Life and Paintings of Ed Clark

Life and Paintings of Ed Clark

Life and Paintings of Ed Clark  This is a thesis paper on Ed Clark and his life and paintings. Title- Life and Paintings of Ed Clark I’m attaching 20 pages that I already wrote about this artist and this topic. It needs to be polished and expanded to 30 pages. Do additional research on this topic (reliable sources only). Write in clear and simple English. I need someone passionate about the arts and this artist. I’m also attached two readings that you absolutely have to include in your paper. 1 is Title -Ed Clark : a survey / curated by Sukanya Rajaratnam. Publisher New York, NY : Mnuchin Gallery, [2018] Another one is a chapter from Darby English book “A year in the Life of Color”. read and quote! I need excellent work because this is a thesis paper! You technically only need to write 10 additional pages but I’m paying for 20 because you need to rewrite most of the existing thesis essay. Format- Chicago footnotes Do not hesitate to ask me any questions Thank you Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

History behind the Stonewall Riot

History behind the Stonewall Riot

History behind the Stonewall Riot, and then making an argument about its effects on the United States as a whole.

— Please write an essay on the following topic: The Stonewall Riot. The essay should examine the history behind the Stonewall Riot, and then making an argument about its effects on the United States as a whole. Please provide contents on the event and in the argument. There should be at least three primary sources and two secondary sources. Please outline your primary and secondary sources when referencing your sources at the end of the paper.

Ceremony Leslie Marmon Silko Boor Review

Ceremony Leslie Marmon Silko Boor Review ko

FORM: Your essay should be MLA formatted: One-inch margins on all sides, 12 point Times New Roman font, the correct page number in the upper-right-hand corner of all pages. WORKS CITED PAGE: You MUST include an MLA formatted Works Cited page with entries for Ceremony and Reading Lessons. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER TEXTS FOR THIS ESSAY. TASK: In a 5-7-page essay, use psychoanalytic literary theory to produce a reading of Ceremony that responds to one of the prompts below. Include AT LEAST two quotations from Scott Carpenter’s chapter on psychoanalytic literary theory. For this essay, you must integrate Carpenter’s conception of the theory into your analysis of the text rather than defining it at the beginning of the essay. OPTION 1: Analyze a given character or characters in the text using psychoanalytic principles; i.e., character as patient. “This type of interpretation, often quite rewarding, may seek to demonstrate how certain childhood experiences mark a character over the long haul, expressing themselves in some form of symptomatic behavior. Alluring in its own right, character analysis works best with certain kinds of texts, especially long narratives that give the reader a sense of the character’s development over the long haul” (Carpenter 74-75). OPTION 2: What are the competing Symbolic Orders represented in the novel? How does Tayo’s inability to “fit”into the existing Symbolic Orders undermine the formation of his identity? Discuss the ways in which Tayo’s attempts to (re)integrate into society are subverted by prejudice against Native Americans in general and his mixed heritage in particular—as well as the internalization of that prejudice. OPTION 3: Use the text to elucidate certain aspects of psychoanalysis. This method could also be seen as analyzing the text as a whole using psychoanalytic principles; i.e., text as patient. For example, examine the text for: Symptoms—repeated, perhaps compulsive, behavior that can be linked to an earlier trauma. Symptomatic behavior can signify the presence of repression; “repressed thoughts recur endlessly, often changing disguises” (Carpenter 82). The uncanny—those “unsettling images that strike the reader as simultaneously strange and familiar. Images of ghosts, dismembered bodies, automata…” (Carpenter 81). The appearance of the uncanny can signify the presence of repression. Leaving the mirror stage and entering into the Symbolic Order—Progressing from an infantile to a more mature consciousness of self, expressing an ability to communicate using language and live according to rules,possessing a name. QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU GET STARTED: 1. Which characters represent the different Symbolic Orders present in the novel? 2. How might the poems/prayers that appear in/break up the narrative be read through psychoanalytic literary theory? That is, what might they signify when approached as a phenomenon (that is, taken all together, with a focus on their form rather than or in addition to their content)? 3. Which passages seem to lend themselves most easily to a psychoanalytic reading? That is, which seem to showcase the dichotomy between the conscious and unconscious mind, between manifest and latent meaning, between rational thought and action and irrational, unconsciously driven behavior? Which passages seem to represent the uncanny? Which passages represent character-expressed or textexpressed symptoms?

