? [3 points]
Should supervisors drive injured employees to the hospital, or should they simply call 911 and wait for first responders to arrive? [3 points]
Is an employer liable when an employee on a company-sponsored sports team is injured during an event? Describe an example from your research [4 points]

Demonstrate importance of ethical and professionals behaviours

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to demonstrate importance of ethical and professionals behaviours. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Demonstrate importance of ethical and professionals behaviours

Assigment title:
Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of ethical and professional behaviours that relate to professional conduct.

Summary of Assessment Method:
Seen case study / scenario, below, – 1000 word written assignment justifying relevant topics that apply to the scenario.

a)     Safeguarding Adults

b)     Conflict resolution,

c)     Cultural competence

d)     Mental capacity and consent

Assignment question
Choosing any two of the above (I have chosen B and C but if you like you can chose any two of the above) areas from the above mandatory training list explain the ethical considerations and professional behaviours that an Occupational Therapist might consider working with the case scenario below (you must give equal consideration to both topics (approx. 500 words each however, introduction and conclusion).

Case scenario

A community Occupational Therapist is due to meet for the first time with a 67 year old Slovak lady Mrs Kristina Kostrova who has reduced mobility, fatigue and difficulty accessing the bathroom which is located on the first floor on a two bedroomed house.  More recently, concern has been raised by her family that she has become increasingly forgetful and had inadvertently left her gas cooker on whilst cooking.

Mrs Kostrova’s son and his wife have temporarily moved in with his mother along with their six year old twin daughters following being made homeless and are currently waiting for suitable housing for their own family

The change of home circumstances has resulted in increased stress being experienced by the family and the referral states that this is causing the son to shout more at the children which is affecting the children’s school work and confidence.  Also the son has shouted at his mother and physically threatened her. The cleanliness within the kitchen is becoming an issue according to both Mrs Kostrova’s son and daughter in-law.

Develop and present your intervention plan as an addition to the existing program

In this milestone, you will develop and present your intervention plan as an addition to the existing program. When looking for applicable research, review the interventions and specific practices recommended from the research that you want to …

Develop and present your intervention plan as an addition to the existing program

In this milestone, you will develop and present your intervention plan as an addition to the existing program.
When looking for applicable research, review the interventions and specific practices recommended from the research that you want to incorporate into your intervention. You should discuss how these practices support the intervention. Keep in mind that this is a draft of section III of your final paper, so including a complete plan will mean that your instructor can provide more concrete suggestions for your final submission. Note that you cannot use the same research you used for your analysis (Milestone Two).

We recommend using the Shapiro Library to locate evidence-based programs and interventions.
Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a draft of the intervention plan (section III of the final project), including all critical elements as listed below. Submit a draft plan for an intervention that will contribute to the effectiveness of the program in promoting personal and social (socioemotional) functioning for children living in diverse circumstances. How will the intervention reduce risk and increase resiliency? Now is a good time to revisit the Definitions handout (linked within the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document) to refresh your understanding of these concepts.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in this milestone:

III. Intervention Plan: Now that you have identified the needs of your target age group and evaluated the efficacy and utility of the program you have selected, propose a plan for an additional intervention. Your intervention should strengthen the program by promoting personal and social (socioemotional) functioning and incorporating outcome measurements and evidence-based practices. You will research existing interventions and recommend one that best fits the age group and program.

A. Based on your research, what is an intervention that would contribute to the effectiveness of the program in promoting personal and social functioning for children living in differing circumstances? Moreover, how would the intervention promote personal and social functioning?

B. How would you take different cultures into consideration when applying this intervention? Provide an example.

C. What outcomes would be expected from this new intervention? Further, what is one method of measuring whether the intervention met the desired outcomes, and how would this method be applied to the intervention? Also, how would the outcomes be measured?

D. Does this intervention constitute an evidence-based practice, or include evidence-based practices? What is the evidence that supports the practice(s)? Further, alternatively, how evidence-based practices could be applied to this intervention, and what would be the benefit of doing this? How would the practice(s) support the intervention in meeting the desired outcomes?

