Influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan

Influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan

“The influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan”

The paper is going to be about “The influence of Buddhism in Edo period in Japan”. I already wrote a rough draft which is 5 pages of first insight. I would like you to add more detail on this paper such as

1, More direct and clear thesis statement on first paragraph. And explain what is the main idea of this essay.

2, Little bit more detail in introduction.

3, More detail info of relationship between Ukiyoe and Buddhism in Main body 1. (further more info of Buddhism perspective required)

4, More detail info of relationship between Haiku and Buddhism (I want to including the topics of dharma and karma. If its hard to add on this paragraph, you can add on different part of essay.)

5, More detail and clear conclusion on the last paragraph. I am international student so please be aware not using difficult and professional term on this essay. But it does not have to be too basic.

Sources have to be from academic article, please use any type of academic article if you needed. I need to submit total 9-10 pages so please add 4-5 pages as a final version of essay.

Professionalism and social media

Professionalism and social media

Professionalism and Social Media Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates. Inappropriate or unethical conduct on social media can create legal problems for nurses as well as the field of nursing. Login to all social media sites in which you engage. Review your profile, pictures and posts. Based on the professional standards of nursing, identify items that would be considered unprofessional and potentially detrimental to your career and that negatively impact the reputation of the nursing field. In 500-750 words, summarize the findings of your review. Include the following: 1. Describe the posts or conversations in which you have engaged that might be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing. 2. Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing at work and in their personal lives. Include discussion of how personal conduct can violate HIPAA or be considered unethical or unprofessional. Provide an example of each to support your answer. 3. Based on the analysis of your social media, discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals. Describe areas of your social media activity that could be improved. 4. Write a one-page double spaced introductory cover letter in which you explain your professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths as an applicant. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance PLEASE MAKE THE COVER LETTER IN A SEPARATE PAGE.

Comparing Female Video and Film Stars

Comparing Female Video and Film Stars

Comparing Female Video and Film stars using Laura Mulvey’s concept of the Male Gaze

Description Introduction, Chapter 1 – Defining Laura Mulvey’s concept of the ‘Male Gaze’. Chapter 2 – A Historical comparison of the images of Lady Gaga and Marilyn Monroe, how far have we come? Chapter 3 – Define historical contexts Marlin Monroe, and Lady Gaga. Conclusion. List of Images. Bibliography. Please feel free to amend the text that is provided but please take account of the audio files as well.

Personal Wellness Reflection Essay

Personal Wellness Reflection Essay

PERSONAL ASSESSMENT PAPER Your final assignment is a Personal Assessment Paper. This is to be an integrative paper summarizing and synthesizing what you learned from the personal wellness assessments you completed during the semester and from tracking your behavior on My Fitness Pal. The paper will include an overview each assessment, report of your outcome, reflection on what you learned and why it is important, and a summary of how this will influence your future actions. This paper must be substantive in depth and personal in nature. It should have an introductory paragraph, a paragraph for each assessment topic, a summary paragraph stating personal insights and future plans. This paper must be more than 10 pages in order to cover all the assignments adequately. You will submit your paper to the course dropbox BEFORE the due date and time. All submissions should be .doc or .docx. (If I cannot open the document, the grade will AUTOMATICALLY be a 0.) Please do not submit jpg, gif or .pages. It is recommended that you use to check your grammar and spelling. Proofread ALL of your papers before submitting. Check the rubric at the end of these instructions for the order of paragraphs, as points WILL be deducted for not following ALL the instructions. PAPER OVERVIEW Please use the Number and Name of each Assessment as a Subheading for each paragraph. First Paragraph (or more): Introduction to Wellness: what does wellness mean to you and why is it important. Paragraphs 2 – 20: Personal Outcomes and Reflections from EACH Assessment Overview of each assessment, report of outcomes and personal reflections/implications for EACH ASSESSMENT including one paragraph summarizing NUTRITION outcomes from My Fitness Pal and one paragraph summarizing PHYSICAL ACTIVITY outcomes from My Fitness Pal. This is the main body of paper, at least one strong paragraph (>3 sentences) must be devoted to each assessment topic and each paragraph should include….. a. Subheading: Name of the Assessment b. Overview of assessment: explain purpose and why the topic is important c. Report of your personal outcomes on each assessment d. Identification of personal strengths/weaknesses e. Identification of changes that you could make to improve/enhance Last Paragraph: Summary of what you learned and implications for future actions (final paragraph). This assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your understanding and application of the components of fitness and wellness in your own life. Be sure to retain all of your work throughout the semester, as it will crucial to the writing of your final Personal Wellness Reflective Paper. Overview, outcomes and reflections of the following assessments MUST be included 1.2 (p. 36) Wellness Lifestyle Questionnaire 1.4 (p. 43) Resting Heart Rate and Blood Pressure 1.5 (p. 44) Dimensions of Wellness – Setting Your Goals 10.1 (p. 384) Self-Assessment Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factor Analysis 12.1 (p. 454) Stress Events Scale 12.2 (p. 459) Stress Vulnerability Questionnaire 2.1 (p. 53) Exercising control over Your Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment 2.3 (p. 75) Setting SMART Goals MFP My Fitness Pal – Nutrition Outcomes 4.2 (p.160) Disease Risk Using Waist Circumference and BMI MFP My Fitness Pal Physical Activity – Outcomes 6.2 (p.234) Exercise Readiness Questionnaire 9.1 (p. 334) Personal Reflection on Exercise and Exercise Enjoyment 9.2 (p. 373) Personal Fitness Plan 11.1 (p. 433) Are You Taking control of Your Lifestyle to Prevent Cancer? 11.12 (p. 435) Assessing Your Risks for Cancer 13.1 (p. 487) Addictive Behavior Questionnaire 13.2 (p. 502) Alcohol Use Questionnaire 15.1 (p. 546) Life Expectancy and Physiological Age Prediction Questionnaire

