Title: Poverty in Canada. Value: 30% of your overall grade. Length: Maximum words permitted is shown in parentheses beside each heading. Font: Type your paper in Times New Roman 12pt double spaced
Poverty in Canada
Introduction: Although an academic analysis is helpful towards our understanding of social problems, the best way is to experience, first hand, how such issues affect real people in real-life situations. Your final exam in CAN275 will give you such an experiential opportunity.
Title: Poverty in Canada Value: 30% of your overall grade
Length: Maximum words permitted is shown in parentheses beside each heading.
Font: Type your paper in Times New Roman 12pt double spaced
Display each heading in your written submission
Answer all sections A to E
Write in sentences under each heading – no point form answers
Do not rely solely on the Lesson Material for your answers. (Do additional research on each topic)
This is not just your ‘opinion’. You must include supportive information from outside sources for your answers
Each section is worth the percentage indicated
Each section indicates the maximum words permitted
References: See the attached sheet on how to do MLA in-text citations. You must follow these guidelines.
SECTION A: Causes of Poverty: (20%) (Maximum 400 words)
In this section, identify and discuss in detail, the circumstances that can lead to poverty in such a rich country as Canada. Provide statistics and facts to support your contention that these are the causes of poverty in Canada.
SECTION B: Consequences of Poverty (20%) (Maximum 400 words)
In this section, discuss, in detail, the consequences of poverty for those Canadians who are poor and for Canadian society as a whole. Provide facts and statistics to support your contention that these are actual consequences and to demonstrate how much of our Canadian population is affected.
SECTION C: Agency Overview: (20%) (No limit on the number of words) In this section, you are required to do research via the internet on an agency operating in Ontario which works with people experiencing poverty.
(Example: Homeless, Unemployed, Welfare Recipients, street kids, New Immigrants, etc.)
Start by providing 1. the name of the agency, address, and phone number. 2. a brief history of the agency from its inception
From the agency website, get detailed answers to the following questions.
Firstly, how many clients does the agency serve?
Secondly, who does this agency help?
Thirdly, what problems does the agency try to solve?
Fourthly, what is the mission statement of this agency?
Further, how is the agency fund ed and what is their annual operating budget?
SECTION D: Solutions to Poverty in Canada:
Municipal Government Programs: (10%) (Maximum 300 words)
In this section, identify and discuss in detail two major programs operated and funded directly by the City of Toronto which provide assistance to those living in poverty. In your answer, include such information as how the program addresses the issue of poverty, who the program serves, when the program was started, how many people it serves, the cost and its effectiveness.
Provincial Government Programs: (10%) (Maximum 300 words)
In this section, identify and discuss in detail two major programs operated and funded directly by the Province of Ontario which provide assistance to those living in poverty. In your answer, include such information as how the program addresses the issue of poverty, who the program serves, when the program was started, how many people it serves, the cost and its effectiveness.
Federal Government Programs: (10%) (Maximum 300 words)
In this section, identify and discuss in detail two major programs operated and funded directly by the Federal Government of Canada which provide assistance to those living in poverty.
In your answer, include such information as how the program addresses the issue of poverty,
Firstly, who the program serves,
Secondly, when the program was start ed,
Thirdly, how many people it serves,
Further, the cost and its effectiveness.
SECTION E: Effectiveness in Reducing Poverty (10%) (Maximum 300 words)
In this section, discuss how effective Canada has been in reducing poverty? (Present current statistics and related data from your research.
Guidelines for citing references
Basic in-text citation rules
The simplest way to do MLA in-text citation is to put all the sourced information in parentheses at the end of the sentence (i.e. just before the period).
Any source information that you provide in-text must correspond to the source information on the Works Cited page.The author’s last name must appear either in the sentence or in parentheses immediately following the quotation or paraphrase.
Example 1 (for citing print sources):
Wordsworth state that Romantic poetry was mark by a “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (263)
Romantic poetry is characterize by the ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth, 263)
Both citations above, (263) and (Wordsworth 263) tell readers that the information in the sentence can be located on page 263 of a work by an author named Wordsworth.
Your Works Cited page, would indicate detail about the author Wordworth, as follows:
Wordsworth, William. Lyrical Ballads. Oxford UP, 1967
Citing internet sources:
When using an internet source, you must include the author’s name and name of the internet source in parentheses at the end of the sentence. For example:
“Wordsworth said romantic poetry is characterize by the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Taylor. Slant magazine)
On your Works Cited page, you must include a link to the article. For example:
www.Taylor/slantmagazine.com/wordworthpoetry/. 29 Sept.2019
Citing material from the Lessons of the CAN275 Course Site
“Inequality is the distinction between the haves and the have-nots” (Gregory, Lesson 5.)
On the work cited page you would include the following: Gregory, Bob. CAN275. Lesson #5, plus the page heading.