Hyperreality cultural American figure

Hyperreality cultural American figure

Focus on taking a definition of “hyperreality” and deductively analyzing a historical/cultural American figure, arguing how he or she lives up to the definition of “hyperreality.” You should mention more than 6 of these aspects of your paper. Cite Six sources in your paper. The first source that needs to be cited is the main essay on hyperreality: Umberto Eco’s “Travels in Hyperreality.” Use quotes from that essay throughout the paper. Three additional sources that either talk directly about the person you chose or that engage with the concept of hyperreality. At least one source should be directly about the person you chose.

Women’s movement in the US

Women’s movement in the US

Women’s movement .The success and struggle during the women’s wovemnt. for my topic I would like to write about how divide between women of different races in past -present movements has resulted in the election of the current president and other political leaders .I am going to talk about the challenges of living in a multi- cultural community and how hard it is for everyone to agree on most issues compared to other countries.. Also the future challenges women movement will face.  Women’s movement .The success and struggle during the women’s wovemnt. for my topic I would like to write about how divide between women of different races in past -present movements has resulted in the election of the current president and other political leaders .I am going to talk about the challenges of living in a multi- cultural community and how hard it is for everyone to agree on most issues compared to other countries.. Also the future challenges women movement will face

Frauds and Defense to Enforcement of the Deal

Frauds and Defense to Enforcement of the Deal

Read the Final Project Assignment. Review the main contract principles from each chapter in the book A Short and Happy Guide. Apply and include the contract principles to answer each of the questions. Question No. 1 – A Bride for Jacob Read the Background Reading below and answer the following questions: 1. Has a Deal Been Made? You should answer this question and include if there was mutual assent, offer and acceptance and any other relevant materials from Chapter 1. 2. Is the Deal Enforceable? Your answer should include whether or not the agreement between Jacob and Laban is supported by consideration? (See Ch. 2) 3. Does the Statute of Frauds apply as a Defense to Enforcement of the Deal? (See Ch. 3) 4. Are any third parties affected by the contract? (See Ch. 7) In answering the questions, does Jacob’s knowledge of the customs of the time affect your answers, if at all? Question No. 2 – Parol Evidence and Excuse The Smiths wished to sell their farm. Across the road from the farm, the Smiths had an icehouse. Mr. Jones was interested in purchasing the farm, but found the icehouse objectionable. The Smiths orally promised, in consideration of Jones agreeing to the purchase of their farm, to remove the icehouse. Relying upon this promise, Jones executed a written contract to buy the farm for $128,000. The contract for the purchase and sale of the farm appeared fully complete on its face, addressing any and all terms typically included in a contract for the purchase and sale of a farm. However, the contract was silent on the removal of the icehouse. The sale was completed, and Jones took possession of the property. The Smiths never removed the icehouse even though Jones made several attempts to get the Smiths to remove it. 1. Can Jones offer proof that the promise to remove the icehouse was made in furtherance of the agreement to purchase the farm? (Hint: See Chapter 4 What are the Terms of the Deal?) 2. Will the Court order “specific performance” as a remedy and order the Smiths to remove the icehouse? What if Jones pays to have the icehouse removed, can he recover his costs from the Smiths? (See Chapter 6) 3. Assume JUST FOR THIS QUESTION, that Jones and the Smiths entered into a separate contract for removal of the icehouse and they agreed to: 1) split the cost of removal 50/50; 2) that the Smiths would use their contractor to start removal the day after escrow closes; and 3) Mr. Jones would make the first 50% payment directly to the contractor with the Smiths paying the remaining 50% balance. Mr. Jones closed escrow and it is now week four and the contractor has not shown up despite Mr. Jones repeated efforts to contact the Smiths. What steps can he legally take? (See Chapter 5) Please include the definitions of the relevant contract terms in your papers and write complete and thorough answers. Background Reading (Genesis 29:15-30): Jacob Agrees to Work in Order to Marry Rachel 29:15 Later, Laban asked Jacob, “Should you serve me for free, just because you’re my nephew? Let’s talk about what your wages should be.” 16 Now Laban happened to have two daughters. The older one was named Leah and the younger was named Rachel. 17 Leah looked rather plain, but Rachel was lovely in form and appearance. 18 Jacob loved Rachel, so he made this offer to Laban: “I’ll serve you for seven years for Rachel, your younger daughter.” 19 “It’s better that I give her to you than to another man,” Laban replied, “so stay with me.” 20 Jacob served seven years for Rachel, but it seemed like only a few days because of his love for her. 21 Eventually, Jacob told Laban, “Bring me my wife, now that my time of service has been completed, so I can go be with her.” 22 So Laban gathered all the men who lived in that place and held a wedding festival. Laban Deceives Jacob 23 That night Laban took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob. He had marital relations with her. 24 Laban also gave his servant woman Zilpah to Leah to be her maidservant. 25 The next morning, Jacob realized that it was Leah! “What have you done to me?” he demanded of Laban. “Didn’t I serve you for seven years in order to marry Rachel? Why did you deceive me?” 26 But Laban responded, “It’s not the practice of our place to give the younger one in marriage before the firstborn. 27 Fulfill the week for this daughter, then we’ll give you the other one in exchange for serving me another seven years.” 28 So Jacob completed another seven years’ work, and then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to be his wife. 29 Laban also gave his woman servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel to be her maidservant. 30 Jacob also married Rachel, since he loved her. He served Laban another full seven years’ work for Rachel.