E. How will this intervention consider the risk and resiliency factors of the specific age group? Also, how would addressing these factors benefit the intervention in promoting personal and social functioning?

F. What are ways the intervention will reduce risk and increase resiliency factors? How will the intervention do this?

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be at least 2 or 3 pages in Microsoft Word, with double spacing,
12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

You will be working on a Session Long Project known as the SLP

In this course, you will be working on a Session Long Project known as the SLP. Each Module, you will be tasked with completing a portion of the overall project.

You will be working on a Session Long Project known as the SLP

In this course, you will be working on a Session Long Project known as the SLP. Each Module, you will be tasked with completing a portion of the overall project. In this Session Long Project, you will focus on an industry that interests you for the duration of the course. Additionally, you will use IBISWorld to gather your information.

Accessing IBISWorld:
Click “Additional Library Resources” on the Portal Home Page which takes you to the “Additional Library resources” screen.
Scroll down and click on “IBISWorld” which will take you to the IBISWorld Home Page.

Furthermore, your journey into a selected industry begins by clicking on the first listing in the gray-shaded box, US Industry
Reports (NAICS).


Once you’re in the Reports screen, you’ll see an alphabetized listing of major industries. Each listing has a number in parenthesis behind it.

This tells you the number of different areas that you can choose from. You can also access those areas by either clicking directly on the Industry or by going to the next box below the Industry listings. For example; let’s look at the very first one under “Browse Reports”, Accommodation and Food Services (13). We can either click on it which brings you to another alphabetized listing showing specific types of accommodation and food services in the US. Or just go to the box and look at the areas under Accommodation and Food Services. Moreover, let’s use the box and look at the very first one, Report number 72111 – Hotels and Motels.

As you can see, a long page full of information pops up. The best way to start your research is to view the video by clicking on the old-time movie camera icon to the right of the industry definition. This gives you a brief overview of all the information available on the page. Once you’ve viewed the video, work your way down the page to get familiar with all the different areas. You’ll see that there are eight topic areas, each of which has specific sub-areas.


These topic areas are: Industry Definition; The Supply Chain; Major Players; Main Activities; Similar Industries; Additional Resources; Industry Jargon; Glossary. Also, it is from these sub-areas that much of your data for this SLP and also subsequent assignments will come from.

Select an Industry Report that looks interesting to you.

Firstly, review the Report Snapshot and use MS Word to type-up a 1-2 page paper highlighting the key factors regarding the Industry. Please review the following MS Word Presentation: Introduction to MS Word


Please describe the industry you are reviewing and why it is of interest to you.

Add the Industry definition.

Discuss components of The Supply Chain such as: Supply Industries, Related Industries, Key Economic Drivers,
Demand Industries, Related International Industries, etc.

Lastly, discuss the Major players and the Main Activities.

Use the “Industry at a Glance” tab to discuss Key Statistics Snapshot such as: Revenue, Profit, Annual Growth, Wages, and Businesses.

Additional resources for using MS Word:

Videos: Microsoft Word 2013 Lectures One and Two

Create a budget for a financial plan using Excel to ensure that the financial

Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will: Create a budget for a financial plan using Excel to ensure that the financial information is organized, accurate, and complete.

Create a budget for a financial plan using Excel to ensure that the financial

Assignment 2: Developing Your Personal Financial Plan Due: Week 7 Points: 105 Skill(s) Being Assessed: Productivity

Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:
Create a budget for a financial plan using Excel to ensure that the financial information is organized, accurate, and complete.
Identify a personal savings goal and a time frame for reaching that goal.

Explain your choice of housing option in the context of how it will help you achieve your selected financial goal.
Align expenditures to reflect your selected financial goal.

Reflect on how creating a step-by-step and organized approach to the assignment helped you to adjust your financial priorities and financial plan.

What to submit/deliverables: Two completed templates: Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word Template and Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template.

What is the value of doing this assignment?