Analysis of Financial Statements

Analysis of Financial Statements

Analysis of Financial Statements  ACC 610 Milestone TwoGuidelines and Rubric This is the secondof three milestone assignments that will lead to completion of your course project. In this assignment, you will complete Critical Element II:Analysis of Financial Statements. Recall that,due to the sequencing of content for the modules, the critical elements are being prepared out of order. For the complete sequence, see theACC 610 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

This milestone addresses the following course outcomes:

Analyze results of consolidated financial statements for informing internal and external users of financial statements

Analyze financial statement accounts using assertions related to the recognition, measurement, valuation, calculation, presentation, and disclosure of financial information for their accuracy and reliability Continue to work with the company you chose to use in building your portfolio. For detailed instructions, see the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:II. Analysis of Financial Statements: For this milestone, you will continue to develop material to be included in your financial analysis paper. You will need to research your chosen company and obtain the last few years (at least two) of financial statements (information that is available to the public online) in order to answer the following questions:

A. Based on the information that you have gathered, explain the changes in financial ratios. Has anything changed in the few years of financial statements that you have obtained? What are the reasons for these changes?

B. Based on the information you have gathered, analyze the changes in the financial reports regarding cash. Be sure to examine the statement of cash flows. What are the reasons for these changes?

C. Based on the information you have gathered, analyze the changes in the financial reports regarding the accounts receivable account balance. What are the reasons for this changes’

D. Describe the type of inventory valuation method that your company uses and explain why it uses this method. What are the benefits of this method?

E.Based on industry trends, future plans of your company, and the information you have gathered, predict how your company will perform in the following year compared to competitors. Guidelines for Submission: Prepare your paper using Microsoft Word. It should be 2 to 3 pages in length, not including the cover page and reference page. Follow APA formatting guidelines using appropriate headings, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Support your arguments with at least three peer-reviewed sources cited in APA format.

Monomyth tribulations and obstacles that a character

Monomyth tribulations and obstacles that a character

The Monomyth is a popular formula used in many modern movies, like Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, and Harry Potter. It outlines a series of trials, tribulations, and obstacles that a character must endure on their journey or quest. The following articles outline The 17 Stages of the Monomyth For your assignment, you will choose / create / imagine a character and run them through various stages of the monomyth. You may use yourself as the lead character; i.e. you may use your real life as the monomyth, or make it up, creatively. You may also make it based on a person in history, whether a family member OR a celebrity. You may NOT use a movie or book or television show.