Book Review Jon Meacham Title The Soul of America

Book Review Jon Meacham Title The Soul of America

Review of book: Historian: Jon Meacham Title: The Soul of America, Year: 2018  Review of book consists of three different elements: 1. Description: Summarize the contents of the book. Pick out the most important points in the book. Do not overload your review with trivia. Read the book first and then summarize it. 2. Interpretations: Do not merely report what the author says. In your own words, report the points you think the author is trying to make. Also cover the following points: • How is the book organized? • What is the author’s purpose in the writing the book? • What is the intended audience of the book? 3. Evaluation: This is the most important part of your review. Here you give your specific judgment about the extent to which the book was “good” or “bad”. • Does the author accomplish what he intended to do in the book? • Does the author cover all the points which you think should have been covered? Is anything left out? Does anything not really fit? • Is the author biased for or against any particular view point? • Is the author easy to follow and understand? How effective is the author’s writing style? • Is the book effectively organized? • Was there a real need for this book? • How effectively does the author prove his argument? Pay particular attention to the evidence the author uses to reach his conclusions. What kind of evidence is used? Is the evidence appropriate? Is any possible evidence omitted? APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Gender norms in sport management

Gender norms in sport management

Your essay should contain an introduction, main body and conclusion. Guidance on writing essays can be found here. There is no one correct answer to the question, but it does invite a reasoned answer and discussion, supported by research and other forms of evidence  (e.g. media stories, relevant data). You should refer to the module framework for further advice on investigating a contemporary issue such as gender in sport. Gender discrimination is discussed in Unit 8 of Study Topic 2; however, your answer to the question should draw upon the content of all four units of Study Topic 2 (Units 8-11). You may chose to focus your discussion on athletes or those who work in sport. You may like to reflect on both high profile and mainstream examples that you have seen in the media that illustrate the issue, such as: a.

The BBC Sports Personality of the Year (SPOTY) awards take place each year in December. Several awards are presented at the ceremony, but the main award is for sports personality of the year. b.Media coverage of high profile sporting events such as the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, and World Athletics Championships. c.General media coverage and representation of men’s and women’s sport. There are a range of ways to successfully answer the question, but as a guide, a good answer will be expected to: Consider what gender discrimination is and critically discuss it using supporting evidence (Unit 8). Consider the impact of the broader media on sports coverage and representation (Unit 9). Consider whether there are media examples that challenge stereotypical gender norms in sport (Unit 10). Consider whether any gender-related power imbalances (e.g. pay, coaching positions) are reflected in the media’s coverage and representation of women in sport, sports coverage and reporting (Unit 11). Answer the question, i.e. critically discuss the view that gender discrimination exists in sport. Use a range of supporting references.

Globalization driving policy convergence

Globalization driving policy convergence

Thomas hirschborn  I included the screenshot of how the research paper is suppose to be done but just in case here it is again: For your final you will do a research paper on any artist we have discussed in this course. You must choose an artist either mentioned in the book or in an assignment from me. The research paper should include a short biography, an overview of the artist’s work and themes, and an investigation of their best known works. I invite you to include your own thoughts and opinions as well, but there should be a good amount of research evident in the final paper. The paper should be a minimum of 1000 words, and should have at least three citations from three different sources. The text book and Wikipedia do not count towards these three sources. You are required to have a works cited page and to use standard citation rules. If you fail to include proper sources, your grade will reflect that.

Simulate the angle changing by Performing Monte Carlo Simulation

Simulate the angle changing by Performing Monte Carlo Simulation

writer can you please write a report about changing angles of the target when it get photons so the target get diffrent energy as the result what we get it from monte carlo simulation i use Geant 4 to bult my model and it was work as simulation results so please can you flow this introduction background and context statment of problem what we doing why itis important overview of approach then related work (literure reviow) talk a little about Geant 4 program and Monte carlo simulation descrition of simulation modle result talk about spectra plote peak amplitude as a function of offset angle