We all have financial goals—buying or renting a home, purchasing a car, paying off a loan, or saving up for a vacation. And it can be challenging to figure out exactly how to save toward these goals, given the numerous expenses of daily living. A financial plan helps you identify how you can reach your short-term and long-term goals, and leverage planning and organization strategies to make meaningful, incremental progress toward realizing these goals. This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned about personal financial planning, productivity strategies, and the use of Excel to develop a personal financial plan aligned to your financial goals.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Build your productivity skill by creating a plan for reaching a specific financial goal within an identified time frame. You will use productivity strategies to break financial planning into manageable, organized steps, and you will use Excel to develop a realistic plan that is aligned to your financial goal and considers economic drivers, requirements, and resources.

Steps to complete: In Week 7, submit your assignment in BlackBoard by following these steps:

STEP 1:Review the following scenario for this assignment. Additionally, review the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word Template and Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template.

Context: : Imagine that you are in a position where you need to move – this could be because of a change in job or dissatisfaction with your current living arrangement, or something else entirely. Besides needing to find different housing, you also want to begin saving for a specific financial goal.


Imagine that you are in a position where you need to move. This could be because of a change in job, dissatisfaction with your current living arrangement, or something else entirely. Besides needing to find different housing, you also want to begin saving for a specific financial goal.

You will use the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template to create your financial plan and budget table. You will use the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word Template to answer the questions related to your financial goals and plan.

STEP 2: Think through the productivity strategies you have learned in your coursework. Make a plan for how you will break down creating your financial plan into smaller steps to help you stay organized and be productive.

STEP 3: Identify an annual income as a starting point for your financial plan. Also, insert the value in the budget table at the top of the Excel template as needed. Use an annual income value that you feel comfortable using for this assignment. You may use one of the following:

The sample annual income of $50,000 provided in the template.

Your current annual income

The average/median income of a career field that you would like to be working in at some point in the future. Check out O*Net or CareerOneStop for more information on income for career fields you are interested in.

STEP 4: Identify a financial goal you would like to save towards. This can be a short-term (1-2 years) or long-term (3+ years) goal and determine how quickly you want to save for it (Question 2 in Template).
Select one of the following goals:

Firstly, create an emergency fund of $1000

Secondly, save up for a vacation that will cost $2000

Thirdly, save up to buy a $15,000 vehicle

Fourthly, save for a down payment of $40,000 to buy a house

Finally, save $50,000 for education (personal, child, family, etc.)

STEP 5: For the goal selected, set a time frame for reaching that goal (1 to 10 years is the recommended range)

(Question 3 in Template). Explain why that time frame is realistic to achieve your goal.

Remember a good start to figuring out how much to save for your plan would be to divide your goal by the number of years you plan to be saving for it.

Put this number into the “Savings” cell of the budget table in the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template.

STEP 6: Select a new housing option and fill in the cost in the Budget table. Choose one of the following (Question 4 in Template):

Firstly, Rent a house for $15,000 per year
Secondly, Rent an apartment for $12,000 per year
Thirdly, Rent a room only for $9,000 per year

STEP 7: Fill in the other dollar expenditures in the budget table of the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template, according to your preferences. Use the entire $50,000 (or whatever value you used for your annual income).

STEP 8: Use formulas to calculate the sum for your “Total” cell of the “Dollars” column. Moreover, to fill in the “Percent” column of the budget table.

STEP 9: In the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word Template. Further, , identify the savings goal and the time frame you determined for reaching your goal. Why is the time frame you identified realistic?

STEP 10: Explain why you chose the housing option you did and how it will help you achieve your selected financial goal.

STEP 11: Explain your choices for non-rent expenditures. Moreover, how they will help achieve your savings goal within the time frame. In other words, how do your expenditures align with the financial goal you selected?

STEP 12: Reflect on the productivity strategies you used to break down your financial plan into smaller steps to help you stay organized and productive. How closely did you follow the plan you thought through in Step 2 on these instructions? How did a step-by-step and organized approach help you to adjust your financial priorities and financial plan?

STEP 13: After completing all questions in the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word Template. Also, the budget table in the Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template, save your responses. You should have two files, which you will title as indicated below:

Word file: Your Name, ECO110_Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation.
Excel file: Your Name, ECO110_Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget.

Grading for this assignment will be based on the following rubric:
Assignment 2 Rubric