Consumer Genetic Testing

Consumer Genetic Testing

Description My project consists of 3 parts – a leaflet, questionnaire and an essay. I need help writing the essay component of my project. I had to create a leaflet regarding direct-to-consumer genetic testing, focusing on 23&me and I also had to create a questionnaire about people’s attitudes towards these services/publicly available genetic information. I asked for individuals to complete a questionnaire before and after reading the leaflet provided and collected the resultant data. I then had to write a 3000 word essay on ‘Publicly available genetic information: health’ incorporating analysis of the data I have collected. A rough plan I have followed: – Start by explaining what DTC genetic tests are – What do they tell you about in terms of health – Talk through pros then cons of genetic testing relating to health including those that are in the leaflet – Conclusion about whether the information provided by these tests should be publicly available/whether DTC tests are beneficial – I need you to refer back to relevant parts of the data in essay/comment on/analyse the data —> some examples: could mention how people mainly reported that they would not consent to their data being used in research, perhaps limiting the benefit of DTC genetic testing in contributing to research; most responders would be more willing to know if they were at increased risk of developing a certain condition if it was curable – this emphasises how an important motivation for individuals purchasing DTC genetic tests is the potential improvement in outcome of diseases; most people would go to a genetic counsellor to have their results explained which is important in terms of confirmation of results and support for the patient. I think the leaflet and questionnaire should be included in the appendix (not included in word count). I need help with analysing the data from my questionnaires and adding this into the essay where appropriate (data is in a folder on my google drive – link below). I will also need help with the conclusion. I would be happy for any changes to be made to my work so far that you think would benefit the essay. ask support for a link to access the data Our essay was originally described as a ‘3000 word academic essay (word count excludes figure legends and references), which should normally include sections of background, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. This structure is suggestive.’ Thank you so much in advance.

Battle for Post-War Identity Lessons Learned

Battle for Post-War Identity Lessons Learned

Japanese Legacy: A Battle for Post-War Identity This paper asks you to reflect upon the complex legacies of the Japanese empire in Japan after the end of World War II. You should begin by summarizing popular representations of historical memory in Japan as portrayed in three seminal films that we have watched and discussed in this course: Godzilla, Rashomon, and The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On. Having established the subjective parameters of interpretation and degree of willful ignorance exhibited by many parties toward Japan’s former empire after 1945, you should now draw upon the readings and lectures of the final one-third of our course to analyze key contingencies, themes, and alternative paths of development made possible by the fifty years of empire. Ultimately, your goal is to bring your knowledge of the Japanese empire—in all its complexities and ambiguities—to both challenge and test the central premises of the three cinematic representations under consideration. Who is singled out for blame or praise, and why? What has been completely ignored or forgotten? Whose agendas are being served, and how selectively are they being served?

Norton Anthology of African American Literature Book

Norton Anthology of African American Literature Book

For your second formal essay, please chose and respond to one of the following prompts: 1. Write an essay that analyzes the represented strain of characters’ obligation to the (African American) race and obligation to their own personal fulfillment in literature from weeks 8-13 of class, from Passing through A Raisin in the Sun (though you could draw upon Wells’, Washington’s, and/or Du Bois’ work—from Weeks 6 & 7—for historical information and context). Your essay should be guided by a clearly identifiable thesis that organizes and blueprints your argument for your reader(s). In formulating your argument, you may wish to focus on one of the longer prose works, like Passing or “Sonny’s Blues”; or, you could draw upon a number of texts in a comparative analysis. In any event, the essay should incorporate the structure for sound academic writing we have discussed as a class. 2. Write an essay that analyzes the representation of the effect of housing discrimination (against African Americans) on characters’ behavior and viewpoints in literature from weeks 8-13 of class, from Passing through A Raisin in the Sun (though you could draw upon Wells’, Washington’s, and/or Du Bois’ work—from Weeks 6 & 7—for historical information and context). Your essay should be guided by a clearly identifiable thesis that organizes and blueprints your argument for your reader(s). In formulating your argument, you may wish to focus on one of the longer prose works, like “Sonny’s Blues” or A Raisin in the Sun; or, you could draw upon a number of texts in a comparative analysis. In any event, the essay should incorporate the structure for sound academic writing we have discussed in class. Format Requirements Your essay should be 3-4 pages in length (at least 3 full pages, but no more than 4), typed, double-spaced, contain standard 1-inch margins, appear in 12-point font, and adhere to the current requirements for the MLA form of citation. A Note about Research and Incorporating Outside Sources This essay requires no outside research. Instead, you are to craft a text-based essay relating to any of the literature we have read and discussed as a class in weeks 8-13.

Exchange of letters between you and Aristotle

Exchange of letters between you and Aristotle

Write an exchange of letters between you and aristotle. In one letter aristotle will defend his view of virtue as a means which is taught by the law and property as limited and as means to the good life. Then write a response in which you agree or disagree and discuss his views of hierarchies. Both letters should include at least 2 quotes from the reading (listed below) (no footnotes needed) Book Needed ————- Aristotles Politics: Second Edition